Happy Summer Holidays!

summer-2015A HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped to make this year such a great success.

As our Daring Detectives camp activities for 6-12 year olds draw to a close we would like to wish happy summer holidays from all of us at Provo Primary School (for families still on islands,  camp for 12 month to 5 year olds continues throughout July and most of August – see camp info for more details).

There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” We certainly are blessed with a school full of great teachers. Our teachers devote their lives to giving our children the tools to succeed and inspire them to do it. We would like to thank them for their countless hours, their energy and creativity, and their commitment to all the children of Provo Primary.  Enjoy your well deserved break.

We are also blessed here at Provo Primary to have very supportive parents and community friends.  Thank you to everyone who has helped with transportation when we have field trips, to all of our yearbook, library and classroom volunteers – your help is much appreciated.  A special thank you to our PTA Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and PTA team for all your hard work organising events and fundraisers, and to everyone who supported these.  Also, a big thank you to all of our community friends and businesses who have been a part of our school year, especially those who have donated expertise, time and generous fundraising gifts and scholarships.

Happy holidays to all of our wonderful children – you amaze us each and every day – thank you for making Provo Primary such an vibrant, happy, productive and friendly school to be a part of.

Finally, good luck to everyone who leaves us this year – we wish each of you all the best as you move on to new adventures.  Remember to keep in touch with your Provo Primary family and know that you are always welcome to come back and see us again.


Taking Flight with Flamingo Wisdom

As our fully-fledged graduating class of 2015 and leaving students take flight from our Flamingo Lake location, we would like to share with them some ‘Flamingo Wisdom’ which encourages them to make good choices as they continue to soar.

At Provo Primary, our PSHCE and MindUp programmes promote children’s personal, social and emotional development, as well as their health and well-being. [Read more…]

30,000+ photos…11 amazing yearbooks… and a lifetime of memories

yearbook-thanks-june-2015During her 12 years as a parent of the school, Krys has contributed much to Provo Primary and we would like to thank her for her support over the years. Her dedication and commitment to producing our wonderful school yearbook for an amazing 11 years is so much appreciated by us all.

With over 30,000+ photos and 11 beautiful yearbooks in total, which have no doubt travelled to the far corners of the world, Krys has created a lifetime of memories for around 300 families and teachers to enjoy and share – thank you!

As well as creating the yearbook, Krys has volunteered her time for the past 6 years to teach our older children the wonders of photo editing and photography, as if that weren’t enough, she has also been an integral part of our library team and our PTA.   Thank you, Krys! You will most definitely be missed.

Congratulations to our Graduating Students of 2015

graduating-students-june-2015Congratulations to our fully-fledged graduating class of 2015 as they take flight from their Flamingo Lake location onto pastures new!

All of us here at Provo Primary School are extremely proud of all of our students’ individual achievements.  8 of our 14 graduating students have attended the school since Preschool and over their 9 years at Provo Primary School it has been both a privilege and pleasure to watch them grow and develop into the fine young people they are today.

Academic achievement—although important—is not the ultimate end goal for learning at Provo Primary. Our students’ social, physical, and emotional well-being is just as important. [Read more…]

Graduation, Leavers and Celebration Assembly, 2015

provo-primary-graduation-invite-2015Provo Primary cordially invites you to our

Graduation, Leavers & Celebration Assembly

at 9 AM on Thursday 25th June, 2015.

Come join us as our amazing Year 6 students graduate, we thank all who have helped us, say farewell to our leaving students and teachers and celebrate a wonderful year of learning together.





Thank you for a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week

teacher-appreciation-week-thank-you-june-2015Last week, our teachers were very happy to be surprised by a special Provo Primary Teacher Appreciation Week.  A HUGE thank you to Kate, our PTA Chair, for organising a host of children and parents into celebrating and thanking all of our teachers for the hard work they have done this year.

Thank you to all of the kind parents who took the time to bake and prepare treats. All of those daily morning goodies brought an extra smile to everyone’s faces at the start of each day.

Relieving teachers of their lunchtime duties was such a luxury. Thank you to all who volunteered.

The teachers also very much enjoyed all the delightful messages and surprises from the children.

On behalf of all of the teachers, I would like to thank everyone for your recognition and support of all that they do – everyone felt full of gratitude!  Thank you.

Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Further adventures of our Year 6 in the DR

yr-6-dr-trip-06-05-15 (6)Our Year 6 adventurers returned home today full of stories and tales to tell of their 5 day trip to Rancho Baiguate in the Dominican Republic.

Their trip has been action-packed with activities – hikes to waterfalls, visits to a bird sanctuary and a coffee plantation, horse riding and zip-lining, to name a few.  Handling a snake was a new experience for some. Tasting some authentic Dominican ice-cream involved some interesting flavours; including sweet potato.   Here are a few photos – I know there will be lots more to share next week!

