International World Migratory Bird Day, 2014

International-Migratory-Bird-Day-2014From quails and chicks to Migratory birds!

On 11th October, join in with a guided bird walk or enter a bird photography contest… just two ways to celebrate International World Migratory Bird Day.  Both of these activities are organised by Amy Avenant at the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA). Click on the image to find out  more.

This year’s theme is ‘Why Birds Matter?’ Not everyone is aware of the diversity of birds around the world, the amazing migrations some take, and the phenomenal range of behaviours, plumages, and songs they exhibit. International Migratory Bird Day 2014 shares the many ways in which birds matter to the earth, to ecosystems, and of course, to us.

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Enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children workshop

life-skills-workshope-oct-2014On Tuesday 7th October @ 6:15pm Ms EvieAnn, a certified Child Life Specialist, will be offering a workshop for parents/teachers and Community members on enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children.

Come and find out how you can help empower your child during times of change, with separation anxiety, friendship issues, exam taking and illness.

All parents/teachers/friends welcome.


‘Empowering children during times of stress’ Workshop

wotycFIIn recognition of our National Week of the Child, Ms EvieAnn, a certified Child Life Specialist (awarded by The Child Life Council), will be offering a

workshop on Tuesday at 7th October @ 6:15pm


Enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children.

Come and find out how you can help empower your child during times of change, with separation anxiety, friendship issues, exam taking and illness.  Be prepared!

All parents/teachers/friends welcome

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Are our children getting enough sleep?

children-sleep-01-10-14“With the start of the new school year, routines are taking shape. Youngsters are assembling the complex puzzle in which homework, activities, sports, social life and family time compete for a limited number of hours in the day. Frequently it seems there’s not enough time to do it all, that something’s got to give. What often gives? Our children’s sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following amounts of sleep for children and teens:ii

1-3 years old = 12-14 hours of sleep

3-5 years old = 11-13 hours of sleep

5-12 years old = 10-11 hours of sleep

12-18 years old = 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep… [Read more…]

“What did you do in school, today?”


We feel that with all that is going on at Provo Primary, children must have lots to talk about when asked this question, but if your children sometimes give you a blank stare when you ask about their day, here are some tips you might want to try from mommy blogger, Liz Evans. Before Liz was a mom to three, she was a teacher and comes with an expert’s eye on how to get kids to spill.

Her post 25 Ways to Ask Your Kids “How Was School Today?” WITHOUT asking them “How Was School Today? has had more than two million page views.

Let’s us know some of the responses you get from your children.

The Value of a Daily Routine in Junior Kindergarten

jk-daily-routines-29-0914The JK’s are quickly becoming comfortable with their classroom daily routine.  The daily routine supports children’s choices, decisions, and plans which are the basic framework for development. Two of the structured activities in our routine are “Linking in” and “Job Chart”.
The children place a specific coloured link under the colour coded day of the week when they arrive each day.  This is a concrete way of representing the number of children in the room on that particular day.  We bring this line of links to our first circle time to compare it  to a head count each day.  The designated “line leader” for the day counts everyone in the circle that has arrived.

[Read more…]

PTA Yard Sale – 11th October, 2014



SATURDAY, 11th October


$25 per Table



Key Stage 1 and 2 Topic Maps – Autumn 2014

ks1-2-topic-maps-autumn-2014What a wonderful range of creative topics our children are learning about this term in Years 1 through to 6. They will take our children on learning journeys around the world, back in time and into the future.

It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploring different aspects.

Click on the image to see what your child’s topic involves and let’s work together to bring these topics alive with learning both at school and at home.

FREE Flamingo and Chick (Parent and Toddler) sessions at Provo Primary

flamingo-family-2Fly on down to Provo Primary School on Tuesday 30th September between 8.30am and 10.00am for our very first Flamingo (parent) and Chick (toddler) session.  See our flyer here for more information.

10 FREE sessions have been planned between now and Christmas, every Tuesday morning, so don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enjoy our air-conditioned soft play room and join in with some fun activities with your toddler.





Don’t be a chicken, learn more about our fowl and fishy story

quail-photo-15-09-14The children were happy and excited to meet and learn more about our new quail and tilapia and how to to look after them. Matt Slattery, an ex Provo Primary student himself, brought the quail, and built and introduced our aquaponics system to the school. He was happy to answer the children’s varied and interesting questions. We look forward to learning and sharing much more over the upcoming months.

School Hot Lunch starts this Week (Sept, 2014)

school-lunch-picSchool Hot Lunches start today and are available to all full-day children at a cost of $5.75 per meal (except for pizza which is either $2.25 per cheese slice or $2.50 per pepperoni slice).

If you wish your child to have lunch, please complete the September lunch form below and return it to the office.

School Hot Lunch Order Form Sept 2014

Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

EYFS Class Welcome Newsletters

eyfs-newsletters-sept-2014Our EYFS welcome newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Years 1 – 6 will be sending home creative topic maps for this term in the next couple of weeks.

Click on the image on the left to download our EYFS class newsletters.


School Handbook and Class Information Booklets (2014-15)

class-information-booklets-sept-2014We are very proud of the educational programme we offer to our children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families.

Our 2014/2015 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies of our Class Information Booklets.





First Week Back – School Newsletter, Sept 2014

first-day-of-school-newletter-sept-2014It has been wonderful to see everyone back at school today and to welcome our new families and teachers into our community.

Everyone seems to be settling in well, and the children appear to be very happy and making new friends. It has been great, as always, to see the children who were at Provo Primary last year helping new children to feel welcome in their new class and school.

