Years 4 Home Learning: Express Feelings through Google Chrome Songmaker

Year 4 enjoyed creating songs that were a symbol of how they were feeling that day, in that moment.  I wonder if you can sense how they felt by looking at the visual composition before listening.   How does their music make you feel?

“I’m having mixed emotions, because you can think of this time as good or bad.”HN

“My song is a happy 😊 song because I feel happy 😊 today 🎼. But I still feel a little bit sad 😞 because I miss my friends.” KB

“I had so much fun!”

Have a go yourself and express your feelings through music.  The songmaker is one of a variety of fantastic musical experiences on the Musiclab website and it’s perfect for our home learning situation and all ages.


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Year 1 Home Learning Maths: Equal Groups and Arrays

More wonderful photos and videos of our Year 1 Maths Home Learning parent/child/teacher teams.  Lots of hand-on activities centred on equal groups, arrays and repeated addition… with home-made playdough and every day things you find around the house.  What great learning we can see in the photos with parents modelling concepts and language in these 1-1 learning opportunities.  The videos show some amazing parent teachers in action, patiently allowing time for their children to demonstrate their learning and encouraging them to explain their understanding as they engage.

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Year 1 Home Learning Maths: Exploring Money

We have been exploring money in Year 1 and our little mathematicians have been fantastic,  immersing themselves in money hunts, money races and designing and creating money flip books.  They have recognised and identified pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and began to understand the value of each coin through their engagement with practical explorations. They have also been counting crazy in 5s and 10s to strengthen their counting abilities.
I have to to thank parents for your hands-on and one-to-one support with your children. You have scaffolded and shaped their knowledge and understanding and allowed to them to access new learning from your own home. Thank you! I am super proud of my Y1 money masters and how hands-on they were for this unit.

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