Developing fine motors skills are important for writing, cutting and much much more!

In the Junior Kindergarten class, we observe that the children are eager to begin writing. Developing fine motor control including hand strength and a strong pincer grip, are all essential foundation skills that will help lead to success when it comes to holding a pencil and forming letters and numbers.

Fine motor movements involve the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. Along with helping with writing, strong fine motor skills are essential to complete tasks such as cutting, using a fork or spoon, threading beads, moving puzzle pieces, zipping, buttoning and tying shoe laces.

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World Book Day: 2017 – ‘A Storytelling Evening’


This upcoming week, World Book Day, the annual celebration of books and reading for children and young people, celebrates its 20th anniversary on Thursday 2nd March 2017.  As usual, we plan to have a fun-packed day of literature enjoyment:

Book Character Dress Up (Whole School):

All the children throughout the school are encouraged to come dressed like one of their favourite book characters. It always great fun to see everyone dressed up in their creative, homemade costumes and to appreciate the wide range of books enjoyed across the school.

School Council Book Swap (Whole School):

Bring in a book (or 2 or 3) and swop it for a different book. Bring books in from Monday onwards (Wednesday the latest) and give them to your teacher.  You’ll get to choose your new book on Thursday.

Visit from British West Indies Collegiate School (Years 1-6)

Students from the BWIC will be coming to perform some story dramas and to read to us.  We have enjoyed this connection on World Book Day for a few years and it has become a much-loved part of our celebrations.

Storytelling Evening (Whole School) 5:00-600pm.

We are once again very excited to be hosting ‘A Storytelling Evening’. David Bowen has kindly offered to start the evening off by sharing an ‘Anansi the Spider’ folktale on the stage.  After this, teachers/other adults will be reading stories in the classrooms and around the school.  Let your child’s teacher know if you would like to read a story.  The children are encouraged to come dressed in their PJs and to bring along their favourite night time cuddly toy companion and a comfy pillow or blanket.  The PTA has offered to provide cookies and milk to add to the evening’s bedtime story time atmosphere.



Year 4 Explore Times Tables in 3D!

Have you ever wondered what the times tables would look like in 3D?

No, of course not!

Well, can you imagine what they’d look like if they were 3D?



These were the crucial questions that Year Four explored this week in our maths sessions! As part of our ongoing mission to learn our times tables facts, we tried to create a 3D model of the 10 x 10 times tables grid.

Using our Cuisenaire number sticks, children created each times table from x1 to x10. Once all of the times tables were built, we constructed the entire grid, with all times tables laid on top of each other. The results were quite surprising, I think you’ll agree!

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Provo Primary hosts a presentation on ‘Play and Learning in Early Childhood’

A valuable presentation that we encourage all Early Years parents to take the time to attend:


Have you ever wondered how your child is going to be ready to succeed in school if he or she spends time ‘playing’ in the Early Years Classes?



Come and discover the value of play

Monday February 27th 2017

5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Provo Primary School

Community friends are welcome to join us.

Visiting presenter: Nicola Williams, ECE, BEd, MEd, PhD Candidate. 

Nicola’s children attended Provo Primary for many years and she also taught here herself.  She is very excited to return to the school again!

Please come and find out what parents need to know about play experiences for their child and why play is so effective at preparing young children for success in school and life.

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Thank you from our PTA

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent PTA St Valentine’s Bake Sale and Family Skate Night.

The baked treats and pink lemonade were eye-catching, delicious and plentiful – what a lovely yummy choice we had! A BIG thank you to all our talented bakers, our time-giving sellers and to everyone who took the opportunity to indulge.  A tasty way to celebrate an early St Valentine’s Day.

The Family Skate Night was a ‘whizzing’ success with Provo Primary families and community friends having an exciting evening of skating fun and games.  A HUGE thank you to all our PTA helpers who organised the event, manned the refreshments and lead the puck shoot games.  It was great to see so many families rolling, turning, gliding and dancing around the rink together to the hit sounds provided by DJ Dayoh.

Thank you, everyone!

How Good is Your Working Memory?

Year 6 have realised that their everyday school life requires them to remember many things!  Time tables, spellings, punctuation rules, homework, vocabulary, scientific facts…the list goes on and on.  It comes as no surprise that our brain oversees these things; and that working memory differs from one person to the next.  Indeed, the ways in which individuals can process, retain and recall information is dependent on many factors.

