Join us for our February Half Term Camp

Kids Camp

Come and join in our range of daily fun and educational activities.

13th – 17th February 2017

8.30AM -12.00PM

For ages 2 – 6 years

$35 per session / $150 for the week (8.30AM-12.00Noon)

Non-Provo Primary children welcome to join us.

Please let us know in advance if you are interested.

Safer Internet Day 2017

safer-internet-day-2017Safer Internet Day 2017 is coming up this week on Tuesday 7th February!

The theme is…’Be the change: Unite for a better internet‘,

At Provo Primary School, the children will be involved in a variety of class and mixed-class activities and will create information posters for parents to see how they have become more aware of the positive and negative aspects of Internet technology and device use.

How will you play your part?  Let’s join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially children and young people.  Click on to see some parent resources…

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Come plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond in Blue Hills

Today is World Wetlands Day (2nd Feb).

Join the DECR team to clean-up and plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond in Blue Hills this Saturday (4th February) at 8am.  All are invited to help conserve this important local wetland habitat.

Two years ago, our School Council joined a team of other local school children to plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond together with Amy Avenant, the DECR Outreach Coordinator.   Last year, our current Year 5s learnt about mangrove habitats, and how they CAN and have to help to conserve these for the future… Why are our mangrove systems so important? How do these work in unison with the coral reefs? And what would happen to our island if the mangroves aren’t protected.  Amy Avenant from DEMA took the children on a trip to the mangrove system on Flamingo Lake. With her expertise guidance, they observed and learnt about these amazing habitats close up.

Please take two minutes to watch the mangrove video below. Filmed in our neighbouring Bahamas, it give us a powerful insight into why we should actively protecting our mangroves here in the Turks and Caicos. Also learn more at

The Beauty of Mangrove Forests

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Provo Public Library Week Celebrates Library Week – 23rd – 27th January, 2017

library week posterThe Turks and Caicos Library Service will be celebrating library week during January 23rd – 27th, 2017 to help promote the programmes and services offered by the organization.

Click here to see a schedule of activities that will be held during that week along with our library week public poster.

Feel free to Stop by and visit the Library during Library week.

For more details, please contact Sharene Gibbs, the Library Assistant at the Provo Public Library on (649) 941-7646

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss.




After School Clubs, Spring Term 2017

after-school-clubs-imageAt the heart of our ambition for Provo Primary School is our commitment to providing the very best for all children to enjoy and achieve. This includes having the widest possible range of opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum.  After-school clubs are a fantastic way of achieving this and we are excited to offer a wide range of clubs, run by teachers, community members and affliated programmes – all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that children have. Activities are designed to be fun and cater for a wide variety of interests and ages.  They are open to both Provo Primary students and community children alike.

The information below outlines all of the school clubs we have available this term, from Journalism, Science and French, to Soccer and Basketball, Art and Design, along with our affliated Provo Performing Arts School’s Dance and Theatre Arts sessions.  We hope you will take time to explore what is on offer and encourage your child to try something new or continue taking part in a firm favourite.

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A Happy New Year Start at Provo Primary

happy-new-year-2017 Happy New Year and welcome back to our Provo Primary Spring Term.  Spending time in all of the classes over these first few days, it has been lovely to feel that sense of ‘happy to be back’, and to see all of the children ‘springing’ into action and quickly settling back to school life and being eager to start new learning topics

It’s a joy to see friends sharing news of the festive holidays, hearing about the gifts given and received and news of holiday travels and family gatherings.

We welcome all of the new families to the school and look forward to getting to know them, along with greeting some returning families who have been away and are now here with us again.

We wish everyone a year of wonderful moments, enriching opportunities, treasured memories and all of the blessings that a heart can know.

Santa Arrives in a blaze of lights and sirens!

santa-dec-2016-1Santa arrived to the joy of all at Provo Primary, in style as usual, on the local fire truck!  Greeting Santa in this way has been a Provo Primary tradition for what we think could be as long as 13 years.  And it is still very much loved by all of today’s students, just as it has been for every year gone by.

We would like to pass on a HUGE thank you to the Turks and Caicos Fire Service for helping out over the years.

Here are some of our youngest students – meeting Santa for the first or second time here at Provo Primary, to our oldest students – for whom this tradition is still very much a special time.



