Science Showcase in Year 6

Science lessons in Year 6 this term have been centered on the study of the human body.  Year 6 students have been busy identifying the main internal organs of the human body; and describing their functions.  In addition to this, they have also been examining some of the main body systems to further their understanding of how organs work together purposefully within the body.

With this in mind, Year 6 students were asked to make an individual presentation to their peers regarding an element of the human body which interests them.  Students were asked to present their material using a style of their choice; but they just had to ensure that their audience would gain something useful from the presentation made.


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Year 6 & 7 Athletics Finals Festival

Year 6 & 7 Athletics Finals Festival

Monday 1st April, 9-11am.

We are excited to invite you to our planned Athletics Finals Festival next week at the National Stadium.

Children have spent the term learning to compete in a range of Track & Field disciplines. We have practiced the basic techniques and used video analysis to improve our performance and technique in each area. Check out our video analysis work here.

Children have chosen 2-3 events to compete in, balancing the freshness,energy and focus needed to give their best in each event. After all the refinement of their skills, children are now anxious to see how a bit of pressure impacts their performance!

We hope that you will be able to join us for this showcase event. It has been designed to give all students an equal and competitive opportunity to apply their learning. We are hopeful that this will be a dress-rehearsal for an inter-school athletics event after Easter.

As we complete our Athletics unit, please join me in thanking Ryan Jones and Jen Blain for giving their time to support teaching. Their input has been valuable and much appreciated!

If you are able to join us, I will look forward to seeing you at the track on Monday!

Performance analysis leads to new records in PE!

Years 6 & 7 have been studying and practising Athletics this term, thinking about how track & field athletes are able to develop their technique in order to improve performance.

Students have spent time learning the specific techniques needed for each discipline: the shot put, javelin, long jump, high jump, triple jump, sprint and hurdles. All children then made an excellent effort to practise these skills.

In recent weeks, we then started to look at how video analysis can help sports people to identify strengths and weaknesses in their performance and technique. Children watched videos of record breaking athletes in order to identify “best examples” for each event. We then recorded each other at our PE sessions to see how we compared and where we could improve.

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Terrific effort in our ‘Bear Hunt’ and ‘Body and Brain Triathlon’ activities

CONGRATULATIONS to every child for their great efforts in our recent “Bear Hunt” and Body and Brain Triathlon challenges.  Throughout the school, the children participated with enthusiasm, energy and mental prowess.

WELL DONE to the teachers for organising and supervising the various activities and to Mr. Toby and our Year 7s for helping to marshal the ‘biking, skating, scootering, running and walking’ challenge.

THANK YOU to all the kind family and community sponsors who have supported the children’s efforts to help raise funds for learning resources which they themselves will benefit from.

And finally, to all the parents who brought bike and scooters to school and to everyone who was able to come along and encourage the children with claps and cheers, your support was MUCH APPRECIATED.

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Complimentary Seminar – Empowering you and your children to Wellness, Success and Happiness …. From the inside out.

We are excited to announce an encore presentation this Wednesday morning of the complimentary seminar…

Empowering you and your children to Wellness, Success and Happiness …. From the inside out.

8:30 – 9:30 AM followed by Q&A / coffee
  • Learn the 5 Steps to Wellness and Success for you and your children
  • Find out the main factor in successfully developing a child’s self-esteem and confidence
  • How to manage stress for both children and parents
  • What is Conscious Parenting and how can I apply it to my family?

Q&A – Bring any questions you have related to managing stress, self-esteem, peak performance!

Meet Your Coach – Lisa Cavender at

Come sit, have a coffee and take up this opportunity… all parents welcome.

“Supporting Maths Learners” Parent information evening

Thank you to everyone who made it out to our “Supporting Maths Learners” information evening. We hoped to give you a practical insight into how we support your children in school as well as share ideas how to support learning at home. The feedback was positive and it was wonderful to see many of the TCI Community College Teaching students attend, developing their learning too.

Thank you for coming.  Click on to see resources shared at the evening… [Read more…]

‘Visual and Hands-On Is Minds-On’ Mathematical Learning

Parents and visitors got the chance to experience our ‘Visual and Hands-On Is Minds-On’ approach to mathematical learning across the school.  Students lead activities to participate in and had the opportunity to speak about and explain their learning. Thank you to all the children and teachers and to everyone who came along.  Watch our 2 minute movie to see the highlights. [Read more…]

South Caicos School of Field Studies visit

Ahead of our upcoming local animal themed ‘Dolphin Week’, it was great that on Wednesday, the School of Field Studies (SFS) from South Caicos came in to teach and tell us all about them. There were all different types of activities for different personalities, soccer for active people, trivia with rewards for those with a sweet tooth, origami for crafty types and clay modelling and swimming in water for experimental, scientific types.

Two of one of the Year 5’s favourite activities were marine animal trivia and four corners. The four corners was based on dolphins echo-location. The children also had to identify dolphins by their significant tail features, observing closely markings, scars and curves. [Read more…]

Let’s go over to the Greenfield!

