Pineapple Paradise in the School Garden!

Mrs B’s pineapples are thriving during lockdown in the school garden.

I’m hoping for a slice of one of her infamous pineapple upside-down cakes sometime soon!

Did you know the first upside down cakes were not made with pineapple, but with other seasonal fruits like apples and cherries. The use of pineapple began in 1901 when Jim Dole established the Hawaiian Pineapple Company (now known as the Dole Company) and started to produce and market mass quantities of canned pineapple.

Click on to see some upside down cakes being made…

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Check out the Year 3’s Home Learning “Masterpieces”

Year 3 were given a list of criteria of things to find around the house  – such as 6 different circles, a triangle, a pair of glasses, anything that could make a purple hat, something that had an orange bottom, anything that moves, 4 square objects, a chosen object of their own, one of which needed to move, a sign.

Then they used their imaginations and their engineering skills to build some amazing ‘masterpieces’ (that also, had to be 5 feet tall by the way).

Check out how creative they were – AMAZING! Well done Year 3.

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Year 6 Home Learning: Super Scary Horror Stories

During our Home Learning English lessons, via live online teaching, Year 6 have written our very own horror stories.

Our aim was to include a balance of setting description and narrative, incorporating figurative language such as high-level metaphors and personification.

We focused on manipulating grammar and punctuation in order to create variety in our sentence structures and keep the readers engaged. We wanted to create both tension and suspense and we are extremely proud of our final drafts!

Here are just some of our super scary narratives… read our starting paragraphs and continue on if you dare…

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“We Are Turks and Caicos… We’ll See You Soon!” says Year 2 and 4

Inspired by a recent Turks and Caicos Tourist Board destination video, ‘We are Turks and Caicos’, our Year 2 and 4 home learners became creative graphic designers and multimedia creators, designing their own promotional media offerings to promote the very best of our islands to visitors.

The original video was made in an effort to keep the destination of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the forefront of the minds of potential visitors, with the message, ‘We’ll see you soon!’   It promotes wanderlust for paradise with the use of breathtaking imagery that highlights the ‘Beautiful by Nature’ islands and its hospitable people.

Click on to see some individual videos the children made.

All in all, I think you’ll agree that our students efforts equally highlight and promote what makes the TCI such a special place to come and visit.

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Year 6 Home Learning: Optical Illusions and Fractured Art

As we continue with our Home Learning activities, we are mindful of including structured Art lessons that are not overly demanding on resources or complex skills, but that are very engaging and valuable.  As such, the Year 6 students have actively participated in some amazing lessons that have allowed for enjoyment, and artistic creativity and development to thrive.

Year 6 were guided in a Fractured Art lesson which was inspired by the great Picasso. The intricate details and colours used highlighted the element of movement throughout each composition and added great interest. Their creativity could also be seen evolving as they worked on the Optical Illusion piece. Each piece gave a sense of depth and the 3D effect was quite present.
These emerging artists have proven that art is an amazing tool that can be enjoyed whether you are in the classroom or at home with family.

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Year 7 & 8 Explore Lockdown Experience in Art

Students in across the school have been busy with their continuing education at home during the current school closures.

As part of our PSHE and Personal Growth curricula, Years 7 and 8 explored their feeling and thoughts about the current lockdown through artwork.

Children shared their artwork at our assembly time, conducted through video conferencing. Despite the challenges, it was clear that our students were keen to be learning together again back at school soon. The optimism and collective support among peers is something we cannot wait to share in!

Take a look at the children’s beautiful and poignant work, which says so much about the experience of young people during this strange time! [Read more…]