We have missed you Year 6 and look forward to hearing your news on Monday, after a well deserved weekend’s rest and relaxation.

Thank you to our superstar teachers Mr. Jason, Mrs. Yorka and all of our amazing parent volunteers for making this trip such a memorable and fun one for everyone.  [Read more…]

Attending a Book Launch

auntie-fannie-talking-potatoes-launch-june-2015There’s an exciting new children’s book on the island, written by one of our resident pastors, Mr. Bradley Handfield.

Entitled, ‘The Adventures of Auntie Fannie, Mattie and the Talking Potatoes’, it tells of Auntie Fannie’s trip to market, where she meets a small kitten (Mattie) and buys some very special potato seeds.

The book was introduced by the author at a special ceremony on June 2nd at the Gus Lightbourne building. Many of the island schools were represented and local dignitaries, including the Minister of Education, spoke to the children about the importance of reading and the magic we can find whenever we enter the world of our imagination. Every child was given a free copy of the book and local sponsors donated copies to the schools. This was followed by some of the children entertained us with their singing.

Two of our Year 6 students were the ambassadors for our school and they did us proud. When Provo Primary was announced, they joined the author on stage to accept copies donated to our school by the Right Honourable Rufus Ewing.  Look out for the copies as they circulate around the school.  A big thank you goes to Mrs. Betty  for accompanying the students.  A children’s writer herself, she enjoyed the experience and the celebration of the magic that stories bring to the lives of children.

Yr 6 have arrived!

yr-6-trip-june-2015The Year 6 have arrived in the Dominican Republic for their week long eco-adventure, residential trip at Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa.

The trip links well with the topics the Year 6 have studied throughout the year and will be a wonderful opportunity for them to apply their Spanish learning to real-life situations.



Here is Mr. Jason’s first report of their adventures:

We are here! The Ranch is fantastic; terrific facilities! The kids are having a blast. A fun filled week awaits us with horse-back rides to the famous DR waterfalls, high and low ropes course, flower and coffee plantations! We completed our first ecological tour this evening and the kids were amazed by the natural beauty!

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.

Look out for further updates and photos throughout the week.

There’s still time to enter the photo competition

Photo Competition












PTA Movie Night this Friday

movienightPTA Movie Night

Friday 8th May 5:00-7PM

See posters at school for details or call 441 5638




World Osprey Week Update / DEMA Photo Competition

osprey-childrens-park-mar-20151.jpgCheck out the latest news on this year’s recent World Osprey Week.  We get a mention and it’s lovely to see what other schools around the world have been up to.


Thank you to our Year 4 photographer for passing on the brilliant photos.  Great inspiration for the up-coming DEMA photographic competition that is running from 22 April – 22 May 2015.   Take a look at our last year’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winning entries.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to get out and interact with our natural environment and I look forward to see some wonderful photos!



“How does my child learn maths?”

maths-parent-workshop-april-2015We are pleased to invite parents to join us for a fun morning session aimed at providing information on how our students develop their numeracy skills throughout the school.

We hope to show how maths is developed and consolidated in across the school, as well as learning how to effectively support your child at home. We will offer information on:

  • Emergent maths for young minds
  • Understanding the number system
  • Calculations
  • Mental maths

Sessions will be split to allow us to focus on the differing needs of our younger and older children.We hope you can join us for these fun and informative sessions:

Key Stage 1 & 2: Year 2 – Year 6

Tuesday 28th April: 8:30 – 10:00am


Early Years: Toddlers – Year 1

Wednesday 29th April: 8:30 – 10:00am


We hope to see you there!

Shark Week at Provo Primary

shark-stanley-bookEach year we dedicate a week to learning about wildlife in our local environment. Shark week follows on from our successful Osprey Week last year.  This week across the school, classes are investigating sharks.

We would like to thank all the community members who will be offering their expertise.

On Wednesday, David Gallardo (photographer) will be sharing his amazing photography and diving with shark experiences with Jk – Yr2.

On Thursday, Tina Randall (Shark Defenders), Jackie Walker (Amanyara Nature Discovery Centre) and Amy Avenant (DEMA) will be joining together with our Yr. 1-6 teachers to offer a morning of shark activities that the children will rotate through. Activities will include: fact finding, crafts, poetry and drama.

Bring your cameras on Friday and take some family photos with the Stanley Shark photo board.

Find out more about Stanley Shark and what you can do to help protect sharks at http://www.sharkdefenders.com/

Summer Term, 2015 – Newsletters and Topic Maps

topic-maps-summer-2015Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class this summer term.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

What a variety of exciting, creative topics we will be exploring!


[Read more…]

After-School Clubs, Summer 2015

school-club-imageStarting Monday 2oth May, we are pleased to offer new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term for all children from JK through to Year 6, alongside some returning popular ones.

