Bonfire Night Celebrations Tonight

bonfire-night-2015On 5th November every year, effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on bonfires across England in recognition of his part in the failed ‘Gunpowder Plot’ of 1605.  Here in the Turks and Caicos, Clive Whent at Bay Bistro helps us to join in with this tradition, inviting Provo Primary families to an annual Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night Party.

Come and watch the sunset, enjoy some of Clive’s tasty BBQ burgers, hot dogs, sausages on a stick and drinks (on sale) and admire the Guy (created by Year 4 in their Design and Technology classes) before the bonfire is lit.

All Provo Primary families welcome.

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Island Songs – celebrating National Heritage Month

As National Heritage Month comes to an end here in the Turks and Caicos and as we introduce Caribbean Tourism Month, my third and final video choice to share is this wonderful version of ‘Beautiful by Nature’ by Everyman, which has been re-recorded featuring students from the Clement Howell High School Choir.  This additional video explains the story behind the song and its recent video production by Island Eye TV.  What a beautiful song to celebrate our islands.

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The place that we call home… – National Heritage Month

We begin our week here at Provo Primary with one of those not so common rainy Mondays.  What a joy it is to hear the frogs merrily croaking in the water tank and to see the children arriving in wellies and raincoats, huddled under umbrellas.  We don’t often get to hear such sounds or to don such apparel so there is almost a sense of excitement as children arrive for their day at school.

The climate in Turks and Caicos is described best as desert tropical.  This means that the weather is arid, warm, and lacking significant annual rainfall.  Although when it rains, our heart turn to the tourists and a hope for our sunny skies to return, residents also feel a sense of joy that their water tanks will be filling up and that the parched plants will be enjoying a well needed drink.

The islands average 350 sunny days per year.  With a few unsettled days forecast for the week ahead, please enjoy this amazing video from as a reminder of what will soon return and how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful land with predominately gorgeous climes.


It’s ‘Global Handwashing Day’ Today

global-handwashing-day-2015‘Global Handwashing Day’ (Oct 15)  is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of hand washing with soap as an easy, effective, and affordable way to prevent diseases.

Teaching children about hand washing early in life is important.  Most children develop the ability to wash their hands independently by about three years of age.  But even when they know how to do it, they’ll almost certainly need to be given lots of encouragement and reminders.

At Provo Primary, teaching about hand washing and reinforcing its practice is an everyday part of school learning.   On ‘Global Handwashing Day’ we will be highlighting and reinforcing this even more, with our younger children participating in a variety of focused activities.

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Island Life in Turks and Caicos – Celebrating our National Heritage

My second National Heritage Month video choice comes from our friends at Brilliant by Tropical Imaging.  A collection of amazing photography that captures the spectacular nature, rich history and cultural splendor, our smiling people and wonderful places and experiences that can be enjoyed here in the Turks and Caicos.

Island Life in Turks and Caicos from Brilliant by Tropical Imaging on Vimeo.

Drop Everything and Read enjoyed by all!

dear-oct-2015 (1)On Friday, we culminated our ‘Week of the Child’ reading celebrations with a whole school ‘Drop Everything and Read’ (DEAR) session.

The everyday sounds of the school were replaced with the hush tones of children reading, as throughout the school everyone stopped what ever they were doing, picked up a book and enjoyed quiet reading, by themselves or with others.

Take a look at a selection of our photos… it was lovely to see children choosing their individual places to read around the school, inside and out, capturing Mr. Sajouste, our caretaker, enjoying being read to, and seeing our older and younger children sharing this special reading time together.


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This Land of Ours… in memory of the late Rev. Dr. Conrad Howell

A moment presented itself on Friday for us to video our Year 3 and 5 children singing ‘This Land of Ours’, the unofficial national song of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  This song accompanies ‘God Save our Queen,’ the official national anthem of the country at every major event and special ceremony.

Written and composed by the recently passed Rev. Dr. Conrad Howell, it is a song that’s sincere words unites all who are fortunate to live here in the Turks and Caicos, celebrates its natural beauty and reminds us of our duty to protect this for the future.

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Reading Buddies is SO MUCH FUN!

week-of-child-reading-buddies-oct-2015 (6)Reading buddies got together all around the school this week, with older children reading with younger children. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying the experience of reading to others, being read to, or both!

Activities like these have many reading skill benefits and are also great for building self-esteem.  I love to see how it unites us a school, developing closer, caring connections within our Provo Primary family.

The votes are in… it was a popular event… and one which we would like to repeat again soon!



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Beautiful by Nature – Celebrating our National Heritage

Over the month of October – our National Heritage Month – I will be featuring some of my favourite videos about our islands.  Let’s start with this wonderful video ‘Introduction to the Turks and Caicos Island’, which looks at each island in our ‘Beautiful by Nature’ archipelago.