With this in mind, Year 6 set out to investigate how strong their own working memory is.  Each student created a memory board based upon a theme of their choice. The range included: foods, drinks, sports, football teams, football payers, landmarks, art styles and more!  The memory boards included an array of images and words.  With the ground work complete, Year 6 students were ready to experiment.

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Spring Term Handball Showcase

We are excited to announce our Year 3 & 4 Spring PE Showcase, scheduled to take place at the TCIFA fields on Thursday 23rd Feb, 8:45 – 9:45am.

The children have been learning to play Handball this term and we are looking forward to demonstrating new skills and game play for you. This year, the showcase will consist of two exhibition games, starting after a warm-up at 8:45am, and a parents ‘taster’ game. Year 5 & 6 will also be joining us as spectators, ahead of their own Handball lessons.

We will be providing information on the sport of Handball (or, rather, the version of Junior Handball that we are learning). Miss Mani and I have been thrilled by the progress and improvement in all children and we hope that this will be evident in the exhibition games.

We would also like to invite parents to participate in a short ‘taster’ game. Many children found learning this new sport challenging and we know that they would be excited to see you try it too! So, we encourage parents to attend in work-out clothing and ready to play!

Many thanks for your support!


Year Four Visit the Hospital

The culmination of our recent topic on Moving and Growing involved a trip to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre to find out about how a patient with injured bones or muscles would be treated. Children were given an all-access tour of the facilities relating to patient care – starting at the phlebotomy department, through the micro biology labs, into the physiotherapy treatment rooms and finally to the x-ray department. In each area, children were taught about how broken bones are tested, treated and rehabilitated.

We were fortunate to have the expertise of Nurse Moira to lead us through each area and a host of other hospital workers who shared their knowledge with us.

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PTA Movie Night this Friday!

Provo Primary’s famous PTA Movie Night is back! Come join us next Friday night, Feb 24th, at 5pm.

Children 5 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times. Movie will start around 5:30pm and pick up is 7pm SHARP. However, please feel free to drop by a bit earlier to get a good seat and some goodies.



Its the Year of the Rooster!

Kindergarten and Year 2 have been learning all about Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year was on January 28th.  It’s been very interesting finding out about ‘The Spring Festival’ and we’ve really delved into learning about how dragon dances, red envelopes, firecrackers, lanterns and Nian are important to Chinese New Year.

We’ve swept and cleaned the classroom to put away old things, bid farewell to the old year, and welcome the New Year, brought good luck to our classes by turning our door red and making red and gold decorations that hung above our doors and even acted out the Chinese New Year story!

As a culmination to our learning, Kindergarten and Year 2 joined together to have a joint Chinese New Year party, where the children explored eating with chopsticks (many for the first time!) and tried authentic Chinese food, made by their parents. A lovely time was had by all!

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Leo and the Big Heart

Thank you so much to Jeff and Ginny for entertaining us today with a special valentine puppet show about friendship, sportsmanship, and forgiveness.

The cast of characters included Rudy and Risky Rabbit, Leo the Lion, and a nasty witch with a mean green face!  The show took place in the “Friendly Forest” as Rudy and Risky were getting ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  Wanting to play a game and needing another friend to join them, they asked Leo and that’s when the trouble started…!

We also learnt and sang some special love and friendship songs together.

Keen puppeteers, Jeff and Ginny were Founders and Directors of the Sundance School located in New Jersey for nearly 40 years.  Visiting Provo, it was very kind of them to bring down their puppets to share their story with us all.  The photos of the children’s faces as they watched will clearly show you just how much they all enjoyed the show.  It was lovely to the children entranced and to hear them giggle and laugh at the humour.   A wonderful show.  A huge thank you to our new, big-hearted, friends, Ginny and Jeff. We hope to see you again another time, soon.

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Year 4 ‘I am the Ocean’ poetry/video projects published

Earlier in the year, children in Year 4 explored language and poetry techniques in their literacy lessons. Inspired by Conservation International’s Nature is Speaking campaign, pupils attempted to use powerful and evocative language to personify the ocean and its feelings. We then also created acrostic poems that tried to describe the movement of the ocean. I think you’ll agree, the ideas and language that came out of these poetry sessions were really dramatic!

Flamingo Class then set about publishing videos of these spoken poems by editing voice recordings, still images and video clips in MovieMaker. We hope we enjoy our two compilations.

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Join us for our February Half Term Camp

Kids Camp

Come and join in our range of daily fun and educational activities.