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Provo Primary ‘A Panto Like No Other’ this Friday and Saturday

panto-like-no-other-ticket-image-webTickets are selling fast on Islehelp for our Friday and Saturday performances.

A Panto Like No Other” is a Provo Primary original plot of good versus evil, witty banter and buffoonery and, of course, good eventually conquering all. With an amazing cast, fantastic costumes, incredibly catchy songs and entertaining dances, ‘A Panto Like No Other will make you boo, hiss, laugh and cheer along to this extraordinary trip down memory lane.


As Ms. Alison and Miss Sian prepare to open Provo Primary’s 25th Anniversary Time Capsule containing artefacts from Christmas Shows past, there is a technical hitch. They depart the stage to assist Miss Stef with the lighting in the office. Left to his own devices (and a bit of encouragement from the audience) Elf on the Shelf opens the time capsule, inadvertently allowing the Baddies from Christmas Shows Past to escape, taking with them, all the artifacts.

Devastated that his actions will cause catastrophic effects, he doesn’t quite know what to do, until the wise Provo Primary School Flamingo comes to his rescue. Together, they devise a plan to go back in time to get all the artifacts back.

Unbeknownst to them, the baddies are hot on their trail in a time machine from 2004’s Christmas Show. Fortunately, the goodies, overhearing the baddies’ treacherous plan, decide to use their own special magic to assist Flamingo and Elf along their way.

Will they succeed in getting the artifacts back before Ms. Alison and Miss Sian return or will they remain stuck in the past forever?

A Panto Like No Other – Tickets on Sale!

panto-like-no-other-ticket-image-webYears 1-6 present…

A Panto Like No Other!

Friday 9th and Saturday 10th December

6pm @ Provo Primary School.

Tickets $10 (Children 12 and under free)            

Refreshments on sale.

Come join us for our special 25th anniversary production!

Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp  or in the school office.

Email or call 441 5638 for details.

Tickets on Sale for Early Year Christmas Show

busy-busy-bethlehem-posterProvo Primary School’s

Toddlers and Preschool present a Pre-Show Extravanza…

‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘I Like To Move It’

and our Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Present…

Busy Busy Bethlehem

Wednesday 14th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.

Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)            

Refreshments on sale.

Buy your tickets directly on the IsleHelp App or in the school office.  Email or call 441 5638 for details.

Join us for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party

Christmas Tots Party.jpgCome along to Provo Primary School on Monday 5th December for our Jingle Jam Tots Christmas Party.  4:30-6:30pm.  All families with children 4 years old and under welcome.

Click on the poster for details.








Age of Discoveries topic inspires amazing Home Learning

yr4-explorers-home-learning-nov-2016-3Flamingo Class shared some amazing home learning projects this week, the culmination of their first half-term’s learning on The Age of Discoveries.

Our class knew it all! Children had produced all kinds of projects, including: maps of their routes from between 800-500 years ago, models of the ships used to circumnavigate the globe, a sailor’s diet on board an explorer’s ship, clothing from the period and tales of bravery and treachery!

We spent a lovely morning sharing our new knowledge with each other, our parents and children from other classes. Every new visitor shared in our excitement for this exciting topic and posed even more questions that need an answer.

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Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets on Sale

halloween-flyerpp-2016Remember to get your Provo Primary Halloween Party Tickets!









Is your little chick ready to spread their wings?

flamingo-chicks-postDo you have a young child that you’re interested in starting to introduce to a play-based, social setting?

Why not ‘fly’ down on Friday mornings between 8:30 and 9:30am to one of our Flamingo and Chicks sessions – they’re FREE for all parents and babies/toddlers aged 0-2.

Thinking of enroling your child into our programme?

Take a look at what is happening in our Toddler Class this week by reading their weekly newsletter and seeing their attached photos.

You may also like to watch our Early Years Video below to find out more about what Provo Primary offers and see some of our recent blog posts.

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Provo Primary Halloween Party – 31st October 2016










National Heritage Celebration Salt Cay Candy is Delicious!

Thank you Keno Forbes for bringing in the Salt Cay Candy for us to try today as part of our National Heritage Month Celebration Assembly.  It was a delicious minty flavour and was really chewy!

Watch this video to find out how this special candy is made?

Keno also brought in local sweet potato bread and cream cakes too.  I can’t decide which was my favourite – they were all so good!