Thank you to whoever made this… let me know if you know who did?

School Council Provo Library Book Drive

school-Council-Book-Drive-oct-2015Only 3 more days left to join in…

The Provo Primary School Council is asking YOU to look through bookshelves to see if you have any GENTLY USED CHILDREN’S BOOKS that you would like to DONATE to the PROVO LIBRARY, DOWNTOWN.

This initiative takes place as part of our Department of Education’s National ‘Week of the Young Child’, under this year’s theme…“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”

(Please pass on donations to your class teacher by Friday 9th October)

Thank you, The Provo Primary School Council

Embarking on their first community project this year, a selection of our School Council members will be visiting the library later this week.  They aim to find out all they can about this local facility, which supports children on the island with their development and enjoyment of reading.

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‘The Week of the Young Child’ – October 5-9, 2015

week-of-young-child-oct-2015-1Each year during the month of October, the Department of Early Childhood Education celebrates ‘The Week of the Young Child’.

The week aims at highlighting the crucial period for learning that takes place during the life span of an individual and celebrates the unique way in which young children learn. The week commences October 5-9, 2015 under the theme;

“Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom”.

We are pleased to share that our Early Years classes are participating in a variety of extra reading activities this week.  The whole school also aims to get together for some book buddy reading times, with older children reading to young ones.  There will also be a ‘DEAR’ session, where upon everyone in the school time Drops Everything And Reads at the same!

How will you choose to celebrate the theme “Grow a Reader and Watch them Bloom” at home?  Why not send us a photo?

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Local Children plan a 12-hour PERFORM-A-THON Rescheduled

12-hr-performathonThe Perform-a-thon has been be rescheduled for Saturday October 10th between 10am and 10pm at Provo Primary School’s Stage

Performing Arts teacher Niki Flowers has teamed up with The Turks & Caicos Friends of the Arts Foundation (TCFAF) and an old friend of hers; to bring London’s West End Theatre to Provo in February 2016.This project will be financially supported by TCFAF, but a fundraiser is required to assist with the cost. Niki wanted to include children in the fundraising efforts, so has asked all of her students to get involved and sponsored in a 12-hour Perform-a-thon. Niki teaches a collection of classes here at Provo Primary School, under the heading of Provo Performing Arts School.

Niki is appealing to the public, as well as local corporate organisations for their support –  if you have any air miles that you could donate, or a pledge of backing please contact her at
The children will also benefit greatly from support on the day – come along and cheer them on!

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National Heritage Month – Community Calendar

tci-image-2015Come….Let’s celebrate our culture and heritage with national pride.

Here is the Calendar of events in relation to celebrations for National Heritage Month, provided by The Department of Culture through the Ministry of Tourism , Environment , Culture and Heritage




  • October 1st Ecumenical Service Grand Turk – St. Thomas Anglican Church 10:00am – 11:30am
  • October 10th South Caicos – A taste of South Caicos- Music, dance, food, games.
  • October 11th Salt Cay – Gospel Concert
  • October 12th 2015 ALL ISLANDS – Flag parade leading up to a community sporting event. [Read more…]

A month of National Celebrations here in the TCI

circle_the_turks_and_caicos_islands_flagA host of different national celebrations are taking place around the islands this October…

Look out for details of these in future post and see how Provo Primary plans to participate…

  • Turks and Caicos National Heritage Month.
  • Health and Family Life Month – “Better Bodies, Better Minds: Let’s Get Moving TCI!” ED Dept.
  • 5th-9th Oct – Week of the Young Child – “Celebrating Our Youngest Learners: – Grow a Reader and Watch them Boom”.

See you at our Beach Family Fun Day

PTA-BEACH-DAY-sept-2015Provo Primary PTA and The Provo Sailing Club invite you to come and celebrate National Youth Day with us at our Beach Family Fun Day.

Friday 25th September at the Kids Park in the Bight between 2 and 5 pm.

Join us for Hobie cat rides, sandcastle building and endless oodles of beach and water fun.

Bring your coolers – the PTA will also have a refreshing watermelon stand.





After-Clubs – Autumn 2015

school-club-imageOur Autumn term after-school clubs start on Monday 28th September and will run until Wednesday 2nd December.  Along with our usual favourites, we are pleased to be introducing Blogging, Handball, Art Attack, Origami and Construction Club.

Click on the image left to see the club schedule.

All payments need to be made  through IsleHelp and should be made in advance, by 9am on Monday 28th September. 

NB: There are no clubs during mid term or during parent meeting week.

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School Lunch – October 2015

PrintRemember to order your child’s school lunch for the month of October by 9am on Monday 28th September.

Please find below our October lunch menu (Monday 28th September – Friday 23rd October).  All meals are up to $6.00 each.