13th – 17th February 2017

8.30AM -12.00PM

For ages 2 – 6 years

$35 per session / $150 for the week (8.30AM-12.00Noon)

Non-Provo Primary children welcome to join us.

Please let us know in advance if you are interested.

Valentine’s Bake Sale this Friday

Bake, Sell, Buy!

PTA Valentines Bake Sale.

Friday 10th Feb  @ 12pm and 3 pm pick-up times.

All items will be either purchased or warmly baked by our sweet volunteers.

So Provo Primary families:

Pat a cake, pat a cake hear our plea,
Fill up a plate as soon as can be.
Whatever you send us will be very kind,
Bake, sell or buy them, we don’t mind!

If you love to bake, dazzle us with your favourite homemade treat. Or if you have a favourite goodie from a store that you want to share, feel free to purchase and repackage it to be sold during the bake sale.  And don’t forget to stop by our bake sale to buy something sweet for yourself!

If you wish to make a donation or want to help work the table, please let us know in the office.  Baked goodies are best to bring first thing or preferably near to lunchtime or in the afternoon (Fridge space is limited).

Kindergarten begin their day relaxed and focused

This week in Kindergarten we got to enjoy our first experience of yoga.  With relaxing music playing in the background, we followed Ms. Shara as she showed us breathing exercises to calm our heart rate.  Then with careful explanation and instruction, we practised child’s pose, cat, down dog, cobra and pigeon.

Maybe you can spot the children holding some of these yoga poses in the photos.

We are enjoying it so much that we are trying to practise yoga first thing in the morning so we are relaxed and focused ready for the day ahead. [Read more…]

Safer Internet Day 2017

safer-internet-day-2017Safer Internet Day 2017 is coming up this week on Tuesday 7th February!

The theme is…’Be the change: Unite for a better internet‘,

At Provo Primary School, the children will be involved in a variety of class and mixed-class activities and will create information posters for parents to see how they have become more aware of the positive and negative aspects of Internet technology and device use.

How will you play your part?  Let’s join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially children and young people.  Click on to see some parent resources…

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Spanish Language Passports are being issued at Provo Primary

Here at Provo Primary we are very proud of our Spanish Language programme and we want to make sure that our parents know just how fantastic it is, the progress their children are making and just how much they can do in Spanish!

One of the ways we hope this will be made clearer is through the introduction of our Language Passports. These have also been created to help the children see just how much progress they make from year to year and to keep track of any areas they need to work on.

The passport is made up of ‘can do’ statements which the children colour in when they feel they can carry out the statement, and have shown this understanding to the teacher.  This allows the children to self-assess their ability and the teacher to understand where the children need help and where they are confident.

We will be launching the passports after half-term to Years 1-3 to start with to see how they work. Please feel free to ask Miss Cara or Mrs. Yorka to see your child’s ‘Passport to Spanish’.

Come plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond in Blue Hills

Today is World Wetlands Day (2nd Feb).

Join the DECR team to clean-up and plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond in Blue Hills this Saturday (4th February) at 8am.  All are invited to help conserve this important local wetland habitat.

Two years ago, our School Council joined a team of other local school children to plant mangroves at Wheeland Pond together with Amy Avenant, the DECR Outreach Coordinator.   Last year, our current Year 5s learnt about mangrove habitats, and how they CAN and have to help to conserve these for the future… Why are our mangrove systems so important? How do these work in unison with the coral reefs? And what would happen to our island if the mangroves aren’t protected.  Amy Avenant from DEMA took the children on a trip to the mangrove system on Flamingo Lake. With her expertise guidance, they observed and learnt about these amazing habitats close up.

Please take two minutes to watch the mangrove video below. Filmed in our neighbouring Bahamas, it give us a powerful insight into why we should actively protecting our mangroves here in the Turks and Caicos. Also learn more at

The Beauty of Mangrove Forests

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Family Skate Night – 10th February

Mark your calendars and get your skates on for Provo Primary PTA’s 7th annual Family Skate Night!

Friday 10th February – 6-8pm @ The Graceway Sports Centre.

Community friends and families welcome.

Whether you skate or not, it’s always a great time both on and off the rink – there will be a fantastic playlist, refreshments on sale, a dance area and puck shoot out with prizes.

An enjoyable skating experience for the entire family!

Community friends and family welcome.

Provo Primary parents please contact the school office if you can help out at the event.