World Book Day Celebrations – 2019

At Provo Primary and Middle School, we’re celebrating World Book Day on 1st March – a little early this year as the official day (7th) falls within our Education Week. We’ll begin our activities with our ‘Story Telling’ evening.  The next day, classes will share their favourite stories and join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.  Here are some of our planned events and activities, together with some photos from celebrations in years past:

Story Telling Evening (Thursday 28th February) – 5:30—6:15pm.

Provo Primary Students are invited to return to school in the early evening to listen to tales told by community story teller, David Bowen, teachers and guests. Children are encouraged to come dressed in pajamas, hugging their favourite bedtime cuddly, ready to enjoy the stories as they drink a complimentary glass of milk and munching on a cookie, courtesy of our PPPA.  A wonderful family-friendly event to enjoy!  Volunteer story readers welcome. All children should be accompanied by an adult throughout the evening. Stories start promptly at 5:30pm so plan to arrive in time to pick up your milk and cookie and not miss the beginning!

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Check out what we have talked about in Kindergarten so far this year…

From A to Z…

Art and Animals

Bicycles and Butterflies

Cuisenaire rods, Christmas and Chinese New Year

Dairy Free, Diwali and Dinosaurs

Engineering and Eggs

Friends, Frogs and Flowers

Guided Reading and Globes

Hanukkah, Halloween and Hummingbirds

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Hang on… Not another Superhero!

You might begin reading this blog, thinking, surely Year 1 and Year 2 have run out of superheroes to meet… after all Turks and Caicos is a small island! How wrong could you be! Our third visitor this time was no other than superhero Police Officer Peart–Barret all the way from Chalk Sound police station.

Police Officer Peart–Barret surprised us by coming to talk about his role within the community and answering the many, many questions the children had to ask him! He explained exactly how he helps the community before showing us some of his very special police equipment. This included a police radio, handcuffs, his police notebook and most importantly, his very own superhero badge.


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Incredible Me…that’s who I am

When I look in the mirror,

Who do I see?

Only my face smiling back at me.

By: Myrna Pereira (2019)

Our topic focused on the children learning all about themselves. Using ‘Mat Man’ as a springboard, they linked body parts to their purpose, before moving on to connect them to their senses.  For example, we learned that we use our nose to smell and our eyes to see. Using stories, the children discovered how incredible they all are in their own different and unique way.



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Year 5’s Segregation Rap

The Year 5’s topic this half term has been ‘Space and Segregation’.  In this topic the children examine the era of space explorations and the era of expanded civil rights for racial minorities and women, both of which began at the same time in the United States of America (USA) in the 1960s.

Exploring the topic across the curriculum, the Year 5s created this rap as part of their Performing Arts Class with Mrs. Niki.  Both Mrs. Niki and the Year 5 teacher, Miss Cara, have commented on how receptive and passionate the children have been about this part of their topic. To find out more about this topic, please ask a Year 5 to share their learning with you.

Segregation is wrong
Civil rights belong
Judge me by morality
And my personality

We need equality
Let’s change the policy
Do it now
Ask me how

We’ll be together all the way
We’ll work as one
Until it’s done

MLK he marched for us
And Rosa didn’t move to the back of the bus
Now today here we stand
Black and white
Hand in hand

Written by Year 5
in their Performing Arts Class.
Feb 2019

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Anti-Bullying Photo Stories by Year 6

As part of their work in PSHE and Literacy, Year 6 have been discussing important issues surrounding the topic of bullying.  They have discovered that bullying comes in many forms; verbal, physical, emotional, indirect and cyber to name a few.  They have also explored case studies depicting situations at school in which bullying occurred.  This provided ample opportunities to discuss why bullying was happening; the impact it was having on the victim; and most importantly what was being done to stop or prevent from it surfacing again.

To complement this scheme of work, Year 6 students devised and redrafted independent bullying stories.  The stories had to portray a fictional scenario in school; or at home when bullying could take place.

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Ancient Egyptian Art work in Year 3

Year 3 have been super busy using different mediums to explore some of the historical elements of Ancient Egypt.

We used water colour pencils to draw and paint our 3D pyramids.

We used wax crayons to design and colour our sarcophagus and two other inner coffins –  ekk!

We used oil pastels to design and decorate our own beautiful ancient Egyptian head dresses.

And finally, we used pencil and coloured markers to decorate our own portraits masks. Can you guess who is who?

Check out the photos to see some of the wonderful pieces of art work created by all.

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9 of our Soccer Superstars head to Florida representing the TCI

Wishing all the best and good luck to all nine of our Provo Primary and Middle School soccer players who are heading to the Weston Cup Tournament in Florida tomorrow as members of the TCIFA teams.

Being a small country with a small pool of players, the TCIFA rely greatly on these tournaments to assist in the development of their players. These tournaments provide an opportunity for our young players to compete at a very high level in various age group games and we fully support our students participation.

As the largest Youth Football tournament in Florida and one of the biggest in the United States, the Weston Cup is one of the premier football tournaments in the United States attracting from teams within and outside the United States. This includes teams from countries such as Brazil, Canada, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

It’s superhero time…AGAIN!

