Smiles all around as Santa arrives at Provo Primary

Hip Hip Hooray!  We are feeling blessed that Santa once again journeyed far from the cold North Pole to the warmth of TCI to come and visit us all here at Provo Primary today.  In true Provo Primary tradition he arrived at the school on a fire truck with horns blazing and lights flashing, greeted by cheers and smiles from all the children.

Santa certainly seemed as if he was in the holiday spirit donning his bright red flip flops!  Perhaps he is planning to put on his red board shorts and head to the beach!  He definitely deserves a cooling off after two and half hours of gift giving in his winter suit in this heat!

Thank you Santa.  Your gifts of a book for each and every child, and a chance to share a special one-to one moment with you was much appreciated and enjoyed.

See you next year, Santa!

Our 2012 Christmas Shows are a Smash Hit!

Provo Primary School is renowned in the community for putting on amazing Christmas productions and this year’s shows once again lived up to our great reputation.

On Friday and Saturday night, stories as old as time and as wise as ever were brought together in a magical musical production that enchanted ,educated and entertained our community as they watched the children perform Aesop’s Funtastic Fables.

On Wednesday night Provo Primary Early Years department put on their Christmas Extravaganza.

Please enjoy our wonderful slideshow of the two shows and relive the spectacular evenings over and over again!

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Senior Steel Band Christmas Medley, 2012

Children, parents and visitors enjoyed a selection of music on our steel drums this afternoon, played by our Junior and Senior Bands and our Year 5/6 class.  We hope you enjoy the movie above of our Senior Band performing a Christmas medley.  You sound great guys!

If you would like to hear more, the children will be playing at the TCFAF Christmas Party on Saturday at Brayton Hall at 3:00 PM.  We hope to see you there!

Mmmm… Christmas Lunch was Delicious

If we weren’t already excited about Christmas approaching and Santa’s visit tomorrow, our delicious Christmas lunch certainly got us all in the festive spirit.  Thank you Robin and all your staff at Pizza Pizza.  Your roast turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing, broccoli, peas, carrots, cranberry sauce and cookie dessert were all truly scrumptious!

Our Toddler Class’ First Open House

Our Toddler Class had its first Open House this week.  The class started in September and has been immensely popular with children and parents alike. Parents came along to the Open House and enjoyed a morning of activities and fun together with their child, finding out a bit more about what happens during our toddler sessions.

Things started with a circle time of songs and action rhymes.  The children have been learning baby sign language and the children’s knowledge and growing confidence in using this was very apparent throughout the session.  Everyone then explored the classroom together and got to do an art activity together – hand printing is a toddler favourite!  Each family then shared a time together with their child’s portfolio of art creations they have done.  Finally there was a picnic and play.  Everyone had a great time learning more about our toddler class  and it was a lovely opportunity for families to meet with each other and connect.

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PTA Soccer Club is a Great Success!

We would like to express a big thank you to parent volunteers Jen, Janine and Zoe for running an after-school soccer club this term for our younger children aged between 3-6 years old.  The club has been hugely popular, has done a fantastic job of developing the children’s ball skills and, above all, it has been lots of fun for all involved.

Funds raised by the club are being used to purchase new soccer balls for the club and school to use in the new year.  Thank you everyone!

Look out for soccer clubs next term that will cater for this age group again and also for children aged  between 7 – 11 years old.

Tickets on Sale for our End of Term Shows – Dec 2012

Tickets are on sale for our end of term shows…

Years 1 – 6 present… Aesop’s Funtastic Fables on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th Dec 2012 @ 6:00 PM.  $5 admission (children under 12 free)

Toddlers, Preschool, JK and K present… Christmas Extravaganza on Wednesday 12th  Dec 2012 @ 5:30 PM. $3 admission (children under 12 free)

Refreshments available on all show nights.

Come and joins us for a night or two of entertainment.  Members of the community are very welcome to join us.  Call 441 5638 for tickets.

Our Garden Donations are Keeping us GrOwING!

Our school garden is thriving at the moment thanks to some generous donations, community helpers and our very keen and green fingered gardening club.

The gardening clubs is a self-formed group of children, mainly from Year 3 and 4.  Under the guidance of parent helper, Catherine, they work in the garden every Tuesday, sowing, weeding, pruning and replanting.  They also tend to the garden every day during their play times and lunch times.  They certainly are a dedicated bunch and their hard work is certainly paying off!

Many thanks goes to Maria and Jim for donating two banana plants from their garden this week.  We have successfully grown bananas before and look forward to these flourishing and supplying us with some delicious bananas in the future.

