Congratulations! You’ve Passed!


Two of our teaching assistants, Stevina Hall and Lourissia Garrick graduated this week, passing their Early Childhood Education Higher Level Certificate with flying colours. Congratulations to them both!

Curry Night was HOT!


What better way to raise funds than by enticing people with a good curry and Aqua certainly managed to cook up a feast! Over a hundred people ate, drank and socialized whilst listening to the mellow jazz sounds of Perry and Marvin, otherwise known as the SPICE Boys. Thank you Hannah for organizing this event, which was SPICEifically to raise funds to cool off our JK and K classes. What a FANtastic evening! Thanks everyone for your support.

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Our 2006-2007 Yearbook is Here

And another amazing book it is! Filled with fun, excitement and colour, this year’s book once more makes the grade. Huge thanks go out to Krys Mann for all her energy, enthusiasm and creativity in producing such a work of art.


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Amazing Transformations


Continuing our look at ‘How Things Grow’, the Toddlers have been learning about the amazing transformations which some animals and insects undergo.  They have seen how a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly and how tadpoles grow legs and turn into frogs. We  have looked at the lifecycles of frogs and made our own sparkling ponds by painting paper plates.  There are lots of  great photos of us to see… [Read more…]

An Exciting Lesson in TCI Heritage and Culture


Mr. David Bowen, the Turks and Caicos Islands Director of Culture, visited Provo Primary yesterday to tell the children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 all about our local Turks and Caicos heritage and culture. [Read more…]

School Council Elections

We have decided to start a School Council in order to enable the children to have more of a say in the decision making process and further influence the way that the school develops.


Each class had to choose two children to represent them on the Council and take their views to the meetings.

Click below to see the members of our School Council and the role they have to play.

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Live Jazz and Indian Curry Night


Our last jazz and curry night was a great success.  Tickets sold out fast last time, so be sure to make your reservation as soon as possible.  We look forward to see you all.

An exciting start to the final term!

Our final term this year is proving to be just as exciting, if not more so, than the first two. Already we have had two fantastic Sports Days, trips out of school, visitors into school and the swimming season has started!

With lots more to come, click on the newsletter below to find out more details about what the teachers have planned for the children.

jr-kindergarten.pdf              grade-1.pdf            grade-2.pdf                   grade-3.pdf             grade-4-5.pdf           grade-6.pdf

Sports’ Day – Grades 1 – 6

Following on from the highly successful Kindergarten Sports’ Day, Grades 1 to 6 had their annual Sports’ Day at 4.00pm this afternoon. The children arrived at the Football Field wearing their team colours and competed against each other demonstrating a wide range of skills and a lot of stamina!

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Sports’ Day – Kindergarten

On Thursday 26th April, Kindergarten, JK, Pre-K and Toddlers went to the soccer field to hold their annual Sports’ Day. Most parents and the rest of the school came to watch and support – loudly! We were highly entertained by circle games (with super singing), relay races with puppets and other objects, relay races to ‘make a rainbow’, races balancing beanbags on bats and skipping.

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Most importantly: EVERYONE had a FANTASTIC time!

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100 Today!

As this is our 100th Blog Entry, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and children for the WONDERFUL entries they have done so far.

I have really enjoyed reading and looking at all the fantastic things that you have been doing in school. It makes me feel proud to be a part of something so great. We are very fortunate to have such a special group of people at our school who work so closely together to provide such a stimulating environment for our children to grow.

Well done everyone and continue to make this such a happy place to be and please continue with THE AMAZING BLOGGING!

Brand new interactive technology

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Children at our school now have a brand new learning tool. The school has just installed an interactive whiteboard in the ICT Suite. The special board, linked to a presenter and its own sophisticated software, enables children to interact with it directly rather than through a computer keyboard. This brings a whole new aspect to the children’s learning.

The software also includes a vast array of resources covering all National Curriculum subjects and much, much more.

This is the first interactive board in the Turks and Caicos Islands and we are proud to be bringing the best resources possible to our children. Look out for more exciting information showing how the children are using it.

Friendly Soccer

After school today (Monday) 14 children from Grades 4/5 and 6 made up 2 teams to play soccer against teams from Ashcroft School. Each team played 2 games and seemed to have lots of fun! The final scores were as follows:

Ashcroft ‘A’ – 2  Provo Primary ‘B’ – 0

Provo Primary ‘A’ – 5  Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0

Ashcroft ‘B’ – 0   Provo Primary ‘B’ – 4

Provo Primary ‘A’ – 0   Ashcroft ‘A’ – 0 (2-1 after penalties) 

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Book Swapping

One of the final events in our Book Week was a Book Swap.

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Children brought in a selection of books that they had read several times and then had the opportunity to choose another that was new to them. Hopefully many children went home with another exciting read!