We would like to welcome our new teachers, Mr. George, who is our Year 4 teacher, and Mrs. Yorka, who has joined our Spanish teaching team, working mainly in Early Years to Year 1. We are sure you will enjoy getting to know both of these teachers more over the year.

What else is new at Provo Primary this year?

3 Specialist Foreign Language Teachers – With 3 language specialists in the school (Miss Cara, Mrs. Helen and Mrs. Yorka) we will be offering increased foreign language teaching, including 20 hours of Spanish Immersion a week throughout our Early Years programme.

[Read more…]

Getting ready for the new school year (School Handbook 2014-15)

back-to-school-2014As the holiday period draws to an end, and your mind starts to focus on the start of a new school year, we hope that you will find our  School Handbook 2014-1015  a helpful resource full of school information about the school.

Further information about the start of the new school year will be emailed out to our families with  this week.

Youth Performing Arts Summer Camp Programme


From Monday 14th – Friday 17th July Ms Shara will be offering a week’s youth performing arts programme.

Performing Arts Summer Camp Registration Form

The camp will include:

Theatre Arts Skills
Acting, Staging, Props, Production, Scripting, Costumes, Choreography, Vocal Coaching, Tech & Performance
Mini Musicals – Annie, Oliver, Cats, The Sound of Music, Grease

Ages 7-16 welcome, varied ages needed!
$30/day or $125 for the week
Call 441-5638 for details

Summer Camp Continues through July and August

summer-camp-2013Summer Camp continues for 16 months – 7 year olds through July and August.

Click on the links below to find out more and to register your child:

16 months-7 yrs Summer Fun Camp Registration Form






Year 4 Loope Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-4-shell-loope-poetry-june-2014Together with Mrs. Bonnie,  our Year 4 students have enjoyed exploring oranges, shells and flowers with the loupes and wrote these amazing poems.





My Spectacular Shell

My spectacular shell reminds me of a spiral staircase going on forever,

It’s like sweet caramel ice cream on the crunchiest cone,

It’s as soft as a silk web made by a spider,

The top of my shell is a tall pyramid,

My shell is as white as new snow with a little caramel sauce on top of it,

I’d like to go inside my shell right to the bottom of it

And I would enjoy every second in there,

My shell is the light of my life!


[Read more…]

Year 5 Loupe Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-5-loupe-june-2014Mrs. Bonnie introduced the Year Five students to ‘private eye’ poetry.  Using  jeweler’s loupes they looked closely at a flower. They asked themselves: What else does it look like? What does it remind me of?  and created some amazing poetry.




My Bright Mysterious Flower

My bright, mysterious flower,

Your mini-petals surround your center acting like guardians to protect your secrets,

My bright, mysterious flower,

What secrets do you hide?

Your bold colours are like a brilliant, beautiful sunset capturing everyone’s attention,

The stripes in your center are like a tiger prowling in the jungle all the way across the ocean,

Your unique smell is like a Starburst melting in my mouth.

My bright, mysterious flower

You are just beautiful!

By M.Z.

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Summer Camp 2014

summer-camp-2013We are offering  a wide range of  amazing programmes this summer to keep your child learning, active and having fun.

Click on the links below to find out more and to register your child:

Toddler/Preschool Taster Sessions:

14 mths to 2 yrs: Toddler Taster Sessions 2014

Summer Camps:

2 -5 year olds: 2-5 Year Olds Summer Fun Camp 2014

6+ year olds: 6+ Year Olds School Camp / Summer School 2014

[Read more…]

Year 6 Explore Grand Turk and Salt Cay

Year-6-trip-june-2014 (1)A few photos to share from our Year 6’s first day on their Grand Turk and Salt Cay trip.  We look forward to hearing all about it on their return and sharing more with you  next week about what they got up to.




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Year 3 Explore Control Technology and Simple Machines with Lego and iPads

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (3)Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of what appeared to look like playing with Lego and iPads… but what were they learning?



Using the iPad apps ‘Daisy the Dinosaur’ and ‘ Kodables’, the children were introduced to the basics of computer programming and algorithms.

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (4)


Building with the Lego sets the children carefully followed step by step instructions and explored how simple machines work.


Read on to find out more…


[Read more…]

School Lunch – June 2014

school-lunch-picHere is the final school lunch form for this school year

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch,  download and complete the forms:



Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

Class Newsletters – Summer 2014

class-newletters-summer-2014Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download your child’s class newsletter and their topic map.






Mrs. Bonnie is coming to visit – yeah!

pps-bonnie-2013We are very pleased to announce that Mrs. Bonne is coming down for three weeks at the end of May. Many of you will know Mrs. Bonnie and her husband Joel, who have been coming down and volunteering at Provo Primary School for over 11 years.   Mrs. Bonnie is a much loved and amazing teacher and lives on the beautiful island of Victoria in Western Canada where she currently teaches university student teachers.

Whilst at Provo Primary, Mrs. Bonnie will help out in as many classes as we can schedule her in, with her main focus being on poetry and science teaching.  Many children will remember her squid dissection lessons and the picture on the left demonstrates one of her amazingly fun science lessons that the Year 3s will remember from last year.  Don’t forget to pack Scaredy Squirrel, Mrs Bonnie, a much loved puppet character!

We all love having Mrs. Bonnie and Mr Joel here with us and the children look forward to their visit each year. We really appreciate her giving up her time to be here with us again this year.  We are sad that Mr. Joel wont be here to help out with our swimming programme  and hope that he doesn’t miss Mrs. Bonnie too much!  Don’t worry though, we’ll look after her and we’ll certainly keep her busy!