We have also had kind donations of some herbs and tomato seedlings from Island Fresh Produce, our local hydroponic farm.

Why not step into our garden on your next visit to the school?  We would be happy to show you around.  Click on to see some photos of our gardening club members and our growing produce. [Read more…]

Beautiful By Nature – For Generations to Come

Provo Primary School are thinking about what ‘Beautiful by Nature, protected by us’ means to them. The National Trust and Turks and Caicos Conservation Society have asked schools – how can we conserve our island for generations to come?

What does the slogan mean to you?  Read on to find out how each class in our school have expressed their ideas through art and writing.





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School Council Bonfire Night Party a Roaring Success!

On 5th November, children and parents of Provo Primary School celebrated Bonfire Night…Provo-style! This year’s School Council had decided that they would love to organise a bonfire party on the beach – and what better occasion was there for it than Bonfire Night?! The event was attended by many families from across the school. As people arrived, everyone was interested to look at the two Guy Fawkes models placed carefully on top of the unlit bonfire! Just like Bonfire Night celebrations held across the United Kingdom on the 5th November, our own Provo Bonfire Night began with the burning of the Guys. The crowd gathered to watch as the fires were lit and many children were excited to see their carefully-made Guys catch fire! We would like to say a huge thank you to Clive and all the staff at Bay Bistro for putting on such a fantastic evening. It really was a terrific night for our whole school community – for parents, children and teachers. We, of course, would also love to thank the School Council for their fine idea!

Halloween Party Classroom Door Decorations

It has become a tradition now that each class decorates their classroom door for the PTA Halloween Party.  It certainly adds a colourful background to the event and each class very much enjoys the activity.

Take a peek at the creative door decorations for this year…



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Parents’ Reading Workshops

Mark your calendars for our Parents’ Reading Workshops on Thursday 1st November @ 6 PM and Friday 2nd November (repeat) @ 8:45 AM.

Our aim will be to provide an insight into how teachers and children approach reading in school, how our reading scheme and library books are organised and how you as parents can help your child on their reading journey, as they progress through the school.


School Council Bonfire Night

The children of Provo Primary School Council warmly welcome them to their Bonfire Night on Monday 5th November.  See details on the invite below.

School Council Bonfire Night Invite 2012

We hope to see you there!



Year 3’s Pumpkin Faces

Year 3 went pumpkin crazy this week.

Linking Art with Literacy’s poetry, guided reading and handwriting, we each created a pumpkin to decorate our classroom door for our PTA Halloween party.  Each pumpkin face looks so unique with it’s own individual character and expression!  Brilliant work, Year 3!

Click on ‘Read more…’ to take a look at some photos of our different activities, and read our class pumpkin poem.





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Guinness World Record Attempt – Run for the Planet!

Provo Primary School was proud to be a part of a Guinness World Record attempt last Friday.  National Geographic Kids aimed to organise ‘the most people running 100 metres in 24 hours’.  It was an exciting event to be a part of.  It wasn’t about who came first, it was about everyone taking part.  It certainly was fun and we all looked very colourful in our orange and black dress-down day clothes!

The ‘Guinness Book of Records’ books are very popular in all the classes and the thought that we could be in the next edition, and be able to say that we had broken a world record, was an exciting prospect.   Well done to each and every one of you.  In the words of the late Roy Castle…’You’re a Record breaker!’

A big thank you goes out to Matthew and Sonia at the TCIFA National Soccer Academy for letting us use their pitch and also for them offering to witness our record breaking attempt.

Year 3’s Sunset Silhouettes

One of our parents at the school is a talented art teacher.  She has been working with the Year 3 this week, helping them to develop their art skills.

In our sunset silhouette art project the children mixed primary colours to create secondary colours.  They learnt how to blend these colours in horizontal lines to create a sunset sky effect.

Then using templates, as well as their own shape ideas, they cut out different silhouetted objects in black paper and stuck them onto their sunset background. Some children also overlapped their silhouettes, just like they do in real life.

The activity encouraged the children to understand how things that are closer appear bigger, and how things further away appear smaller and they were introduced to the vocabulary foreground, mid-ground, and background.

Thank you, Charlotte.  We had great fun and learnt lots of new art techniques, too!

Provo Primary Halloween Party, 2012

Calling all vampires, princesses, witches and superheroes!  Provo Primary’s annual post – Trick or Treat Halloween Party will be held on October 31st, from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM.

Games, prizes, dancing and more! Food and beverage for sale and Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be doing costume photo shoots for charity.

$5 entry fee.

A fun time for all ages!






