Keeping Healthy Week – March 2012

This week is ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ and our focus has been on ‘Being Active as a Family’, promoting and celebrating family involvement in physical activity. 

Between school, home and the community, we work as a team.  At school, we strive to play our part by promoting and providing opportunities for active playtime and lunchtime activities every day, together with two P.E. lessons each week.  This week we also included two ‘Walk to School’ events and a ‘Wake-up, Shake-up’ fitness session which families were encouraged to participate in. Thanks Jo for leading this – the children loved it!.  We also had our Early Years Sports Day.

We recognise that many of our Provo Primary families lead active lifestyles.  We hope that all families have chosen to use this week at home to celebrate their achievements, explore new ideas and see how they can further encourage healthy life choices for all their family to add to the physical activities encouraged during a child’s school day.  Click on ‘read more’ to see photos highlighting our school events. [Read more…]

Our New Tetherball is a Smash Hit!

Our new tetherball has been an instant hit with our Key Stage 2 children.  Click ‘read on’ below to see a movie and some photos of us in action.  Here are some comments the children had to say about the new tetherball…

“It really keeps you active and was really fun”…  “A whole body workout!”…”It was hard to get the ball to the other side” .. “I like the thought of girls versus boys”… “It’s a game of healthy competition and very active”… “Its an anybody’s game.  Anyone can win!”
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Ambulance Visits Provo Primary!

The Junior Kindergarten are learning about community helpers, but when the Turks and Caicos Emergency Medical Service crew came to show them their emergency response vehicles, the sirens alerted the whole school of their presence and every class came out to have a look.

A big thank you to the crew for showing the children the inside of an ambulance and telling them about how some of the equipment is used, and for talking about the responsibilities of being a paramedic.

Click on ‘read more’ to see more photos but do not panic!  Mr. Toby wasn’t really injured.  He was simply volunteering to demonstrate how people are secured to the stretcher.  Two of the children in his class then gave careful instructions on how to raise the stretcher and move him into the ambulance. [Read more…]

Education Theme Week, 2012

This week is National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos.

We are having a Theme Week with each class exploring the topic – ‘A Day in the Life of…’

Click on the image to the left to see details of what each class will be doing.

Children will be dressing up as a character related to their topic on Friday. Classes will share their costumes with each other on the stage at 8:45AM during a “Dress-up Parade’.

On Friday afternoon we will be having an ‘Open House’.  Come and tour the school and visit each class to discover new facts and to participate in a variety of interesting activities.

Be sure to mark your diaries and come visit us for the ‘Dress-up Parade’ at 8:45AM and the ‘Open House’ between 2:30 and 3:00PM.

Taking Ownership of the Library!

Inspired by lots of newly bought fiction books and our computer system needing updating, a chance to make a change and take ownership of the how the library is organised was seized by KS2 children this week.  Discussion, debate, research and lots of sorting occurred as the children worked together to re-organise all the fiction books from the library shelves into their respective genres, during World Book Day Celebrations last week.

“It felt good to work together to organise the library”…”I like how the different genre stickers will help me find the sort of books I’m interested in”…”I think our new library looks bright and colourful”.

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Family Skate Night

The goal was ‘a good old family night out’ and around 150 skaters and non-skaters alike agreed that this was successfully achieved, all having great fun at our PTA’s first annual ‘Family Skate Night’.

“It was wonderful to see all ages (ranging in age from 3 to 50+) from Provo Primary and the local community, joining together to party the night away,” commented Haley, one of the organisers.

Many of the older generation found themselves being taken back to the roller-disco times of their youth – although in those days, the skates looked a little different!  A few were even seen holding hands as they circled the rink together!

Well done to an excellent team of parents for putting on this much enjoyed event.  After such success, perhaps we now just need to change the annual bit, to termly – or perhaps add in a parent roller-disco revival night!

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Congratulations – 500 today!

Congratulations to all our teachers over the years – this is our 500th blog entry!

