Year 3’s Roving Researchers

Below are just some of the amazing facts that Year 3 researched into and presented to the class. We learned so much, and had lots of fun finding out new things. How incredibly wonderful and marvelous the world around us is! Thank you Year 3 for sharing your findings with us.

Did you know…

One of the largest snowflakes ever recorded was 40cm long.?

A rose has between 20 – 40 petals, depending on the type of rose?

It takes a whole year for a palm tree to grow 30cm?

Volcano ash can travel as far as the length of Provo which is around 17 miles!

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Invertebrate Sketching

As part of their learning in Science this term, Year 6 have been studying classification and variation within the animal kingdom. With a specific focus on invertebrates they have been finding out all sorts of scientific information which have left them informed; and fascinated to discover more about this important element of the animal kingdom.

In order to categorize invertebrates carefully, observational skills are a must! Year 6 used this skill to even greater effect in art class, which demanded a pencil sketch of invertebrates drawn from: insects, mollusks, arachnids, crustaceans, echinoderms, Cnidarians, sponges and annelids.

Please check out some of the sketches below or visit the Year 6 classroom to see more. Examine them closely and see how they used paper space to good effect; focused in on light and dark tones using shading; and used lines and curves to give an almost realistic impression!

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Provo Primary ‘Pantastic’ Show Tickets on Sale

Years 1-6 present…


Friday 8th and Saturday 9th December

6pm @ Provo Primary School.

Tickets $10 (Children 12 and under free)            

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office or on IsleHelp from Monday 27th onwards.

Email or call 333 5638 for details or to make a reservation.

Synopsis:  It’s an adventure like no other as Peter Pan whisks the intrepid Darling children off to the fantastical world of Neverland.  It’s a world of Lost Boys and villainous pirates, fearsome natives and enchanting fairies. And boy do they fight!

When Wendy and Tiger Lily are kidnapped by the pirates, can the ever-youthful Peter find a way to rally the Lost Boys, appease the angry Natives and defeat the pirates once and for all? Or will Captain Hook play his final hand!

Early Years Christmas Show Tickets on Sale

Provo Primary School’s

Toddlers, Preschool and Junior Kindergarten present…

A Medley of Jingle Bells

and Senior Kindergarten present…

A Letterland Christmas Show

Wednesday 13th December – 6pm – at Provo Primary School.

Tickets $5 (Children 12 and under free)            

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office or on IsleHelp from Monday 27th onwards.  Email or call 333 5638 for details or to make a reservation.

Synopsis: It is almost Christmas in Letterland and all the characters are getting ready for the annual Letterland Christmas Show.

Little do they know, the rascal Red Robot, has a sneaky plan up his sleeve to ruin the show.  Will the characters get their performances ready in time?  Will Clever Cat and his team be able to follow the clues and solve the mystery of the missing props?  Or will Red Robot succeed in his mission to make The Letterland Christmas Show a complete catastrophe?

See if you can spot our silly sentences and the characters trying to begin all their words with their letter.

Year 4 Meet World Explorer Sir Francis Drake!

World Exploration was amongst the many topics Year 4 and I learned about last half term. The subject is fascinating enough, but we were lucky enough to have a visit from Sir Francis Drake himself!

The children had prepared questions for him in advance and had the chance to interview him for about half an hour. He talked to us about many things including his circumnavigation of the globe, what it’s like working for the Queen of England and described Tudor London for us. We had a very rare insight in to life approximately 500 years ago.

I asked the class to add to this blog with some of their thoughts about the visit; here are some of their comments:

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Jingle Jam 2017!

The most highly anticipated Christmas event of the season is almost here – Jingle Jam 2017!

Wednesday 6th December from 5-7pm join us at Provo Primary for a toddler friendly Christmas Party!

Tickets: $5 per person (under 1 yr goes free!)

Open to Kindergarten and Early Years kids and parents (and kids of a similar age outside of Provo Primary – so tell your friends!)

The evening kicks off the festive season with a toddler friendly dance party, Christmas crafts station, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit with Santa himself!  It’s the perfect opportunity for a relaxed family photo with the jolly old guy and we will have a professional photographer there to snap away – your holiday photos will be sent to you free of charge – just remember to write your email on the back of your ticket!

Want to help us organise it…read on to see how you can help?
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Golden Time – Fun Friday – ‘You know it’s all about the choice!’

Golden time took on a new spin this week for Years 2-6 with choices of activities on offer for the children to participate in.  Some children were drawn to a game of dodgeball, others to a game of Twister.  Others opted for construction play or colouring/drawing, while a group chose to have playground time and happily played on the swings together.  The emphasis was on children making their own choices on what they were interested in doing.  It was fascinating to observe the choices that different age groups made and how they all mixed and played together.  As the weeks go on, I’m sure the children will start to develop more ideas and take on more ownership of what they would like to explore during their Fun Friday session, with teachers helping to facilitate this.  It certainly was a ‘Fun Friday’.

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There’s something fishy going on in SK…

It was a first time experience for many of the Senior Kindergarten class last week when Miss Laranda showed us something quite unique.  After learning all about South Caicos and the other islands in the Turks and Caicos, Miss Laranda gave us an amazing insight as to how local fish make it from the ocean on to our plates.

Miss Laranda brought in a grouper caught in South Caicos by her father and set about the process of making it into fish fingers.  Using the newly refurbished school garden, Miss Laranda thoroughly cleaned the fish, sliced off the skin and took the opportunity to show us the different parts of the fish.

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Year 1 & 2 Fantastic Gymnastics!

P.E. in Key Stage 1 has got off to a somewhat wobbly start this year. No, not because of the storms – because children in Year 1 & 2 have been busy developing their body control and balance in our Gymnastics sessions.

Sessions start with a range of active and tiring warm-up games aimed at teaching children to be aware of their own space and body movements. Children are improving their skills of observation quickly, while managing their speed and direction to avoid collisions. Warm ups are accompanied by screams and giggles that get all sessions off to a flying start.
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Bonfire Night goes off with a BANG!

Provo Primary School and Bay Bistro celebrated their 6th Annual Bonfire Night together on the 5th November. This year turned out to be one of the noisiest nights yet!

Thanks to our wonderful friends at Bay Bistro, families were treated to a Grace Bay beach barbecue and drinks – the perfect way to end our mid-term holidays and get us all ready for heading back to school.

Perhaps being so well rested added to the energy in the crowd! After joining in chorus for the traditional Remember, Remember the Fifth of November rhyme,families gathered close to watch the lighting of the bonfire. As an extra surprise, the Bay Bistro Guy Fawkes was filled with firecrackers and went up in a fizz of pops and crackles.

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Resuming our Blogging now that Hurricane Season calms

Our new school year got off to a rather turbulent start with the passing of not one but two hurricanes. Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir Simpson scale swept through the islands first, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, causing widespread damage to our island home.  Across the TCI, roofs were blown off; power poles knocked down; and some structures simply collapsed, no match for the strength of the destructive 165 mph winds

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