Exploring the Science of Cycling… and much more!
Our theme during ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ is ‘The Science of Sports’ and our bike-a-thon provided a wonderful opportunity to explore the science of cycling.
The stage area became an outside bike investigation classroom, filled with activities to explore. It was lovely to link this learning to our fundraising event and to see so many children involved and keen to explore.
Bicycle maintenance is important to learn and many were drawn to the bicycle repair shop, where mechanics tinkered away, fixing and cleaning a bike. Some explored and built with cogs and gears, while others enjoyed designing bicycle helmets and futuristic bikes. A history and science fact table told the story of early bikes and displayed amazing bike science facts and information. There was also a comfy reading corner where children gathered to read and share non-fiction books.
Hands-on, meaningful learning – love it! We hope enjoy seeing the photos of the children exploring the science of cycling.
Easter Camp 2013
Provo Primary School is offering an Easter Camp from the 26th March to 5th April. Children will enjoy a range of daily fun on-campus activities, including: Spring-themed arts and crafts, soft play, construction play, role play and outdoor play. Click here for an Easter Camp 2013 Registration Form.
Keeping Healthy Week – The Science of Sports
Next week is ‘Keeping Healthy Week’. Following the theme of our Education Week on Science, we will focus on “The Science of Sports”. Over the week we have organised a few activities and events to explore the theme and to help raise awareness for the importance of developing healthy life choices.
Monday: School fundraiser – Toddler’s Run-a-thon, JK and K’s Trike-a-thon and Year 1-6’s Bike-a-walk-a-thon’.
Tuesday: ‘Walk to School’.
Tuesday: Preschool Bounce-a-thon.
Wednesday: ‘Early Years and KS1 Sports Day’.
Thursday: KS2 Gymnastic and Handball Showcase.
Friday: ‘Walk to School’.
Look out for blog post next week showing highlights of our activities.
Years 2 – 6’s Science Fair – March 2013
This term and throughout Science Week, children in all classes from Year 2 – 6 have been busy observing, experimenting and reflecting on all kinds of scientific knowledge. Now, through our Science Fair, it was the turn of our young scientists to share their discoveries with their fellow students, parents and visitors!
In science, in addition to discovering a great deal of new information about a topic, children are encouraged to develop their science enquiry skills (the scientific method). These skills underpin the essential processes required for carrying out investigations, drawing conclusions and forming scientific understanding. The children were encouraged to communicate these skills through their Science Fair activities.
We hope that through watching this short movie, you will see how practical investigation and developing an understanding of scientific enquiry skills is a huge part of our science programme here at Provo Primary School.
If you fancy singing along to the background music as you watch, and learning more about elements of the scientific method, you can print out the lyrics here. It’s such a catchy tune!
Early Years’ Science Fair – March 2013
Friday morning saw the launch of our first Science Fair. Throughout our Early Years’ classes, a multitude of hands-on learning activities were being explored. It was lovely to see parents, visitors and children together observing, problem solving, predicting, thinking, making decisions and most importantly talking about what they were doing. A big thank you to all our teachers for their hard work and to all the parents and visitors who came to enjoy and share the science learning with the children. If sadly you weren’t able to make it, we hope you gain a feel for our Science Fair through the short movie above.
‘Phenomenal Phenomenon Dress-up Day’
Each year we celebrate ‘World Book Day’ with a dress-up day. This year, as it was during our Science week, we linked our themes and focussed on non-fiction science books.
All children were invited to participate in a ‘Phenomenal Phenomenon Dress-up Day’ by wearing a costume that represented something from the world of science! Children were asked to research a fact to accompany their costume, which they then shared with their class and friends.
The costumes truly were phenomenal, ranging from amazing animals, brilliant bugs, wild weather, crazy colours and a whole lot more! The facts were amazing as well. We hope you enjoy our Phenomenal fact movie – thank you Mr. Toby for creating this.
Well done everyone – you all showed such creativity. It was clear how much effort and thought had been put into the costumes and everyone looked proud to wear them and share their facts. Take a peek at some more photos below. [Read more…]
World Read Aloud Day – March 2013
To celebrate ‘World Read Aloud Day’, children across the school shared and read science books together. Children in our Year 2 class made their own books about insects that we find here in the TCI and shared these with the Year 1. Our Year 5/6 class connected with a school in the USA and read to each other over the Internet. Buddy reading is always so much fun!
