Kindergarten/Yr 1 Bake Sale at 2:45 – 3:15pm Today

kindergarten-bake_sale-sept-2013Each Dress Down Day a class will have the opportunity to hold an activity for the whole school to enjoy.  This may be a fundraising initiative for a project in their class or simply a time to share or celebrate something special.

This month the kindergarteners are having a bake sale as part of their emergent curriculum topic “School is Cool: Building a community in our classroom and at Provo Primary”.  The class has been working together to improve the outside house area (they have named it ‘The village’).  They have decided that they need more outdoor materials for this play space.    They made a shopping list and presented it to Ms Alison and Miss Sian.  It includes cups, plates, pots, food, a tea party set with a teapot, a table for the kitchen and shovel and buckets to make sand castles.

They have planned the bake sale to raise money for these extra toys that they believe are important for the village play area.  I am sure donations of these toy items will also be gratefully received.  The Year 1 class has also joined in with the bake sale as they share the play areas with the Kindergarten class.

So when you come to pick up your child today, come ready for your senses to be enchanted by the wonderful array of baked goodies to tempt you and know that as you enjoy these, the Kindergarteners and Year 1s will be most thankful for your support.


Friday is Dress Down Day


Just a reminder that tomorrow is Dress Down Day.




Join Us For Our 10 Year Location Celebration!

10years-300x200We cordially invite you to attend our assembly on Thursday 26th September at 2.15pm, during which time we will be celebrating being 10 years at our current location at Flamingo Park.  Join us for songs, steel pans, poems, cake and more!

In total, the school has been in operation for 22 years so it won’t be long before we’re celebrating our silver anniversary!

Regardless of whether or not you are able to attend, we would appreciate that if you are a Provo Primary alumni family, a past teacher or a current attendee that could share with us a couple of sentences describing memories of your time at Provo Primary, either as a parent or student, to be displayed in our entrance way.  Please email these to us by 25th Sept.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you and hopefully seeing you next week.

2nd Annual TCI International Coastal Clean-up, 2013

beach-clean-up-sept-2013 Take the pledge to help turn the tide on ocean trash – mark your calendars, set your alarms and give 30 minutes of your time for a place that gives you hours of enjoyment throughout the year.

The Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA) will be once again spearheading a Coastal Clean-up in support of the Ocean Conservancy-led International Coastal Clean-up Day.

Be there at 7am at the Children’s Park in the Bight, this Saturday  21 st September .  Bring gloves and a bags if possible.

Over half a million volunteers participated around the world, covering a distance of nearly 18,000 mile, collecting over 10 million pounds of rubbish!

Last year in Provo, we collected 63 bags of trash, consisting of beer cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, cans and other general debris.  Myself and two Provo Primary families joined in the effort of this initiative.  This year we hope that many more teachers and families will support the event.

Learn more about International Coastal Clean-up Day.

Photo/Poster left – created by one of our Year 5 students last year.

Parents’ Reading Workshops this Week in the Library

reading-meeting-sept-2013Yr 3, 4, 5 & 6 Wednesday 18th Sept @ 8:40am

Yr 2 Thursday 19th Sept @ 8:40am

Come and learn more about how teachers and children approach reading in our school, how our reading scheme and library books are organised and how you as parents can help your child on their reading journey, as they progress through the school.

EYFS and Yr 1 Reading Workshops will take place during the Ed Dept Early Childhood Unit’s ‘Week of the Young Child – Early Years are Learning Years – Early Literacy Counts’,  28th Oct-1st Nov.

School Lunches (Sept – Oct)

school-lunch-picOur school lunch menu form for this half term from Tuesday 10th September – Friday 12th October is now available.

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.


School Clubs Starting Next Week

web-imageSteel Drums Art, Golf and Homework Clubs will start next week.  Please click on the image to open the registration form.

Our full after school clubs will start in the first week of October so look out for details of these exciting new club choices in the next couple of weeks.

We are keen to hear about community members who would like to run a club, or assist with one, as a part of our after-school programme.  Suggestions for potential clubs you feel your children would enjoy are also most welcome.

Class Newsletters – Autumn Term 2013

class-newsletters-aut-2013Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our first class newsletters for the new school year.




Yummy, Tasty Nutrition Classes

As part of this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, nutritionist Tamika Handfield came in to teach Nutrition classes to all the children from Year 2 – 6.  Some classes made egg and vegetable burritos, while others made fruit kebabs.  The children learned about how whole-grain foods and fruits and vegetables are healthy, the importance of looking at the labels on food packaging,  washing hands before cooking, safety in the kitchen and that washing up is part of the cooking process!    PTV came along to video for their news programme.  Click on to see photos and to learn more about our nutrition classes.