More Book Buddies at Provo Primary School

Yesterday, the Grade 1 and 3 got together to share and read books together. The Grade 3s read popular picture books to the Grade 1s and in return, the Grade 1s read their reading books to them. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to our next reading buddy time.


Click here to see more pictures and to read comments that the children made…

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Book Buddies

On Thursday, the older children were ‘book buddies’ for the younger ones: this meant that they chose a book that younger children might like, read it so as they knew what it was all about, then shared it with some younger children (remembering to use expression and to let them see the pictures).

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Let me tell you a story . . .

Our highly successful Book Week continued tonight when the children returned to school at 5.00pm dressed in their nightclothes and clutching their cuddlies to hear some stories.


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The second day of Book Week saw the children of Provo Primary taking part in the annual Bike/Walk-a-thon! Great fun was had by all and the children really tried their best to complete as many laps as they could in 30 minutes.

View Grade 1 – 6 Slideshow     View Kindergarten Slideshow

                           View Pre-School Slideshow

The money raised will purchase much needed books for the school. So a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who has supported or will be supporting the school in this fantastic fundraising event!

We have lots of activities planned as part of Book Week, so keep checking the Blog to see what we have been getting up to!

“TV. If children are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they’ll have with twenty-six. Open your child’s imagination. Open a book.”

Books come to life to start Book Week at our school

Book Week 2007 started today with over a hundred characters from different books visiting the school!

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The children (and staff) came to school dressed as a character from a book they had read. Many of the children went to great lengths to depict their character with costumes, face paints and often props!

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A busy time of year

This half term is going to be very exciting and productive with many activities scheduled to enhance the children’s learning. Some classes have already had visitors in school and others have been on visits to local venues.
Click on the different newsletters to see what each class has planned.

Click here to see some of the whole school events planned.

Events for Feb-March

Miss Myrna’s After-School Club

  • Do you have to work until 5.00PM and need someone reliable to look after your child after school?
  • Do you have to stay late at the office once in a while?
  • Do you sometimes get caught up doing something important and can’t be at school right at 3PM?
  • Let your child come and have fun with Miss Myrna doing crafts, outdoor play, homework, computers or just relaxing in our air-conditioned soft play room.
  • Miss Myrna runs the club four days a week (NOT THURSDAYS) for just $40
  • If you need just one day, once in a while the price is $15 per session.

Spaces are limited, so hurry and sign your child up today for regular after school care, or call to check on availability if you need emergency care.

Call Miss Myrna on 342 1416 or 243 0600 or the school on 941 5638.

From New York to Provo Primary

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Greg Askins, the renowned classical guitarist, dropped in to share his talent with the children last Thursday. He was in TCI on holiday but still found time to come to school to talk and play to grades 3 – 6. It was fascinating to hear him speak about his career as a soloist and as part of the duo Nylon Wound. Best of all,though, was listening to him playing the guitar. He played several pieces; explaining about their composers and the historical context.

Click on the slideshow to see and hear more. Music to our ears

Raising Small Souls – Celebrating Individuality

animalschoolkangarooa160207.jpgWith an up-coming week of parent/teacher conferences, a link to the thought-provoking movie “Animal School” by ‘Raising Small Souls’ serves as a great reminder to us all, that children each have different needs and learning styles and should each be appreciated, loved, and encouraged for their individuality. Developing a strong partnership between home and school is fundemental to this, as together we strive to nurture and develop each child’s inherent abilities and emerging strengths.


‘Be inspired by its message of individuality, feel awestruck by the stunning photography, and relax as you listen to the soothing music.’

Visit and discovered an informative and encouraging web site that offers practical parenting tips, advice, articles and inspirational words. It’s well worth a look!

Say Cheese!

school-photo-060207.jpgHave you ordered your school photos yet? The final date for orders is Friday 16th February.

You can view all the photos at Tropical Imaging, using the event code password on the order form that was sent home last week. Drop into the office and pick up an extra copy if you need one.

Once again, a big thank you to Tropical Imaging for their continued support and amazing photography!

Last year, Tropical Imaging raised over $400 for the school through the photos, and this went towards some much-needed computer equipment. This year, with more pupils, they are aiming for more, as well as donating a matching amount to their chosen charity – UNICEF.

So be sure to have ordered all the photos you wish, knowing that your support will help ‘let there be “real smiles” everywhere!’

Healthy Eating, Happy Children

Children at Provo Primary are encouraged to be happy and healthy at all times. At break time children should have a ‘healthy snack’.

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As well as contributing to keeping children healthy and fit, a healthy snack could also help increase their concentration and therefore assisting learning.

Click on the link to see our healthy snacks:

healthy snacks

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