Creating a Giant Set of Cuisenaire Rods in Year 3

Cuisenaire Rods provide endless opportunities to introduce, investigate, and reinforce key math topics such as addition, subtraction, geometry, measurement, multiplication, division and much more.

Cuisenaire Rods come in 10 colour-related sizes and also electronically as virtual manipulatives!

This week, Year 3 has carried out a number of Cuisenaire Rod investigations.  Take a look at them busy applying their measuring, adding and multiplication skills to solve the different problems.

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Peace and Tranquility in Year 3’s Mindful Corner

Year 3 are enjoying their very own peaceful classroom space in their new ‘Mindful Corner’.  Relaxing with a book on the cushions, tracing patterns and feeling textures, observing nature, releasing anger by squeezing the ‘argh’ balls, writing down their thoughts and listening to serene music.   There’s something in here to help everyone relax.

Everyone is appreciating this special area.  The children have been bringing in their own special items to enhance and share in the Mindful Corner, and children from other classes are keen to come in and experience this quiet, relaxing space, too.

The ‘Mindful Corner’ was inspired by us being introduced to the MindUp Curriculum, which aims to provide children with emotional and cognitive tools to help them manage emotions and behaviour, reduce stress, sharpen concentration, and increase empathy and optimism.

Please feel welcome to come in and enjoy the peace and tranquility in our ‘Mindful Corner’ for yourself!

See some photos of us exploring our new area here. [Read more…]

Support our PTA at the Yard Sale

Remember it is the yard sale this Saturday. Lots of bargains to be had!

Thank you for your support with donations for the PTA table.

We also encourage you to drop by Kirstof Lingier’s table at the yard sale.  Kristof is selling products made from coconuts here on the island.  His products are great for personal use as well as Christmas, hostess and baby shower gifts.  He is donating a portion of each sale to the PTA.


New School Lunch Menu Trial

Please click on the image to download the school lunch menu for next week which should be completed and returned to the office, together with payment, on Monday morning.

As you will remember, we are looking at introducing some different options into the menu and would welcome your thoughts and feedback.

The plan is to try these lunches next week and then introduce the popular ones into the menu after mid-term.  It may be that the favourites i.e pizza/pasta & meatballs remain on Tuesday and Thursday, and we just change Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Only time will tell!

If your child normally has school lunch, it would be helpful if you could encourage your child to try as many of the options as possible. At the end of next week, we will send out a questionnaire in order to help us create the menu.

The Froots wraps and salads will continue to be offered on a Wednesday and Friday.

School Newsletter, October 2012

Click on the image to see the October School Newsletter.

It includes all the dates and information for upcoming events, and the latest school and PTA news.






Summer Camp Highlights, 2012

Provo Primary’s Summer Camp 2012 saw lots of interesting and exciting activities this year.  With Mind Up, Wake Up sessions, Sports and Roller Hockey Camp, Arts and Crafts activities, MindUP sessions and a trip to Amanyara’s Discovery Centre, there was lots to choose from and plenty of hands on learning fun.

Click here to see the highlights of the Camp.





Year 2 Capture the Robot Robbers in Letterland

In Letterland, ‘Robot R’ gets his brothers to help him to steal vowels in words.  His brothers are ‘Arthur Ar’, ‘Orvil Or’, ‘Ernest Er’, ‘Urgent Ur’ and ‘Irving Ir’.  When they stand after a vowel in words they often catch it and put it in their net and report back to ‘Robot R’ on their radios, saying their second name, ‘ar’, ‘or’, ‘er’, ‘ur’ or ‘ir’.  The poor vowel is too shocked to speak in the word after that.

The class set out to find all these robbers that steal vowels in words.   The children made posters for each of the Robot Robbers to help them look for them.  They worked by themselves or with a partner.  When they thought of words that had their robot sound in, they wrote them on their poster.  They also found extra words in their reading books and around the classroom.  Those robbers are certainly very busy with stealing vowels… they found a lot of words!   Click ‘read more’ below to see photos of the children busy making their posters and to see all of the words that they have discovered that have these sounds in.

The children also each wrote a story that included lots of ‘ar’ words.  Here is one of them called, ‘The Party Centre’.  Come and read all their stories.  They are hanging up in their Hummingbird classroom.

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Additional After-School Clubs, Oct 2012

Our additional after-school clubs are starting Monday 1st October.  Click on the image to download your registration form and join in the fun!

Choose from French, drama, animation, Lego and games, and art club.  We also have a few spaces available in homework and junior steel drums clubs.  Senior steel drums and golf club are fully booked, I’m afraid.

Children from the community are also most welcome to participate in our club programme so do send a link to any friends that you think might be interested.