‘World Read Aloud Day’ is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people. By raising our voices together on this day we show the world’s children that we support their future: that they have the right to read, to write, and to share their words to change the world.
Science Facts – True or False!
Each day of Science Week, our Ks1 and 2 classes took turns to challenge their fellow students with an exciting ‘True or False Science Quiz’!
Teams were formed, with mixed ages and score tallies recorded over the week. The questions were devised by the children themselves and related to science work being studied in their class. Each day at quiz time, the class who were quiz masters read their questions out aloud to the teams. These lead to lots of discussion, with older and younger children sharing their knowledge and ideas. Once a team answer was decided, the appropriate ‘true’ or ‘false’ card was displayed.
What a fun way to share our science knowledge, with different age groups working together and sharing their knowledge and learning.
Science Week, 4th-8th March 2013
School Council Hard At Work!
A huge thank you to all the children and parents who donated games and books to be sold at the Saturday Yard Sale. We made $121. We still need to add the Dress Down Day donations from this term to this total which will then be donated to The Provo Children’s Home at the end of the term.
We hope to be collecting dry food and canned goods during our “Healthy Week’ which will also be passed onto the Home together with the money raised. We will keep you posted as to when and where nearer the time.
Keep up the good work School Council!
KS2 Gym Showcase – Balance Bonanza!
The parents in Key Stage Two were in for a fantastic treat this Thursday, the 14th of February. Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a gymnastics presentation that was truly breath-taking!
The children had spent the last eight weeks working hard to create and perfect an individual gymnastic routine based on balance. They had to include at least ten balances, at different levels, including simple, complex and yoga style moves. Their focus was primarily on how they could use their body to hold, balance and most importantly control their movements in these positions.
It was a big step-up from last year’s routines as the children all had to perform their routines individually this year. Moreover they had to include at least two challenges. These could be anything from forward rolls, high dives, cartwheels, handstands, headstands to backward and forward walkovers. The children had to select the challenges they felt most able to carry out independently in a routine.
On the day the children were absolutely amazing. They performed their routines showing off a huge range of skills and ability levels. They all performed to music and did so with grace, poise and a superb effort to control and really hold those balances!
KS2 Gym and Handball PE Showcase
Thursday 14th Feb, 9:15 – 10:15am @ Graceway Sports Centre
All children in Key Stage 2 will be participating in our Spring Term PE Showcase next week.
Gymnastics showcase: This term, our gymnastics unit has focussed on balance and all presentations will exhibit an array of skills linked to this theme. Children in Years 4, 5 & 6 will be presenting their routine individually this year!
Handball showcase mini-tournament: We are pleased to introduce this new sport to our PE curriculum this year. Children in Years 3 & 4 have been refining the skills required to play handball, from positioning and passing to travelling with the ball and shooting. Children have been divided into 4 teams for the mini-tournament. Each team will participate in 3 games, following a round-robin league format.
The showcase will also be an opportunity to learn more about our second new sport that has been introduced to our PE curriculum this year – squash.
We look forward to seeing as many parents and supporters at the event as possible!
2nd Annual Family Skate Night
The School Council would like to know what music you would like to skate to at our 2nd Annual PTA Family Skate night.
Make your requests known to your Class School Council reps.
Or place your request in the ‘Boogie Box’ outside the office.
Come and join the fun – Friday 22nd February @ the Graceway Sports Centre from 5:30 – 7 PM.
So get your skates on and let us know your groove tunes!
Looking Closely at the Skin on my Hand
As part of their Science topic this term, Year Four students have been learning about skin.
In Literacy, with Miss Bonnie, they used jeweller’s loupes to look closely at their hands and created a poem while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”
Here are some examples of their thoughtful poems:
My Hand
Like a whirlpool whirling in the deep blue sea,
Curved lines like a zebra running in Africa,
A sunset lowering over the horizon,
A mountain looming in the distance,
A rope running down a mountain,
Waves crashing down onto a beautiful beach,
Water running down a river in Egypt,
A thin layer of snow lying on my fingertip,
An ice cream cone in a shop,
My hand, so many different patterns!
$1,628 Scholastic Reward Dollars so far this year – Thank you, everyone!
The children and teachers would like to thank all of our families who support our Scholastic Book Club. We feel very fortunate.
