It’s ‘Dolphin Week’ next week at Provo Primary and Middle School!

Find out more about our Dolphin Week activities and all about our community friends who will be supporting us in our newsletter.

Each year we dedicate a week to learning about wildlife in our local environment.  Dolphin Week follows on from our successful Osprey, Shark, Dolphin and Flamingo  weeks in years past (all corresponding to the names of our classrooms).

This year we will be discovering more about dolphins and learning why they are important in our ecosystem, conservation projects here in the TCI and how we can play a role in their protection and preservation.


Terrific effort in our ‘Bear Hunt’ and ‘Body and Brain Triathlon’ activities

CONGRATULATIONS to every child for their great efforts in our recent “Bear Hunt” and Body and Brain Triathlon challenges.  Throughout the school, the children participated with enthusiasm, energy and mental prowess.

WELL DONE to the teachers for organising and supervising the various activities and to Mr. Toby and our Year 7s for helping to marshal the ‘biking, skating, scootering, running and walking’ challenge.

THANK YOU to all the kind family and community sponsors who have supported the children’s efforts to help raise funds for learning resources which they themselves will benefit from.

And finally, to all the parents who brought bike and scooters to school and to everyone who was able to come along and encourage the children with claps and cheers, your support was MUCH APPRECIATED.

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Complimentary Seminar – Empowering you and your children to Wellness, Success and Happiness …. From the inside out.

We are excited to announce an encore presentation this Wednesday morning of the complimentary seminar…

Empowering you and your children to Wellness, Success and Happiness …. From the inside out.

8:30 – 9:30 AM followed by Q&A / coffee
  • Learn the 5 Steps to Wellness and Success for you and your children
  • Find out the main factor in successfully developing a child’s self-esteem and confidence
  • How to manage stress for both children and parents
  • What is Conscious Parenting and how can I apply it to my family?

Q&A – Bring any questions you have related to managing stress, self-esteem, peak performance!

Meet Your Coach – Lisa Cavender at

Come sit, have a coffee and take up this opportunity… all parents welcome.

“Supporting Maths Learners” Parent information evening

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our “Supporting Maths Learners” information evening. We hoped to give you a practical insight into how we support your children in school as well as share ideas how to support learning at home. The feedback was positive and it was wonderful to see many of the TCI Community College Teaching students attend, developing their learning too.

Thank you for coming.  Click on to see resources shared at the evening… [Read more…]

‘Visual and Hands-On Is Minds-On’ Mathematical Learning

Parents and visitors got the chance to experience our ‘Visual and Hands-On Is Minds-On’ approach to mathematical learning across the school.  Students lead activities to participate in and had the opportunity to speak about and explain their learning. Thank you to all the children and teachers and to everyone who came along.  Watch our 2 minute movie to see the highlights. [Read more…]

Today is Commonwealth Day – 2019

Diversity, Equality, Friendship – This year’s theme is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’.

We have a public holiday here in the Turks and Caicos and school is closed.

You may have heard of the Commonwealth Games, AKA ‘The Friendly Games’. A love of sport is just one thing that we all share.  They happen every four years and the next one will be in 2020.

It is not a competition between countries but a chance to inspire each other to greater achievements. It is a chance to meet as well as compete.

The Turks and Caicos first competed in 1978.  Find out more about the Commonwealth Games and our TCI participation at the links below:

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10th March Daylight Saving Time Starts

Remember to turn your clocks forward!

When local standard time is about to reach Sunday, 10 March 2019, 02:00:00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, 10 March 2019, 03:00:00 local daylight time instead.

Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 10 Mar 2019 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening.




It’s ‘Cuisenaire Day’ at Provo Primary

We are all set for an amazing day of maths discovery with our first ‘Cuisenaire Day’.

We look forward to seeing everyone dressed in the colours of the Cuisenaire rods and excited for the all the exploration and challenges that we’ll be doing today.

Not sure what Cuisenaire rods are?  Confused how we can use these manipulatives from PS – Year 7?  See the videos below and come along to our  Open House to learn more on Thursday /Friday. [Read more…]

National Education Week – 3rd – 8th March 2019

National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos will be observed between 3rd – 8th March 2019 under the theme, “Quality Education for Lifelong Learners”. Click on to see how we will be celebrating Education Week a Provo Primary and Middle School.

This year’s theme song for Education Week, Quality Education for All (QEfA)  is written by the Long Bay High School Team – a catchy tune with a great message! Here are the lyrics if you would like to sing along.

Education Week was established more than 29 years ago to call attention to the importance of education and to showcase the talents of TCI teachers and students. During the week, schools throughout the country will host a myriad of activities and the general public is encouraged to join in unity with educators and students in support of the theme.