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Year 1 ‘Summer’ Acrostic Poetry

yr-1-summer-poetry-june2013-1In Year 1 we have been learning to describe an event in detail through poetry writing, in the form of an acrostic poem.

“What is an acrostic poem?” we hear you say.

Well, an acrostic poem is a poem which begins with your title, which you write down the side of your page, or in a margin. Each line of your poem begins with a letter of the title.We use these letters to create words about the subject.

Our task was to create an acrostic poem about Summer, using our best descriptions and vocabulary to ‘set the scene’. “What does ‘set the scene’ mean?”   This means describing an event and/or place in great  detail, so that the reader can picture the scene clearly  in their mind, as if they were there themselves.   We hope you enjoy reading some of our fantastic acrostic poems about Summer.

The Great Year 2 Scientific Debate…is it a Centipede or a Millipede?

yr-2-centipedes-may-2013-1 It all started with a lively discussion at the Year 2 snack table… were the critters that we were finding all over the playground centipedes or millipedes?

“They’re centipede because millipedes are bigger!”

“I think they’re millipede because they have so many legs!”

“Centipedes are brown and this is grey with yellow strips. It must be a millipede!”

“Yeah, but this one is reddish brown so is this one a centipede. It looks the same as your stripey one?”

With no foreseeable definitive decision being reached, it was time for me to intervene.   This then led on to a whole big project of discovery that dominated the next few days of playtime and lunchtime activities!

Beware, the squeamish amongst you may not wish to look at our close-up photos of the critters!

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Preschool Explore Under the Sea

ps-oceans-may-2013 (1)Hello everyone! As the first half of the Summer Term is coming to a close we wanted to show you some of our beautiful work.  Please have a browse of our photographs and see how we used our collage skills to make many different under the sea pictures for our topic. We also learned a lot from books read in class and the children wanted to share the books they have loved.

During next half of the term we are going to be reading Mr Men and Little Miss books….stay tuned to see some fun Mr Men art! Miss Claire Marie.

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Teeth Galore in Year 3!

yr-3-teeth-may-2013 (10)Did you know that the majority of the Year Three Dolphins are still waiting for all of their milk teeth to come out? The tooth fairy is rubbing her fairy wings together in anticipation for all those ‘milk teeth’ to be collected.

During this lesson the Dolphins were asked to look at their teeth closely.  How many incisors, canine or even molar shaped teeth did they have? What shape were they and why? How do we look after our teeth? What are cavities and how do we avoid getting them? Lots of facts were acquired during this activity. Plus lots of laughter… just look at all those funny faces that were pulled during our observational drawing! Miss Mani has such a ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ Year Three!


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An Introduction to Beach Soccer

beach-soccer-2013Both our boys and girls’ teams have thoroughly enjoyed participating in a friendly inter-school Beach Soccer Tournament this past couple of weeks.

Playing on the new TCIFA beach soccer pitch for the first time was exciting.  It certainly was a challenge, with the ball not rolling as much as it usually does on grass.  It’s hard on your muscles to run in sand, too!

Both teams played really well, with the girls almost reaching the final.

I was impressed by the teamwork, support, skills and sheer determination to keep going, in spite of tiredness and injuries. There was some fantastic defending and some terrific goals.  “It felt good to score a goal!” said one of the girls who had scored an amazing goal by chipping the ball over the defenders and over the goalie’s head into the back of the net.

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JK Mother’s Day Sunflowers

jk-mothers-day-2013 (9)Mother’s Day was celebrated with a sunflower theme this year in JK.  Mums, aunts and grandmas were invited in for a special tea party.  The party began with some Mother’s Day songs that the children had created themselves to express their thanks to their mums.  Then everyone shared a delicious picnic on the carpet together.  The children made banana muffins, which the guests got to decorate with icing and a flower.  There were also home-grown tomato and cucumber sandwiches and, of course, teapots galore with refreshing hot tea.

Happy Mother’s Day – we hope everyone enjoyed being pampered and appreciated.

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And it all began with bread tasting…

yr-3-sandwiches-may-2013 (14)The Year Three Dolphins have been enjoying a Design and Technology project about designing sandwich snacks.

After lots of tasting, researching, designing and re-designing they came up with some of their own fabulous nutritionally balanced sandwich designs; plus their own set of written instructions to follow while making their creations.

They created lots of different varieties:

‘Flutter Fly Summer Time’, Blooming Blossom, Ginger Bread Man, Mr Sheep’s Head, Tuna Delight, Boat Couch, Clown, Mickey Mouse, Pack Man, Angry Bird Sandwich, Happy Star Tree and the Butter Fly Sandwich’. See if you can identify them from the photos below.


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Happy Earth Day, 2013

earth-day-2013Children across the school celebrated Earth Day through a variety of mindful earth-friendly activities.

Our School Council organised a clean-up of the school yard and the surrounding area, and individual classes took part in class-based activities.