Last week, Year 1 and Year 2 were lucky enough to be surprised by community Superhero, Dr Jo.  She gave us an amazing insight into what it takes to be a Superhero Doctor.  Would you believe that this week, we had another surprise Community Superhero come to Provo Primary School?!  Firefighter Gula arrived in his Fire engine to talk to us about how he serves the community, along with other men and women, as a member of the Turks and Caicos Fire and Rescue Service.

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A busy half term in Year 4!

And so we come to the end of another very busy half term in Year 4. The children are working hard to finish off the mythical stories they have written – we hope to have them word processed and published before the end of the week!

They have also done some beautiful paintings of mermaids and made magical mermaid mirrors.

We’ve been learning more about The Romans and The Celts who lived in Britain before the Roman invasion. The class have made Celtic shields and done role-play as different individuals – stating their case, based on their jobs and position within the tribe as to whether or not the tribe should go to battle!

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Yr 5 Lunar Satellites and Mars Rovers

As part of Year 5’s topic on ‘Space and Segregation’ we have been working on researching, designing and creating our very own lunar satellites and Mars rovers. The criteria was to create as realistic as possible scale model of each.

The children have worked exceptionally hard on their research and idea sharing. They have been imaginative and resourceful thinking about the equipment we have in class but also what we can source on island to create a range of unique, creative and superb designs.

We have drafted and re-drafted our designs, had other children assess and evaluate our designs and feedback any constructive criticism.


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Year 7 see Microscopic Miracles at the Hospital!

Students of Provo Middle School embarked on a truly inspirational and thought provoking field trip to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre last week. We wanted to see how our biology learning about cells applied to the real-life context of medical care. We were treated to an exceptional all-access visit to the histology, pathology and micro-biology labs at the hospital on Provo.

Children learned how doctors receive tissue samples from all patients who undergo any surgical procedures in order to confirm diagnoses or test the outcomes of previous care. Everything from human organs to skin and other tissue is tested and prepared for study under the microscope in the histology labs. The work done in this lab not only helps to save lives, by identifying the cause of illnesses on a cellular level, but could also be used to explain how or why a person may have died. [Read more…]

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

In Kindergarten, we have been learning all about Life Cycles. We have been very lucky to watch a Hummingbird life cycle play out right in front of our eyes, in the Early Years playground.

As we were studying birds, we talked about the simple life cycle of a chicken and of course we had to consider the question:

Which came first… the chicken or the egg?

The Kindergarten children thought long and hard, discussing the facts.  Then they had to decide which one they thought came first.

This is what they thought… [Read more…]

Registration is now open for Years 7 and 8 at Providenciales Primary & Middle School

Providenciales Primary & Middle School is accepting registrations

for Years 7 and 8 for September 2019.

Students graduating from Providenciales Primary School have proved through their strong academic results and successes as young adults, that our creative approach to teaching and learning has a large impact on their lives.

Providenciales Middle School extends upon this approach, ensuring that our brightest minds continue to be challenged and developed into their teenage years.

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Today is Safer Internet Day – 2019 – how you will help to create a kinder online community?

Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to talk to your family and friends about the safe, responsible and positive use of technology, and to pledge how you will help to create a kinder online community.

What we’ll be doing at school… Celebrating Safer Internet Day today, children across our primary and middle school will be taking part in lessons which aim to help young people understand how to keep themselves and others safe and happy online.  Plan to stay a few minutes at pick up today to see some of the activities they’ve been engaged in. We are also arranging for a community police person from the TCIPF to come and talk with our older students this week, as part of their countrywide online safety tour.

What you can do at home… To help you talk to your children at home about having a positive and safe time online, here is a link to some resources for parents and carers, including conversation starters, a fact-sheet, a family pledge card, videos and more!  Or simply try helping your children develop four critical skills – the 4Rs of online safety:

  • Respect– I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated
  • Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong
  • Reasoning – I question what is real
  • Resilience – I get back up from tough situations

Latest research – Giving and receiving consent in an online context… For Safer Internet Day 2019, the UK Safer Internet Centre has launched a report into young people’s experiences of asking for, giving and receiving consent in an online context.  Read a quick summary of the research here. [Read more…]

Have you ever met a superhero…? We have!

Year 1 and Year 2 were truly in awe after meeting a real – life superhero. From the clues, can you guess who we might have met? They defeat germs and sickness, they take care of people, wear scrubs as their superhero costume and have lots of different tools to help people feel better. Have you guessed it? That’s right… Enter superhero – Dr. Jo!

We had a fantastic morning learning all about what makes Dr. Jo such a superhero. She explained what her day to day job is and how she must carefully examine her patients before deciding the best way to take care of them and defeat those horrible germs. Dr Jo showed us some of her tools she uses to examine patients – stethoscopes, thermometers, drips, blood pressure monitors, x – rays and bandages. As you can see Year 1 and Year 2 loved discovering and using all her tools.

Thank you, Dr. Jo, for a brilliant morning! We all had a wonderful time and loved hearing how super you are! [Read more…]