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World Book Day Celebrations – 2019

At Provo Primary and Middle School, we’re celebrating World Book Day on 1st March – a little early this year as the official day (7th) falls within our Education Week. We’ll begin our activities with our ‘Story Telling’ evening.  The next day, classes will share their favourite stories and join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.  Here are some of our planned events and activities, together with some photos from celebrations in years past:

Story Telling Evening (Thursday 28th February) – 5:30—6:15pm.

Provo Primary Students are invited to return to school in the early evening to listen to tales told by community story teller, David Bowen, teachers and guests. Children are encouraged to come dressed in pajamas, hugging their favourite bedtime cuddly, ready to enjoy the stories as they drink a complimentary glass of milk and munching on a cookie, courtesy of our PPPA.  A wonderful family-friendly event to enjoy!  Volunteer story readers welcome. All children should be accompanied by an adult throughout the evening. Stories start promptly at 5:30pm so plan to arrive in time to pick up your milk and cookie and not miss the beginning!

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Year 5’s Segregation Rap

The Year 5’s topic this half term has been ‘Space and Segregation’.  In this topic the children examine the era of space explorations and the era of expanded civil rights for racial minorities and women, both of which began at the same time in the United States of America (USA) in the 1960s.

Exploring the topic across the curriculum, the Year 5s created this rap as part of their Performing Arts Class with Mrs. Niki.  Both Mrs. Niki and the Year 5 teacher, Miss Cara, have commented on how receptive and passionate the children have been about this part of their topic. To find out more about this topic, please ask a Year 5 to share their learning with you.

Segregation is wrong
Civil rights belong
Judge me by morality
And my personality

We need equality
Let’s change the policy
Do it now
Ask me how

We’ll be together all the way
We’ll work as one
Until it’s done

MLK he marched for us
And Rosa didn’t move to the back of the bus
Now today here we stand
Black and white
Hand in hand

Written by Year 5
in their Performing Arts Class.
Feb 2019

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9 of our Soccer Superstars head to Florida representing the TCI

Wishing all the best and good luck to all nine of our Provo Primary and Middle School soccer players who are heading to the Weston Cup Tournament in Florida tomorrow as members of the TCIFA teams.

Being a small country with a small pool of players, the TCIFA rely greatly on these tournaments to assist in the development of their players. These tournaments provide an opportunity for our young players to compete at a very high level in various age group games and we fully support our students participation.

As the largest Youth Football tournament in Florida and one of the biggest in the United States, the Weston Cup is one of the premier football tournaments in the United States attracting from teams within and outside the United States. This includes teams from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Today is Safer Internet Day – 2019 – how you will help to create a kinder online community?

Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to talk to your family and friends about the safe, responsible and positive use of technology, and to pledge how you will help to create a kinder online community.

What we’ll be doing at school… Celebrating Safer Internet Day today, children across our primary and middle school will be taking part in lessons which aim to help young people understand how to keep themselves and others safe and happy online.  Plan to stay a few minutes at pick up today to see some of the activities they’ve been engaged in. We are also arranging for a community police person from the TCIPF to come and talk with our older students this week, as part of their countrywide online safety tour.

What you can do at home… To help you talk to your children at home about having a positive and safe time online, here is a link to some resources for parents and carers, including conversation starters, a fact-sheet, a family pledge card, videos and more!  Or simply try helping your children develop four critical skills – the 4Rs of online safety:

  • Respect– I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated
  • Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong
  • Reasoning – I question what is real
  • Resilience – I get back up from tough situations

Latest research – Giving and receiving consent in an online context… For Safer Internet Day 2019, the UK Safer Internet Centre has launched a report into young people’s experiences of asking for, giving and receiving consent in an online context.  Read a quick summary of the research here. [Read more…]

World Wetland Day 2019 – Saturday 2nd Feb

Every year, on the 2nd of February, we celebrate World Wetlands Day (WWD).

The DECR would like to invite you to celebrate the 6th annual Turks & Caicos Islands, World Wetlands Day clean-up initiatives,  on Saturday, 2 February, from 07:30 – 09:00am at Wheeland Pond, Blue Hills, Providenciales.

Please take this opportunity to get involved in our local community, to learn about the importance of wetlands and what we can do to protect them in the fight against climate change!

Wetlands are often an undervalued natural resource; however, they are important buffers against the impacts of climate change for a number of reasons.  Watch this video and read on to find out why it’s so fitting for us here in the TCI to recognise this day:

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After-school Clubs – Jan to April 2019

Provo Primary and Middle School after school clubs commence on Monday 14th January.  We are pleased to be introducing a range of new and  previously popular experiences:

Bento Bonanza (Mondays – Yrs 3/4/5/6/7 – Miss Claire Marie)

Ever wondered how to make a Bento Box? Come and join this Japanese themed club. Explore all aspects of Japanese graphic art and skills, creating your own Kawaii piece of graphic art; making origami decorations and gifts; and learning various Bento box and sushi making skills.