We are very proud of our blog and how we have kept adding to it over the past five and half years.  It offers an insight to our school in action, following our children as they progress through the school and highlighting our varied and inspiring activities.  We hope you enjoy seeing all the photos and videos and that you find it helpful in giving you access to all the latest school information.

PTA’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”

Please join us for Provo Primary’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”
Next week – Friday 24th February
5:30-7:00pm @ the Graceway Sports Centre
$10 admission for Sk8’ers / $5 admission for Non-Sk8’ers / Children under 3 free
Raffle Ticket included with purchase!

School Lunch Menu

Our school lunch menu form for Monday 20th February – Thursday 29th March, 2012 is now available.
If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image.  Download, complete and return the form, together with payment by Monday 20th February.  Forms are also available in the office.
Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

Year 4 Investigate if all 3d Cube Nets make a Cube

In our Year 4 Maths group we discovered that you can make many different net arrangements with six 2d squares, but are they all nets that all fold into a 3d cube?  We decided to investigate this further.  We used square tiles and masking tape to create each net and then tried to fold them up.  We started to find that we were getting better at visualizing the net being folded up and could make pretty accurate predictions about which nets would or wouldn’t make a cube before we tested them.  If you would like to have a go, try our worksheet and test the nets yourself.  We also investigated dice nets.  You can have a go at arranging the numbers on the dice net that we found most challenging here.

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Year 6’s Whoopie-Pie and Other Baked Goodies

Well done to the girls who took the turn to host the Year 6 baked goodie table at our yard sale this morning. There were homemade brownies, Biscotti, cakes and irresistible whoopie pie treats together with fresh coffee and homemade lemonade  to tempt the hungry bargain hunting crowd.  The Year 6 are raising funds for an end of year residential trip and certainly will have made some well earned money this morning, I’m sure.

Thank you to all the children and parents that helped with baking and supporting this venture.  Yum, Yum!

Bargains at the PTA Yard Sale

As the clock struck 9am, a large crowd of eager buyers surged into the school grounds, where an expectant 20 vendors posed ready for the buying rush ahead.  There certainly were bargains galore at today’s PTA Yard Sale, with both sellers and buyers happy with their earned cash and new items to take home.  With household goods and food, to toys and clothes on sale, our Provo Primary School yard sale is always a big hit with our local community.  Look out for our next one later in the year.  Thank you to our PTA volunteers for their work in organising this event.  The money raised will help go towards our PTA Egg Hunt later this term which the children look forward to each year.

Fantastic Scholastic – January 2012

There was great excitement at the end of school today.  Our latest PTA Scholastic book order (totaling 303 books) had arrived and there was a reading buzz in the air as families collected their new books.  Some children were so excited they just couldn’t wait to get started and, finding a place to perch in the playground, they delved into their new books right there and then.

The Scholastic International School Book Club has been a fantastic opportunity to promote and celebrate children’s reading at the school. Every 3 months children can choose and order from a fantastic range of  books from around the world.  As an extra bonus, our school earns 20% of the total order value back in FREE books!  It’s a win, win all around!

Many thanks goes to our PTA volunteers who run this fantastic reading club. Click on to see more photos.

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Spelling Bee 2012 – Head to Head

This week, two children from Year 5 and 6 went head to head in a mini Spelling Bee to decide who will represent Provo Primary at the upcoming Turks and Caicos National Primary School Spelling Bee in February.  Inviting in Mrs. Robinson, our Government Education Officer, to lead the competition, she followed the protocol of a real Spelling Bee,  giving the two boys some increasingly difficult words to spell.   It was a very close match between the boys, but after 5 rounds a winner was decided, by a few points. Congratulations to both boys who have worked extra hard, learning some very tricky words and a big thank you to their parents for all their support.  The boys should be very proud of their efforts.   We wish our representative (pictured left in the photo) the best of luck in the upcoming Spelling Bee .

School Newsletter January, 2012

Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming events, PTA news and details of our PE Curriculum this term.