It’s a win–win all round, every time – a great way to promote the development of reading skills and the enjoyment and interest in reading, both at home and at school.
Over the course of a year, the PTA organises five opportunities for families to order books through the Scholastic Book Club scheme (Thank you Bonita!) In each catalogue, there is a great selection of top quality books to buy… and there are even more to choose from on-line! Every book purchased earns free Bonus Point Reward Dollars for the school.
This month, families have raised $513 reward dollars. Added to the $407 in September and $708 in December, that’s a total of $1,628 so far this year that the school has, and is using to spend on books and educational supplies to help benefit your child’s learning.
Each term, one of the reward totals is divided equally between our classes for the children and teacher to order books specifically for their classroom library and topics. One of the reward totals is allocated to the school library and another to the school leadership team to spend on areas of development.
Cotton Poetry
Cotton plants can be found growing wild on the roadside here in Providenciales. They are remnants from a past cotton industry that once dominated North and Middle Caicos and Providenciales.
The Year Four students used jeweller’s loupes to examine a cotton boll and wrote poetry while thinking about two focus questions: “What else does it look like?” and “What does it remind me of?”
Here are a few of their poems:
My Wonderful Cotton
My wonderful cotton, like a big puffy cloud floating in the sky,
Delicious cotton candy waiting for me to eat it,
Snow as white as can be falling from the sky,
The leaves of my cotton like autumn just falling,
The boll as golden as a coin with patterns like a sponge,
I love my cotton and I hope you do too!
School Lunch Menu (Feb-March 2013)
Our school lunch menu form for Wednesday 13th February – Thursday 22nd March 2013 is now available.
Fancy a curry on Fridays? Mild chicken curry and rice is back, replacing the roast pork this half term. Please also note that Chicken fingers, mashed potato and broccoli/corn will be served on Wednesday instead on Friday.
Froots wraps and salads are available on Wednesday and Friday.
If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office.
Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.
Poetry Inspired by “Hailstones and Halibut Bones”
Inspired by the poetry and illustrations in Mary O’Neill’s amazing book “Hailstones and Halibut Bones,” children from Year Two and Three wrote their own colour poems using their five sense as a guide. Here are seven examples for you to enjoy:
From Year Two:
Turquoise looks like a bubbly sea, a blue, blue sky and fresh flowers,
Turquoise feels like fresh air in your hands,
It sounds like blowing grass in the wind,
It taste like mint ice cream,
Turquoise smells like fresh leaves and waving grass,
Turquoise makes me think of happiness and fun.
Say Cheese… School Photo’s are Next Week
Practise your smiles and iron your best uniform… school photo day is Wednesday 23rd January!
Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be taking individual and class photos that will be available to be purchased.
Not sure what to expect…then take a look at our 2010 and 2011 school photo shoots and see a fantastic video of our photo session in 2011. Wow… haven’t you all grown up!
Excavation at Provo Primary!
Year 3 Dolphins put their archaeologist hats on!
Discoveries from the past were found in the grounds of Provo Primary School (Secretly planted by Miss Mani). Using gloves, spades, tweezers and magnifying glasses the children carefully extracted each artefact from its place. How long had these artefacts been here? Where did they come from? Who did they belong to? What can these artefacts tell us about life, characters or objects from the past? Year 3 will be busy using this evidence to try to answer all of these questions. What conclusions will the Dolphins make I wonder?
After School Clubs, Spring Term 2013
We have a wide variety of new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term.
Click on the image, left to download the registration form. Please check the registration forms for the dates of each club.
Enrolment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.
You may like to ensure that your child has a small extra snack and drink in their lunch box.
Help Provo Primary Support ACCU’s Move-A-Thon 2013
You may have seen this poster on our noticeboard at school. The event is this weekend, so let us remind you of what it’s all about.
Tamika Handfield, a parent at the school, is excited to hold her 2nd annual ACCU Nutrition Move-a-thon on January 12th, 2013 beginning at 5:30am. Her first move-a-thon, last year was a huge success with well over 200 persons in attendance, with quite a few Provo Primary families participating. Tamika’s goal for this year’s event is that it will be bigger and better.
Provo Primary is happy to promote this event and hopes that your family is able to participate. It’s an early start, but we hope you’ll think it’s worth the effort! So feel welcome to join in, wearing our school’s colours and taking our school spirit. Read on to find out more details and download your registration-form here or pick one up at school.