Steel Drums (Tuesdays – Yrs 5/6/7 – Ms. Alison)

Join the Steel Band, and learn to play the drums and to read basic music notation.

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Happy New Year and welcome to 2019!

Happy New Year to all our students, families, teachers (past and present) and to our many community friends. Wishing you all the best in 2019!

A new year to continue to grow together with new adventures and opportunities, new things to inspire, explore and discover; new perspectives and greater awareness; new fun to have and new memories to be made.We look forward to making 2019 a successful year together!
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”. – Albert Einstein.

Happy Holidays from all at Provo Primary and Middle School

Best wishes to all of our children, parents and community friends.

The holiday spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving.  We hope you enjoy your time with those you care for, doing the things you love to do and that this brings happiness that you pass on to all you meet.

“Above all, bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to all those whose lives you touch… be peace… be a gift to everyone who enters your life, and to everyone whose life you enter.” Neale Donald Walsch

Happy Holidays!

Santa visits bringing gifts of books for all

A HUGE thank you to the fire service for once again bringing Santa to our school, laden with sacks of books for all the children throughout the school.  What a joy to see the smiles on all the children’s faces as each received their gift and got their own special time to sit and chat with Santa.  A lovely way to bring an end to our busy term.

Thank you, Santa!

A big thank you to our elf helpers, including many of our alumni students, to the PPPA for our Turkberry treat and to our Year 3 parents for the much appreciated morning coffee and goodies

A Jingly Jangly Thank You

A great BIG THANK YOU to everyone that attended this years Jingle Jam at Provo Primary School! We had a record turn out and made a fabulous profit that all goes directly back into the Early Years to be spent at the end of the year on extra special goodies to enhance each Child’s fun and learning at school! We couldn’t do it each year with out the amazing help from all the mums and dads of the Early Years and beyond, whether you donated decorations, baked some Christmas treats, did a shift on the bar, simply attended and ate your fair share of mince pies or were part of the truly dedicated team of mums that put the whole event together this year – THANK YOU from myself and from all the kids who will benefit from your Christmas giving spirit! MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone! Cant wait to see you all next year!

Kind regards, Kate Burchill

News Flash: Santa is on his way to Provo Primary!

News from Santa…he is making his way down to Provo in his water sleigh, with JoJo and his friends helping him out!

His flip-flops are polished and his beard shined.
The candy canes are all wrapped and taste tested.

His sleigh is full of books for all the children of Provo Primary.

And he is excited to see everyone!

Once at the dock, the local fire service will drive him to the school in their bright red fire truck.

See you tomorrow, Santa!


It’s Christmas time in the Caribbean…

Our Early years classes from Toddlers to Kindergarten will be entertaining us with festive songs, dances and a show.   Our Toddlers, Preschool and JK will set the festive scene decorating the Christmas tree and hanging up stockings for Santa.  Then our Kindergartners will perform a short play called Clever Cat’s Caribbean Christmas.  It’s a show not to be missed!

Wednesday 12th @ 6pm.

Tickets:  Adult $5 / Children $3 (children 5 and under and cast free)  

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office, email or call 333 5638 after 3pm Tuesday 4th Dec.


Book your seats for Shrek – The Musical JR!

Beauty is in the eye of the ogre in Shrek – The Musical JR., based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film and fantastic Broadway musical. It’s a ‘big bright beautiful world’ as everyone’s favourite ogre, Shrek, leads a cast of fairy tale misfits on an adventure to rescue a princess and find true acceptance.

Friday 7th and Saturday 8th December

6pm @ Provo Primary School.

Tickets:  Adults $10 / Children $5 (Children 5 & under and cast free)            

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office, email or call 333 5638 after 3pm Tuesday 4th Dec.

See a few more of our Year 5 and 6’s amazing poster designs…

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Our Early Years Jingle Jam is this week coming…

Our Provo Primary Early Years families are hosting their annual Christmas Jingle Jam Disco Party for children 5 years and under and their families and friends.

Wednesday 5th December between 5 and 7 pm @ Provo Primary School. 

A wonderful evening for little ones with festive music and dancing, Christmas themed games and crafts, family photo opportunities with Santa.  Mulled wine, mince pies and other festive treats on sale!

All community families are welcome come and join the fun!
Tickets $5 per person (under 1 year olds free!).  All funds raised go towards our Early Years Programme.

Throwback Thursday – Information Talking Texts

Throwback Thursday takes us back to November 2015 when our current Year 6s were in Year 3 learning about rocks. You rocked then guys – and you still do today!

Distillery House Kids Christmas Party

Distillery House presents… An Unforgettable Kids Christmas Party. 

Sunday 2nd December

4-7pm        $5 entry fee

Food and drinks available for purchase. 

Pictures with Santa, X-mas dancing and games, with special performances by Provo Performing Arts and Rocik it Hot Dance Studio students.

100% school fund-raising event.