For our younger members  we have a majestic ‘Be a Princess Club’ and an energetic ‘Adventure Club’.  Our ever popular ‘Bit of Everything’ club is also continuing this term.

Feeling sporty?  Then how about our ‘Soccer’ or  ‘TAG Rugby’ clubs.   Our new ‘Newspaper Magic’ club will appeal to those who like to solve a problem and be free to be creative.  This term is a great opportunity for new members to enrol in ‘Junior / Advanced French‘ Steel Band and Homework clubs too.

If you are interested in your child joining us then please download the attached registration form.

[Read more…]

Flamingoes and Chicks are Taking a Break

flamingo-family-2Our very popular Flamingoes and Chicks sessions, we will be taking a short break this term. We will start up these popular sessions once more in July and then again in September.

We hope you enjoyed what started out to be a few free sessions, but due to popular demand, ended up running for months! A big thank you to Mrs. Helen and Mrs. Rachel for leading the programme over its time.  We will miss seeing everyone each week, but with a full toddler class this term, our fullest attention needs to be on our enrolled young minds and needs.

Thank you all for your interest and support and we look forward to seeing you in either July or September.

School Lunch (Monday 20th April to Thursday 21st May)

school-lunch-picPlease click on the image left to see our new school lunch menu for Monday 20th April to Thursday 21st May.

Lunches are available for full-time children.

We have new ordering options this term.  Please note that all orders and payments need to be made in ADVANCE and that a cut off ordering date system is now in place.


Welcome to the Summer Term, 2015

summer-term-2015Welcome to the summer term at Provo Primary.

Thank you for your patience with our website issues.  We are almost back to our familiar look and are pleased to publish our first post of the new term.

It is a busy and exciting term ahead, starting with our ‘Shark Week’ and ‘Parent Maths Calculation workshops’ in April.  We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Bonnie and Mr. Joel in May and our swimming programme from K-Yr. 6 starts in mid May.  Our PTA are also busy planning their annual fundraiser – amongst a few other events.

Take a look at our calendar for the events and dates we have in place this term.


Creative Spring Bonnet Parade – 2015

spring-bonnets-2015What a wonderful display of spring bonnets we saw today.  Each of our Toddlers, Preschool, Jnr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten children proudly paraded around the school, sharing their creative designs with the older students and a large crowd of mums and dads.

Congratulations – we saw bouquets of flowers, chicks, eggs and lots of bunny ears!  We hope you everyone enjoyed creating these together with their children.  What talents milliners we have!

[Read more…]

Christmas Smiles

christmas-smiles-2014It was quite a while ago now, but here are a few photos from the distribution of the Christmas gifts, which were mainly donated by Provo Primary School to The Salvation Army, and which we distributed in the community on your behalf.

Thank you to all the students and staff who helped to make it all possible.



[Read more…]

The Great Year 6 Balloon Debate

yr-6-debate-mar-2015A balloon debate is a debate in which a number of speakers attempt to win the approval of an audience. The audience is invited to imagine that the speakers are flying in a hot-air balloon which is sinking. Everyone, bar one individual, must be thrown out in order to have one survivor.

Year 6 recently participated in their own balloon debate. The class were split into 4 groups. Competing with the other members in their group they had to speak on behalf of a famous person, author, fictional character and so on (dead or alive) in order to present their case and to convince the audience of their worth.

[Read more…]

‘Hideaway’ with Provo Performing Arts School

It’s so amazing to see so many of our Provo Primary Students performing in this amazing video – both past and present – all linked together and connected through dance. A true combination of talent, enthusiasm, hard work and dedication.  Well done, everyone!  I am thoroughly looking forward to your ‘Summer Showcase’ performance – Miss Sian.

Are you inspired to dance?  Provo Performing Arts School invite you to read on to learn how this video came about, and to see details on how you can sign up for their new dance sessions starting in Monday 20th April.  See the full programme details here.  You’ll need to sign up by 3rd April if you want to participate in the ‘Summer Showcase’.

[Read more…]

We’re not here today – we’re having an ‘Unplugged’ day!

Unplugged-LogoAlthough we value the amazing contribution that technology makes to our teaching and learning at Provo Primary, today as part of our Healthy Tech/Life Balance Week, we are having an ‘Unplugged’ Day.

We will be busy learning as usual – just without all of the technological support that we are accustomed to.  It will probably not be much of an impact to our younger students, where real-life hands-on play-based learning dominates and technology use is much less a part of their day, but I am sure it will be a little more noticeable higher up in the school, where projectors and whiteboards, laptops and tablets play an integral role, alongside hands-on learning experiences. How will our teachers feel its impact?

How will it impact the administrative running of the school…?!? No computers or emails…bear with us as we find out! Just to note – this post was written yesterday and was scheduled to publish today without human interaction!

[Read more…]