Yr 4 Present their Home Projects on the Romans

yr-4-roman-home-projects-oct-2014-4What a wonderful first term Flamingo class have had studying the Ancient Romans! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Romans during class time as well as producing some fascinating and enlightening homework projects which they then presented to their classmates.



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Year 4 Roman Brunch

Salve omnes!

As a celebration to end our study on the Romans, we had our amazing Roman Brunch. We would like to say thanks to the parents for supporting the event. The students loved every moment of it. They came all dressed up in their Roman outfits and were able to experience what life was like for the Romans when they feasted. We had roman music playing in the background as we enjoyed a meal of grapes, apples, pizzas, cheese and so much more.

Time was also spent getting familiar with the Roman Numerals and using them on their hand-made clocks as well as challenging themselves with Maths problems written using Roman Numerals. [Read more…]

A busy half term in Year 4!

And so we come to the end of another very busy half term in Year 4. The children are working hard to finish off the mythical stories they have written – we hope to have them word processed and published before the end of the week!

They have also done some beautiful paintings of mermaids and made magical mermaid mirrors.

We’ve been learning more about The Romans and The Celts who lived in Britain before the Roman invasion. The class have made Celtic shields and done role-play as different individuals – stating their case, based on their jobs and position within the tribe as to whether or not the tribe should go to battle!

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Year 4 Ancient Roman Architecture Treasure Hunt

Flamingo Class set out this week to see if it was possible to find evidence of the Ancient Roman’s influence on Provo. It’s amazing to think that the Romans can still have an affect our daily lives, 2000 years later and half-way across the globe! Our discoveries were quite surprising…you’d be forgiven for thinking we’d actually gone to Rome!

Afterwards, students were treated to a Roman Banquet at Pizza Pizza, consisting of pizza (possibly a Roman invention – Romans certainly ate panis focaccia, a bread with toppings added) Caesar salad (named after Rome’s most famous ruler) and red/white grape juice (even though Romans would have insisted on wine). After seeing our fantastic photo gallery, you’ll understand how we worked up such an appetite!

Stepping back in time with Flamingo Class!

yr4-timelines-march-2014 (7)Year 4 were busy creating an enormous timeline of the world’s greatest civilisations today. And wow – what a task it was!

Going back over 5000 years, we plotted 14 major civilisations who have left their mark on world history forever. Whether you want to date the Egyptian Pyramids, climb atop a Mayan temple or sail on a Viking longship – the Flamingo Class timeline will tell you when to set your time machine for!

The project marks the beginning of our new topic on Discovering Ancient Rome where we will be uncovering the amazing history of the period and region. Through archaeology and research, we hope to discover what the Romans did that makes them so important nearly 2000 years later!

Come by Flamingo Class over the coming months to share in our amazing discoveries!

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Flamingo Class Debate Roman Legacy

yr-4-roman-legacy-apr-2013 (5)Students in Flamingo Class have been busy researching aspects of Ancient Roman life this week, in preparation for a great debate!

Together they have discovered some incredible things about some of the inventions, buildings, ideas and beliefs that made the Roman Empire so influential in World history!

Read on and decide which of these facts you think is most incredible?



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Roman Settlement discovered in Provo!

Children in Flamingo Class have been learning about how real historians find out about life in the past. We wondered how is it possible to know how Romans cleaned themselves. Or whether it is actually possible to know what a Roman kitchen looked like? Does anyone really understand how and why people celebrated Roman gods?

As part of our Theme Week activities, parents were invited to join us in undertaking a real archaeological dig, so that we might discover how all this is possible. One morning, we all set about finding evidence of a previously undiscovered Roman settlement right here in Provo!
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