Click here to see all of our January Class Newsletters.

Our New Basketball Hoop

We would like to pass on a ‘HUGE’ thank you to parents Ted and Dale for putting up our new school basketball hoop.

The hoop has the ability to go up and down, so all ages can enjoy playing with it positioned at an appropriate height.

It’s a big hit with the children.  So much so, in fact, that the School Council decided to create a timetable to allow all the classes to have their own time on the court. It seems to be working out really well and everyone agrees this is fair.

With basketball included in our PE lessons this term, it’s a great opportunity to put in some extra practice time.  Please remember that our Years 3-6 will be showcasing their basketball skills in a mini tournament at 9 AM on Thursday 29th March at the Sports Centre.  We hope to see you there.
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New After-School Clubs (16th January to 19th March 2012)

New After-school Clubs are filling fast so download your registration forms and join in the fun!

Choose from ‘Steel Drums’, ‘Soccer’, ‘Computers’, ‘Glee’ and our ‘Bit of Everything’ clubs. We also offer ‘Homework’ clubs for children in Years 3-6.  Find out more about all our clubs by clicking the image on the left.

Children from the community are also most welcome to participate in our club programme so do send a link to any friends that you think might be interested.

Also, let us know if you have a talent or hobby and would like to be a part of our after-school club at the school.

Class Newsletters – January 2012

Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest newsletters.

Happy New Year and Welcome Back

Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world).

‘We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called “Opportunity” and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.’ Edith Lovejoy Pierce.

Santa Visits us for Christmas 2011

Tradition continued this year with Santa arriving at Provo Primary School on a fire truck.  “Sleighs don’t work without ice!” explained a little boy, “and a fire truck is red like his sleigh.”  Santa always knows that we love reading at Provo Primary School, so he brings all the children a book as a special gift. Many thanks to Santa and his helpers at the Fire Department for taking time from their busy schedules to pay us a visit.  You made many boys and girls very happy today. Read on to see photos of Santa’s visit…

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Dancing Santa’s, 2011

Dancing Santa 2011 Turks and Caicos from Brilliant by Tropical Imaging on Vimeo.

Each year, Brilliant by Tropical Imaging create a much enjoyed ‘Santa Dancing -TCI Happy Holidays’ video featuring lots of local businesses.  This year they invited the children and staff of Provo Primary to join in the fun. There’s nothing quite like an early morning boogie, dressed in Santa hats and sunglasses, as a start to your school day! Many thanks and lots of holiday cheer to everyone at Brilliant by Tropical Imaging.

Festive Music Performance

Our beginner guitarist and talented steel drum players entertained everyone at the end of the day with a festive concert. Good luck to our steel band, along with our many dancers, who will be performing at the Turks and Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF) Christmas Concert on Saturday.
Read on to hear more Steel Drums…‘I Feel Good’ and ‘When You Wish Upon a Star’… [Read more…]

Christmas Lunch Celebrations, 2011

All the children gathered together today for a special Christmas lunch  – a yummy feast with turkey, potatoes, carrots and broccoli.  To celebrate this occasion, the children made festive hats and place mats.  These girls made snowmen place mats – snowmen in the Turks and Caicos?

A big thank you to Robin and his staff at ‘Pizza, Pizza’ for your hard work cooking our school lunches every day.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Robin for donating cookies for all the children at their end of term performances.

Year 4’s Pizza Fractions

Year 4 recycled pizza boxes and scrap paper to make a game that would help them to learn about fractions. Each child created pizzas cut into a variety of number of slices.  In the game, the children matched mixed number and improper fraction cards to the pizzas that showed these fractions.  Some of the cards were equivalent fractions so the children had to imagine cutting or combining slices to match them.  This game certainly got the children thinking and learning lots about fractions.  It also got everyone feeling hungry – especially for pizza!

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Tickets on Sale for our End of Term Shows

Tickets will be on sale tomorrow for our end of term shows.  We look forward to seeing you there.