Have you ever visited the greenfield play area?

Here is a play area where the toddlers can run free. The toddlers love playing in their classroom and outside play area, but they look forward to having some play time on the grass, which they know as Greenfield. The moment their teacher’s ask, “Who wants to go to greenfield?” it’s a big yes from all of them. Shoes go on quickly, water bottles passed around or in their water buggy and they are at the gate waiting patiently for the nature walk that leads to Greenfield. It’s a moment of running free, kicking a ball or just moving at their own pace enjoying the cool breeze, dancing to action songs or kicking a ball. Greenfield provides an opportunity for almost anything safe and fun.


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A teachable moment that just couldn’t be missed

“It took one seed to make a difference”

The Preschoolers are learning all about plants. One morning as the children ventured out for outside play, they were curious to find lots of brown leaves on the ground under one of the almond trees. They began to enjoy an instant lesson about why the leaves were changing colours and dropping, and how its almond seeds are edible fruits that can be planted to grow into a new tree.  The children were given opportunities to explore the leaves – from raking them to laying in them, looking up into the tree and enjoying shade it provides.

The leaves were gathered and taken to their sensory table for them to continue their exploration. Once the children were finished playing with them for a few days, the leaves were then used to make crafts projects like leaf rubbing, which were then used to make a big paper tree.

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Today is Commonwealth Day – 2019

Diversity, Equality, Friendship – This year’s theme is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’.

We have a public holiday here in the Turks and Caicos and school is closed.

You may have heard of the Commonwealth Games, AKA ‘The Friendly Games’. A love of sport is just one thing that we all share.  They happen every four years and the next one will be in 2020.

It is not a competition between countries but a chance to inspire each other to greater achievements. It is a chance to meet as well as compete.

The Turks and Caicos first competed in 1978.  Find out more about the Commonwealth Games and our TCI participation at the links below:

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10th March Daylight Saving Time Starts

Remember to turn your clocks forward!

When local standard time is about to reach Sunday, 10 March 2019, 02:00:00 clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, 10 March 2019, 03:00:00 local daylight time instead.

Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour later on 10 Mar 2019 than the day before. There will be more light in the evening.





Here at Provo Primary, we had a feast of books, books, books on World Book Day! We kicked it off the night before with a wonderful, warm storytelling session where the children heard tales from all around the world, while cozied up in pjs.

The next morning started with an amazing parade from Toddlers to Year 6 of outstandingly creative characters from books. Then the children kindly had brought in piles of old books to swap. We managed to ensure that every child received a different book they had not read to add to their own home library. We even have waiting lists for some of the more popular reads!

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Year 4 discover what a chiropractor does!

Our first week back after mid term break was very action packed!

Dr. Craig and his wife Robin, dropped in to share with the Year 4 students what he does as a Chiropractor. The children played an informative, fun game which showed how our brain sends signals to our skeletal system. It was quite amazing.  Thank you!

In his presentation, Dr. Craig talked about how people might injure their back, their neck or other parts of their skeletal system and the problems this can cause; symptoms such as blockages in the spinal cord and pain and muscular discomfort. This is when he treats people to help them get better. He demonstrated how he would help patients having any of those issues. The class were impressive with their knowledge of our bones and muscles, asking and answering many questions.

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It’s ‘Cuisenaire Day’ at Provo Primary

We are all set for an amazing day of maths discovery with our first ‘Cuisenaire Day’.

We look forward to seeing everyone dressed in the colours of the Cuisenaire rods and excited for the all the exploration and challenges that we’ll be doing today.

Not sure what Cuisenaire rods are?  Confused how we can use these manipulatives from PS – Year 7?  See the videos below and come along to our  Open House to learn more on Thursday /Friday. [Read more…]

National Education Week – 3rd – 8th March 2019

National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos will be observed between 3rd – 8th March 2019 under the theme, “Quality Education for Lifelong Learners”. Click on to see how we will be celebrating Education Week a Provo Primary and Middle School.

This year’s theme song for Education Week, Quality Education for All (QEfA)  is written by the Long Bay High School Team – a catchy tune with a great message! Here are the lyrics if you would like to sing along.

Education Week was established more than 29 years ago to call attention to the importance of education and to showcase the talents of TCI teachers and students. During the week, schools throughout the country will host a myriad of activities and the general public is encouraged to join in unity with educators and students in support of the theme.

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Baking Bread in JK

We had a wonderful time baking bread like ‘The Little Red Hen’.

The children thoroughly enjoyed this ‘Talk for Writing’ story this term.  The class learned how to write a recipe and measure ingredients. They adored tasting the different breads. We made wholemeal buns, a wholemeal loaf and a white loaf. After sampling the bread we made toast.

Look at the photos together with your child and talk about the steps they went through when they made the bread.  Would you like to make some bread together?  Can you find a recipe? I wonder how it will smell as it’s cooking and how it tastes – yum, yum!



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