‘Teacher/Student Dress Swap Day’ – it was so fun!

A great day was had by all on the last Friday of this month, as the Provo Primary School Council had decided to do a ‘Teacher/Student Dress Swap Day’.

It was fabulous to see how everyone (teachers included) participated in the fun.  Many laughs and giggles were heard throughout the day and there were some astonishing ‘similarities’ between students and teacher impersonations!

One of the most amusing parts of the day was when the Year 6 students presented our Celebration Assembly – taking on the roles of the Principal all the teachers, and giving out awards.  Great job Year 6.  In fact, GREAT JOB to everyone for making it such a fun day!

click on to see a slideshow of all the photos…

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Working Together in Year 3

In Year 3 we have been realising not only the FUN, but also the importance of working together. Whether it is with one person, a group or the class. When set a task that involves working with others, we realised we had to think about a few things. For instance:

* To listen with open ears to the ideas and points of view of others.

* To share and participate – make sure we do our bit!

* To show respect to other people’s ideas, strengths and weaknesses – we can’t be good at everything!

* To recognise when things are going well or not so well –  do we need a new plan?

* To celebrate the successes of all members of the team.

* To be prepared and recognise that sometimes things don’t work out the first time, that’s ok, we can just try again and even try another way!

Take a look at some of the things we have achieved ‘together’ in Year 3. We used our ‘working together’ skills admirably and even managed to have a little bit of fun too…

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JK explore Plants and Growing

In JK we are exploring and investigating all aspects of plants and growing. Every day we are leaning new facts about the nature surrounding us.

We have learned that we need plants and trees to help us breath.

Investigating fruit and vegetables has been great fun.  We discovered that some have seeds inside and some on the outside.

Come in and visit our germination/sprouting area in our classroom.

Please have a look at the pictures of the class on a nature walk. We found many different interesting plants, flowers, seeds and trees, all in our very own playground!  We enjoyed using our senses to explore everything that we discovered.


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After-School Clubs, Spring 2018

We have a range of new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term.

Check out the term-2-clubs-schedule-2017-18 attached.

Places are limited in some clubs so don’t take too long deciding which one(s) you’re interested in.



School opens for 2018

Happy New Year to all of our families (past and present) and friends, near and far around the world! We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our new parents and families to life at Provo Primary School.

Welcome back to what promises to be a busy but exciting term.  It has been lovely seeing the children returning to school today with such energy and enthusiasm, reuniting with friends, settling back into their classes and beginning the new year with a positive ‘get busy’ attitude.

Look out for more information on what’s ahead in our Term 2 calendar and class newsletters and topic maps that will be sent out this week.