QUICK! Middle School Canvas Bags are Selling Out!

Year 7 have had a busy January, selling their canvas bags across the island in order to raise funds for their end of year field trip to Upstate New York.

The children’s designs, depicting TCI’s wildlife, were selected from our Autumn term art project on pointillism. The beautiful designs have been incredibly well received so far, with over 250 bags sold to date!

Children were challenged to manage the entire project from start to finish. Along the way they have been learning how to calculate expenditure and forecast profit; convert money from one currency to another; estimate unknown costs such as duty and shipping; and finally to set prices for sales.

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Enjoying our Outdoor Play

Take a look at our happy faces during varied outdoor play. With the weather a little cooler right now, we have embraced the outdoors both by keeping our classroom windows open and spending more time outside. Outdoor play is not only beneficial, but also crucial for the brain’s healthy development.

Researchers say that the frontal cortex, which is responsible for controlling emotions and problem solving, is activated during playtime. The experience of playing forces the brain to make those neurotransmitter connections that are critical to a child’s development.

Outdoor play is especially critical in core muscle development, small motor skill refinement, and increasing coordination. Children need to navigate obstacles, maintain appropriate space around other children, and use their strength to throw, catch, manipulate objects or tackle a jungle gym. [Read more…]

Superhero Landscapes

It’s all about Superheroes in Y1 and Y2 at Provo Primary School this term and we are flying into it faster than Superman!

This week, Year 1 were looking at Numicon as part of their math lesson, when we made a startling discovery!  Their shapes could be put together to look a lot like the superhero city landscape setting in our Superheroes Headquarters.  Well, you can guess what happened next…we got very excited and created a whole class landscape using all the numicon we had!  It was pretty large (see the pictures!).  And it didn’t end there…

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World Wetland Day 2019 – Saturday 2nd Feb

Every year, on the 2nd of February, we celebrate World Wetlands Day (WWD).

The DECR would like to invite you to celebrate the 6th annual Turks & Caicos Islands, World Wetlands Day clean-up initiatives,  on Saturday, 2 February, from 07:30 – 09:00am at Wheeland Pond, Blue Hills, Providenciales.

Please take this opportunity to get involved in our local community, to learn about the importance of wetlands and what we can do to protect them in the fight against climate change!

Wetlands are often an undervalued natural resource; however, they are important buffers against the impacts of climate change for a number of reasons.  Watch this video and read on to find out why it’s so fitting for us here in the TCI to recognise this day:

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I notice…I wonder…

Year 3 have once again been making mathematical explorations with the Cuisenaire rods. As we are looking at the Ancient Egyptians, we thought it would be an idea to build a flat 2D shape of a pyramid using the rods.

Once built, we observed and recorded what we noticed and what we wondered about our creations. These ideas were shared and discussed – check out our photos to see what original ideas we came up with!

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What a lovely belated Christmas treat!

This week, the Year 1s had a lovely surprise when the Year 6s invited them to listen to their Christmas stories.  Year 6 had worked hard researching, planning, writing, editing, publishing and illustrating their very own Christmas stories and the Year 1 class were a willing audience.

In pairs, the Year 6s patiently read their stories to the Year 1s who enjoyed hearing all about the adventures of elves, reindeer, Santa and his sleigh.  Despite it being a little after Christmas, the stories sparked lots of conversations about the lovely holiday season the children had all had.

We look forward to lots more joint year group activities as the year goes on!

Thank you Mr Jason and the Year 6s!

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After-school Clubs – Jan to April 2019

Provo Primary and Middle School after school clubs commence on Monday 14th January.  We are pleased to be introducing a range of new and  previously popular experiences:

Bento Bonanza (Mondays – Yrs 3/4/5/6/7 – Miss Claire Marie)

Ever wondered how to make a Bento Box? Come and join this Japanese themed club. Explore all aspects of Japanese graphic art and skills, creating your own Kawaii piece of graphic art; making origami decorations and gifts; and learning various Bento box and sushi making skills.

Steel Drums (Tuesdays – Yrs 5/6/7 – Ms. Alison)

Join the Steel Band, and learn to play the drums and to read basic music notation.

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Middle School Bag4Life Project – available now!

Did you know that supermarkets around the TCI will not be providing plastic bags after this month? Well, we did – so children of Provo Middle School set about making pointillism-style Bags4Life to help you carry your groceries!

Each piece of artwork was inspired by the TCI’s Beautiful By Nature animals. Done in a pointillism style, they were painted dot-by-dot by our Middle School students.

Our bags are reusable and durable, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. And we think they look great too!

Our bags are available at the Middle School and will be sold at Provo Primary School for the week of January 14th-18th at our 3pm collection time. They cost $20 and all profits will go towards the Year 7 end of year field trip.

We hope that you like our Beautiful By Nature designs – pick up a bag today!


Happy New Year and welcome to 2019!

Happy New Year to all our students, families, teachers (past and present) and to our many community friends. Wishing you all the best in 2019!

A new year to continue to grow together with new adventures and opportunities, new things to inspire, explore and discover; new perspectives and greater awareness; new fun to have and new memories to be made.We look forward to making 2019 a successful year together!
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”. – Albert Einstein.