Monday Chicken fried Rice
Tuesday Cheese or pepperoni pizza ($3.00 for 1 slice/$6.00 for 2 slices)
Wednesday Pasta and meatballs with garlic bread
Thursday Fish fingers with mash and coleslaw
Friday Roast chicken, roast potatoes, and mixed veg

Read more to find out how to order using our Point of Sale (POS) or online payment options using IsleHelp

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Class Information Booklets (2015-16)

class-info-booklets-2015-16Our 2015/16  Class Information Booklets for Kindergarten through to Year 6 are now available online for you to download.

These booklets aim to provide you with information about the school ethos, class expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.







Flamingos and Chicks Tomorrow

flamingos-chicks-sessions-sept-2015 It’s time for our FREE Flamingos and Chicks session again tomorrow (Friday) between 9am and 10am at Provo Primary School.  All Flamingo Parents/Carers along with their Newborn and Toddler Chicks are welcome. Find out for yourself why our Early Years Programme is so popular and successful!

We have lots of great toys and exploratory activity centres available for your young chicks to enjoy.  Find out more our Early Years programme.






This Saturday Morning…Join Provo Primary at the TCI Coastal Clean Up Day

tci-coastal-clean-up-image-2015‘FIGHTING FOR TRASH-FREE SEAS’

Join our Provo Primary group of volunteers this Saturday from 7am – 9am to help clean-up the Children’s Park beach area.  Meet us at the park and do your bit.

‘Only have an hour to spare – no problem – every little helps!”

See the poster below for further details and to know what to bring (DEMA-coastal-cleanup-campaign-2015)

In 2014, 168 people collected 279 bags of trash nation-wide. How will TCI do this year?  Come and join in.

Upcoming Parent Reading Workshops this Week

reading-meeting-sept-2013Over the next couple of weeks, many of the teachers will be hosting ‘reading’ worshop meetings.  Come and learn more about how teachers and children approach reading in our school, how our reading scheme and library books are organised and how you as parents can help your child on their reading journey, as they progress through the school.

Look out for all of the posters displayed on your child’s class noticeboard next week for details.  Please ask your child’s teacher for further information and let them know if you are able to attend.

Year 2:  Parent Reading Meeting – Tuesday 15th @ 2:20pm in the School Library.

Year 3/4:  Parent Reading Meeting – Wednesday 16th @ 8:15am in the School Library.

Kindergarten – Parent Reading Meeting – Friday 18th @ 2:20pm in the Kindergarten classroom.

Year 5/6:  General Expectations Meeting – Wednesday 23rd @ 5pm in the Year 6 classroom.

The Year 1 Reading Meeting will be later in the term on Tuesday 10th November @ 8:15am.

We hope to see you there.

Spotlight on our Early Years Programme!

Do you have a toddler or young child that you are keen to see happy and thriving in a high quality, play and learning environment with other children? Then please take a look at our video and find out more about our Early Years Programme here at Provo Primary.

To see our children in action, please visit our Flamingos and Chicks programme on Friday mornings and have fun participating in activities together with your child or call to make an appointment to view the school – 441 5638 / 431 6327.

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Newsletters and Topic Maps – Autumn 2015

newsletters-sept-2015Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our first class newsletters for the new school year.  Topic Maps are being created over the first few weeks of school so keep checking back if your child’s class map is not up at this point.

School Hot Lunch – What’s Cooking?

PrintOur school lunch service starts on Monday 7th September – Remember to provide a packed lunch for your child for the first week of school.

School lunch is available every day and provided by external caterers, Pizza Pizza. Please find below our school lunch menu for Monday September 7th to Thursday September 24th September (3 weeks).  All meals are up to $6.00 each.

Monday BBQ Chicken, peas and rice with macaroni cheese
Tuesday Cheese or pepperoni pizza ($3.00 for 1 slice/$6.00 for 2 slices)
Wednesday Pasta and meatballs with garlic bread
Thursday Fish fingers with mash and coleslaw
Friday Roast chicken, roast potatoes, and mixed veg

Read more to find out how to order using our Point of Service (POS) or online payment options

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Cyber-Safety Tips for the Summer

internet-safety-june-2015During their summer holidays, chances are that children may be spending more time online with their computers and mobile devices.  But this doesn’t mean you can leave them to their own devices on those devices. This increased screen time can provide many benefits for kids, however, there are also increased risks that include access to non age appropriate material and cyber-bullying.
Parents can help protect children by creating an open environment where children feel comfortable talking to their parents about what they see and do online.  Remind your children to think about what they have learned about online safety at school and the ‘SMART’ rules.  These teach and encourage children to make their own informed safe choices.
Let’s us continue to work together to keep online time fun.  Here are a collection of articles with great tips on how to keep your online summer holidays happy ones…

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