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TCI Celebrations tomorrow @ 1:30pm

national-heritage-day-clebrations-assembly-2016Come join Provo Primary’s National Heritage Month Celebrations

 Tomorrow, Friday 14th October @1:30pm

Everyone is invited to join us as our Years 1-6 honour our national songs, tales and dances.  This will be followed by an opportunity to view some Heritage artefacts on display and to sample some local traditional food.

Come join the celebrations!



National Heritage Float Parade

Here are the colourful floats representing Blue Hills and The Bight as they travelled from Grace Bay all the way to Blue Hills in celebration of National Heritage Day today. Great artwork and themes!  The celebration party continues at the Blue Hills Getty throughout the evening. 

Island-wide Celebrations of National Heritage Month 2016

five-cays-tci-flag-float-parade-2016Don’t miss the Provo National Heritage Month Float Parade tomorrow on Monday 10th.

Look out for the creatively decorated floats as they travel from the streets of Grace Bay at 3PM, all the way down to the Getty in Blue Hills.

Click here to find out more about all of the Department of Culture’s events happening across the islands of the Turks and Caicos during National Heritage Month this year.


It’s National Heritage Month – Oct 2016

tci-2016Take a look at how Provo Primary will be celebrating National Heritage Month this year and let us know if you have cultural or heritage knowledge or skills you’d be willing to come in and share with the children:

National Heritage Celebration Assembly

Our Culture, Our Heritage, Our Turks and Caicos”

(Friday 14th October @1:30pm)

Everyone is invited to join us as our Years 1-6 honour our national songs, tales and dances.  This will be followed by an opportunity to view some heritage artefacts on display and to sample some local traditional food.  Come join the celebrations!

Read on to find out more about our ‘Project Fridays’ and ‘Showcase’ afternoon or click on the thumbprint image.

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PTA Community Yard Sale Saturday 15th October

pts-yard-sale-oct-2016Provo Primary is hosting a PTA Community Yard Sale on Saturday 15th October (9-11am).  $25 per table.

Need a clear out?  Then you’ve still got two weeks to sort!

If you would like to reserve a table,  please contact Niki at

At the end of the sale, the Salvation Army will come by and collect any left overs you donate and do not wish to take back home!



After-School Clubs, Autumn 2016

Provo Primary After-school clubs commence on Monday 3rd October.  We are pleased to be introducing a wide range of new and exciting experiences…

Just reading the list inspires and excites: 

Provo Primary Sings, Super Sewing, Let’s visit Europe, Storybook Club, Hockey, Steel Drums and Rugby (with coach Adrian from the TCIRFU).

Such amazing choices – which ones will you choose?

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start – especially if they are continuing on to affiliated Provo Performing Art Clubs.

All payments need to be made  through IsleHelp and should be made in advance, by 9am on Monday 3rd October.

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Year 6 take ‘Footsteps4Good’ to help other children

yr-6-footsteps4good-2016“Great success and a huge shout out to Provo Primary!”

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and all of the supporters who took part in Jill Beckingham’s ‘Footsteps4Good’ charity walk today.

Our Year 6 can all be very proud of the ‘footsteps’ they’ve taken today to make a difference to  children’s lives.

Loose change donations that they collected will go to the local ‘Food for Thought’ charity that aims to ensure all Turks & Caicos Islands school children are nourished and therefore able to reach their full potential. The main focus of the charity at this stage is to provide breakfast to all government school students.

Thank you to everyone for your support.


Welcome Back to the New School Year – Sept 2016

back-to-school-2016We hope that everyone is enjoying the remaining week of their holiday time

We are excited about the start of school and the learning journey ahead here at Provo Primary.  We have some new families joining us this year and we take this opportunity to welcome them all into our community.

Our Open House will be on Tuesday 6th September, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM.

Come along to meet the teachers, see your child’s new classroom, find out more about the year ahead and ask any questions you may have.

School starts Wednesday 7th September at the 8:15 AM.

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Breaking Free from Provo Primary

Our Graduating Class of 2016 performed their last dance on the Provo Primary School stage for us today.

In their time with us they have grown from Provo Primary flamingo chicks to mature fledglings. It is time for them to spread their wings, with the confidence to know that they are ready to fly the nest onto adventures new.

‘We’re soarin’, flying
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach

If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free

Year 6, it’s time to ‘Break Free’ from Provo Primary, and continue on your journey to greatness.