Concerted – An All Inclusive Music Camp

Starts December 14th – Monday to Saturday with a
Virtual Concert December 31st

All ages

Learn to play – keyboard, drums and percussion, voice, guitar, violin, steel pan and more…

For more information register online.

Email or call WhatsApp 1-649-244-4767

Y1 Celebrations

This half term in Y1 we have started our new topic “Celebrations”. This topic will help our Y1’s to have a solid understanding of the meaning, characteristics and purpose of different celebrations around the world.

Last week, we learned about the Hindu celebration of light “Diwali”. Y1’s explored the story of “Rama and Sita” and put on a puppet show to display their retelling skills and to show off their inventiveness. There were many fantastic home- made and hand – made lollipop stick puppets to represent each character from the story!

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Year 5 Art: “Girl with the wind in her hair”

Year 5 have completed a half term’s work on cartoon drawing with a grand finale called “Girl with the wind in her hair”. They have been practising drawing cartoon characters with different facial expressions, animals, robots, aliens and pets. Over the past few weeks, the children have grown in confidence both in what skill they have practised but also in inventing their own versions. Today, they have drawn on experience from previous lessons to produce this classic Pete McKee image of a girl on a beach. The lesson was a slight departure from their cartoon drawing as they challenged themselves to a piece of graphic fine art. Below is a photo of just a few of the wonderful artworks from the children, proudly displayed in our temporary classroom.

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Y3 Erupting Volcanoes

Part of the Year 3 Rocks and Soils topic took us in the direction of looking at volcanos. During their research they not only created amazingly informative posters, which they presented with growing clarity and confidence – check them out below. They they also built their own erupting volcanoes. Their reactions are priceless. Enjoy watching their videos!

Well done Year 3. You are all volcano experts now!

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