Year 1 Greater than, less than equal to…

These Year 1’s are confidently demonstrating how they are able to compare numbers using the < > and = symbols. Well done home-learners!

Year 2 take look inside the body…

Year 2 have been learning about the human body.

They chose different ways to share their understanding of what they know to be inside their body. Their use of labels is really helpful.

The children watched different versions of the skeleton dance and expressed which they preferred. They made their own videos too. These were shared on their class Seesaw blog so that children across the school could enjoy them.

Making x-ray skeletons with paper straws was tricky. Look for the details they have included…. can you find a skull, a femur, a tibia and fibia, a pelvis, a rib, a radius and ulna?

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Daycare Staycation in Letterland

Our Daycare children were all excited to return to the classroom after enjoying a staycation at home.

As the children entered the room, they were amazed to see the some of the Letterland characters on the wall.  Their curiosity, just like Clever Cat in Letterland, led them to explore all the classroom centers calling out the names and sounds of the letters.

So, our journey began, hanging out in Letterland and discovering the wonders of letters and sounds.

Over these first few weeks, the children have revisited some of the sounds they are already familiar with and explored those that are new.

The children have enjoyed making Letterland crafts, listening to the stories of each character, chanting the sounds they make, acting out the actions, making marks that represent each sound, writing in sand, using water to make prints on concrete, tracing with water over chalk, using dot art and tracing with markers, etc.

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Learn how to draw a conch shell with Year 3

The thought of drawing a conch shell may seem like a super hard thing to do! Watch this video and learn how to draw it step by step.

Year 3 took on the challenge. I’m sure some found it tricky but they persevered. Click on to see their beautiful conch.

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Let Year 3 tell you all there is to know about conch (Konk)

The sounding the conch shell horn (blowing the conch) is a tradition here in the TCI used to call attention to an important event or celebration.

A perfect way to draw your attention to our amazing Year 3 Conch class who have made information posters about their class namesake.

I imagine they really had to ‘conch-centrate’ while making these!🤣

How have the children’s use of text colour and size, artwork, titles, heading, questions, text boxes, bullet points and other features drawn you in and made it easy to find out more about these amazing seashell animals?

There is certainly a lot to learn about conch. Well done, Year 3. 🐚

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Home learning Wellness Wednesday Tip #1

To help avoid eye strain during home learning screen time, do these 20- 20-20 eye breaks and blink often to refresh your eyes.

Also check the lighting and reduce glare. …

Adjust your monitor to eye level or hold your device up so you’re not looking down. …

Adjust your screen settings so they’re not too bright or too dark.

Check out this article for more eye strain tips.

Year 1 explore DIAS DE LA SEMANA Y COLORES – Days of the week and colours

EL MARAVILLOSO MUNDO DE LOS COLORES During our Spanish lessons we have been listening to songs, meeting little colourful “visitors” and playing guessing games while we learn LOS COLORES.  This week we decided to go hands on, leaving the screen aside for a bit and making this BEAUTIFUL AND CREATIVE drawings.   Good job little Picasso’s.

Spinning plates on a wobbly Monday

I’ve always correlated teaching to the art of plate spinning and this morning I was in awe of Miss Mani in action as she kept each of her Year 3s (mainly 7-year olds) spinning… virtually!

As a professional spinner, she strived to keep all the children engaged and successful.  She patiently continued on through technical issues beyond her control, calmly waited as children manipulated mics, and connected with and supported everyone through their activities. All while not spinning out of control herself – what a pro! How fortunate we are to have a school full of amazing teachers just like Miss Mani!  And how amazing our students and parent/carers are too – what patience they display when things get a little wobbly. What superheroes!

In plate spinning, the goal is to spin each plate and keep them spinning so that none of them fall. You are always on your toes and constantly looking for the plate that might fall so you can prevent it from doing just that.

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This Week is Caribbean Wellness week

A variety of healthy activities are set to be hosted this week to celebrate Caribbean Wellness Day.

Its aim is to increase awareness and promote healthy activities to address the epidemic of non-communicable diseases.

The overall theme for the event is ‘Power through collective action” with the special theme for this year, ‘Stronger together’.

Read on to learn about daily activities your family may like to join in with.

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Year 1 learn about the Power of YET!

Year 1 read the book – ‘Bubble Gum Brain’ by Julia Cook and learned all about the Power of YET!

Do you have a bubble gum OR a brick brain when you approach something challenging? FIND OUT! It’s all about your mindset. This creative story teaches us the valuable lesson that ‘becoming’ is better than ‘being’, which can open the door to a whole new world of possibilities!

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Year 4 Flamingo Affirmations

The Year 4 Flamingos have started this new school term on a positive note despite everything happening around us in the world. As a class, we wanted to highlight positivity and confidence and so we came up with the Flamingos’ Affirmations.

It is our belief that if we feed positive thoughts into our minds we can overcome anything. These affirmations are a reminder that we can improve our self-esteem, become more productive and finish projects we have started.  It has helped us to become more self accepting as we work on becoming the best we can.

Year 5 Turtle Class

Although they may not be currently physically having school in the actual Year 5 ‘Turtle’ Classroom, it doesn’t mean that our Year 5s can’t celebrate all things turtle online!

Click on to see their hand-drawn turtles, digital turtles and turtle facts.

Welcome to the Turtle Class Year 5 – we hope you enjoy a ‘turtley’ amazing year!

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Year 3 learn the importance of being a good Digital Citizen

Being a good digital citizen means being safe and responsible online. With our school learning at home remotely at the moment and using computers and tablets to help us, being a good digital citizen is more important than ever.

It’s a good job that e-safety has always been a big part of our school curriculum. The Year 3’s have already learned lots of skills in their previous classes.

It’s always good to refresh and update our skills though and the video below does this in a fun way. Click on to hear our Year 3 Digital Citizen pledges.

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Year 2 recreate their brains, in creative ways!

Year 2 have been learning about the different parts of their brain and the jobs they perform. The children created and labelled their brains using different mediums – rocks, coral, leaves, paper, etc.

The brain guides everything that we do: our body’s movements, our decision making, and our emotions. Did you know that we have the power to make our brains stronger every day?

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Year 1 Cuisenaire Face Challenge

As best as our young Year 1s can, they are facing all the challenges of remote learning with a smile of their face and growth mindset! It certainly looks like they enjoyed using resources from their home learning packs to enhance their remote learning experience.

Using Cuisenaire rods in their pack, their challenge was to make a face. They then they took a photo of it and added it to their Seesaw journal to share with their teacher.   

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First day of the new school year…

Congratulations…we made it through the first day of the 2020/21 school year. Well done, everyone!

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