Ahoy there!

Year 2 have started their Land Ahoy topic off with a great start!  We have gone slightly pirate crazy but amazing work is currently being designed, filmed, created, produced and even sewn!

We have some big projects that we are working on in class. One of them being a class stop animation of a pirate poem. Stop animation is a film process that allows the illusion of inanimate objects seemingly move on their own. So far, we have painted our back drops, created a pirate ship and started to build our main characters out of playdough. In order to create a successful animation, the children must take at least 12 photos for every single second of the film – that’s a lot of photos! We have enjoyed watching Morph and Wallace and Gromit as inspiration for our up – coming film.

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We are googly about googly eyed learning in Year 1.

We are googly about googly eyed learning in Year 1.

Would you believe that you can use googly eyes for more than just googly eyed faces?  This week, Year 1 discovered that you can do maths (!!!) using these jiggly critters!

After becoming pretty successful at addition and subtraction equations, Year 1 upped their game and began to look at multiplication! We first began rote counting in 10s, then realising we were pretty good at that, progressed to 5s then after that we rocketed to counting in 2s!  Now, when it came to solving multiplication equations and  word problems, we discovered that googly eyes come in pairs…what better resource is there to help us work out two times table questions?
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JK Science Mix-It-Pot!

In JK we created a Science experiment which involved layering sand, glitter, beads and sparkles. The children were offered the opportunity to explore the creation with their hands and various tools. They made many discoveries – one being that it would not mix… no matter however many times they stirred, the sparkles always remained on top! When a the sieve was introduced, the children discovered they could separate the sand and glitter from the sparkles and the beads.

As you can see, in the movie, the further addition of chopsticks, tongs and spoons and lots of pots made this a really fun, messy and tactile mixing and separating Science activity!

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