It was great to see children working hand in hand to look after our world!





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Provo Primary joins in with TCI Shines Clean-up

tci-shines-2013-1Well done to our dedicated environmentally-conscious families who rose early this morning to participate in the 5th annual Earth Day TCI Shines Clean-up campaign.  Thank you for taking part in this community event to help keep our island ‘beautiful by nature’.

Joining forces with a group of volunteers from The Point Grace Resort, the litter-grabbing team traveled the route between the school and the Graceway Sports Centre and TCIFA soccer field.  This route is frequently used by our children on their way to use these sporting facilities as part of our P.E programme.

In all, over a dozen giant rubbish bags were filled with litter!  On a positive note this seemed less than when we collected along this same route back in October 2011, but still it was a disappointment to find so many drink bottles, snack packets and food containers littering our local community.   Our young helpers just couldn’t understand why the litter was there.  “People should put it in the bin!” they remarked.

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Thank you everyone, from Provo Children’s Home


This week, it was lovely to receive and share a thank you certificate and note to all of our families here at Provo Primary School from the Provo Children’s Home (PCH). The certificate was presented to the children in our weekly ‘Celebration Assembly’.

Last term, our School Council worked hard to co-ordinate and promote a variety of events to raise money and collect food for this worthy local community charity.  Read more about our fundraising events here.

Tanis Wake-Forbes passed on the thank you certificate as a small token of appreciation for our kindness and support of PCH.  She said, “I would like to thank the children, parents and staff of Provo Primary School for their continued support and generosity to PCH.  Without donations like these we would find it very difficult to provide the level of care for our less fortunate children.”  She went on to say, “It is doubly appreciated when support comes from children helping other children and brings out the best in all of us.  Thank you again for caring.”

Thank you everyone and we look forward to continuing to support the PCH again in the future.

After School Clubs – Summer 2013

web-imageWe have  new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term, alongside many returning popular ones.  How about our ‘Crazy Contruction’ club or if you fancy staring in a movie, then perhaps ‘Movie Making’ club is for you?

Click on the image, left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms for the finishing dates of each club.

Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.

You may like to ensure that your child has a small extra snack and drink in their lunch box.

School Lunch (April-May 2013)

school-lunch-april-2013-2Our school lunch menu form for this half term from Thursday 11th April – Thursday 23rd May 2013 is now available.

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.




Welcome to the Summer Term, 2013 at Provo Primary

summer-term-2013Last term certainly was busy with lots of events and activities that enriched the children’s learning.  In particular, our Science theme week, PE showcases, sports days, bike-athons, community fundraisers and PTA bunny activities were all a great success.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their hard work and support in helping us provide this wonderful variety of events – children, teachers, parents and community helpers alike.

Want to know more about some of the events and activities coming up this term?  Then click on the school calendar and also look out for our class newsletters.


Our Egg-citing Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza!

pta-egg-hunt-march-2013It is tradition here at Provo Primary to hold a special Egg Hunt to mark the end of the Spring term.  This year was no egg-ception!  The bunny, ably assisted by his egg-stremely dedicated team of PTA volunteers, hid goodie-filled eggs throughout the school play areas.  The egg-stremely egg-cited children eagerly searched out the eggs, many of which were a challenge to find.  Teachers and on-lookers enthusiastically ‘egged’ everyone on until everyone found 3 eggs each.

As a special egg-stra surprise for each class, the bunny hid 5 bonus eggs to be discovered.  One of these was the ‘Golden Egg’, which was particularly well hidden.

After a busy time burrowing around, the egg-hausted children gathered together to open their eggs and enjoy their treats.

All the children then cheered a big thank you to the PTA and the bunny for such an egg-cellent egg hunt – Well done everyone!







What a Spectacular Spring Bonnet Parade – March 2013

spring-bonnets-march-2013Spring was certainly in the air this morning with our spectacular EYFS Spring Bonnet Parade.  What a wonderful variety of bonnets, with flowers, chicks, eggs and bunnies galore!    All the older children and parents enjoyed seeing all the hat designs, each one showing such amazing creativity. What a lovely way to celebrate the end of our spring term!



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School Council Presents Donations to Provo Children’s Home

school-council-childrens-home-mar-2013-3 A group of our School Councilors were proud today to present boxes of food and $472.13 of Dress Down and Yard Sale money to Tanis Wake-Forbes from the Provo Children’s Home.

Tanis was thrilled by everyone’s generosity, stating that the donation and food items were much appreciated.  In particular, she told the children that she was happy to see children working together to help other children.  She also said that she would like to pass on a huge thank you to all of the Provo Primary families for their support.

Well done to all of our school councilors who, together with Miss Mani, organised both a toy and book sale at our recent PTA Yard Sale and the food drive collection.  Look what you can achieve when you work as a team.

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