New After-School Clubs for the Summer Term, 2017

Choose from an amazing selection of new and popular after-school clubs here at Provo Primary.

Magic… Pirate Treasure Maps & Discoveries…  Art, Skipping…  Board Games…  Steel Drums…  Homework Club.

We hope you will take time to explore what is on offer and encourage your child to try something new or continue taking part in a firm favourite.  We also offer tutoring sessions and daily after-school care.

The information below outlines all the details of the school clubs we have available this term.  Sign up on IsleHelp at school or in the office.

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What an eggs-ellent way to end the term!

The final day of the Spring Term is always an exciting one at Provo Primary School. Children arrive in their bright dress-down clothes, eager for fun events that include all of our students.

The day begins with our youngest children participating in a Spring Bonnet Parade around the school. Their home-crafted bonnets are shared with parents and older children, many of whom reminisce about their own creations years earlier.

After presenting their bonnets on stage, in front of their parent’s clicking cameras, the Early Years classes begin the school’s PTA Easter Egg Hunt.

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Egg-tastic Characters and Set Designs

Year 6 have just completed an egg-tastic character and set design project.  As part of our design technology curriculum; and to celebrate Easter, Year 6 were posed with the challenge of creating egg characters and set designs that would complement their selections.

Getting busy to work, the students had to ‘blow out’ real eggs so that they could devise their fictitious characters.  Once this ‘gross’ task had been finished, they were able to enhance the eggs using paints, sharpies and so on.  The backdrop had to complement the egg characters and the students used an array of medium to fulfill the requirements of this task.

The final results are fantastic.  Please view our included photographs so that you can get a sense of the selections made.  The Year 6 students had a lot of ‘messy fun’ while engaged in this creative Easter task.

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Year 4 & 6 make Rocket Fuel!

A simple science lesson led to the manufacturing of Rocket Fuel in Year 4 this week!

As part of our science topic on Electrical Circuits, Year 4 were asked to test whether water acts as a conductor or insulator of electricity. With the very small charge (3 batteries) that we were using, it appeared that the water was an insulator. However, when children returned from breaktime to discover that bubbles had formed on one of the connecting wires, they began to think that the water actually was conducting a small amount of electricity.

We learned that salt water (and other impure water solutions) will conduct electricity. As soon as we added salt to the water, each connecting wire began to fizz.

Children immediately wanted to know what was happening. Instead of finding out right away, we enlisted the help of Year 6 (and all their experimenting experience) to capture the gasses that were being created.

By working together in small groups, we managed to manufacture 6 test-tubes of rocket fuel!

Watch our video to find out how we did it. And, more importantly, how we proved that we really did have rocket fuel… [Read more…]

JK enjoy playing on the slide together

Please take a look at this wonderful video of J.K children playing on the slide. The children spontaneously created this game and managed the play by themselves. They played on and on, and everyone who wanted a turn of being the leader got their turn. The skills displayed by the children included: negotiation, patience, taking turns, verbalizing needs, climbing, spacial awareness, consideration, communication, leadership, co-operation and observation. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we did watching them play. Well done J.K.