Hope For Haiti

A BIG, BIG thank YOU and a HUGE well done to all student, parents, teachers and friends of Provo Primary. Through the PTA Movie Night ($638) and the School Council Hats for Haiti Dress Down Day ($174), we have managed to raise a staggering $812. How fantastic is that!

The amount is being donated to the ‘Hope For Haiti’ Charity that assists the children that suffered most, during the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. For more information about the charity go to HopeForHaiti.com

It goes to show what wonderful things we can achieve when working together to help others.


Was the BIG BAD wolf really so bad? Year 3 consider things from his perspective!

When we had finished reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we began to wonder how the poor old wolf felt. He always seems to be portrayed as the wicked, mean and nasty character in the story. But was he really so mean?

During our earlier MindUp/P.S.H.C.E session we had just been talking about the importance of having an ‘open mind’ and the value of being able to sometimes take on a different perspective, especially during problem solving. We talked about how ‘perspective’ allows us to consider more than one way of understanding a behaviour, event or situation.

So how did the wolf really feel to make him act in such a way?

We decided to think of other words that could describe other feelings the wolf may have had.  Thesaurus’ were used to find alternative words to describe these feelings. Eventually we got to the really FUN part. In our ‘feelings’ groups, using our body language, tone of voice and our facial expressions we acted out the story. But this time from the possible wolf’s perspective!

Looking at the photos below, can you guess which ‘feeling’ is being conveyed by each facial expression?

Maybe the wolf really wasn’t that bad after all?

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J.K.’s little Scientists record what they see.

jk-science-jan-2017 (1)We kicked off our J.K. Science topic this term with colour mixing! The children were mesmerized and enjoyed predicting what colour the paper towel might turn. We mixed red with blue, yellow with blue and yellow with red.

While waiting for the towels to absorb the coloured water, the children were keen to record what they saw by drawing the experiment. The next day, everyone was excited to see how the colours had mixed and reflected on their predictions from the day before.  Well done JK!

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An unexpected safe place for a fledgling hummingbird to find its wings!

hummingbird-dec-2016Recently, we were very privileged to have a Hummingbird family come and make their home in a tree in our Early Years playground.

Despite the busyness of outside playtime, the mother Hummingbird built a beautiful nest and laid an egg. We were so excited to see that the egg had hatched into a baby, and while the mother always let us know she was close and keeping and eye on us, we were lucky enough to watch the baby growing in its nest before it grew big enough to fly off on its own.

The children loved to be lifted up to check on the baby’s progress (from a respectful distance of course), and enjoyed learning all about the life cycle of a baby bird.

Whilst we all missed our playground friend once it had flown its nest, we were pleased to have provided a safe place for a fledgling hummingbird to find its wings, just like we do for all our own Early Years ‘fledglings’!

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School Council and the Born Free ‘Adopt and Animal’ Venture

school-council-animals-jan-2017 (1) Every last Friday of the month is ‘Dress Down Day’.  Funds that we raise are passed on to the school council to decide how to use.  Funds that are raised in Term 1 are allocated to a global need, Term 2 a local need and Term 3 a school need. There was much debate as to where the Term 1 funds would go.  Where could we as a school help make a difference?

Usually we help charities that support children, but an older member of the School Council suggested helping animals and this created a buzz of interest. Class discussions took place, research began and we discovered the animal charity called Born Free. Contact was made and we discovered that we had raised enough funds for each class from Years 2 to 6 to adopt an animal, from the wild, for a whole year.

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Provo Public Library Week Celebrates Library Week – 23rd – 27th January, 2017

library week posterThe Turks and Caicos Library Service will be celebrating library week during January 23rd – 27th, 2017 to help promote the programmes and services offered by the organization.

Click here to see a schedule of activities that will be held during that week along with our library week public poster.

Feel free to Stop by and visit the Library during Library week.

For more details, please contact Sharene Gibbs, the Library Assistant at the Provo Public Library on (649) 941-7646

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss.




Toddler class swims into a fantastic new year of learning

tod-rainbow-fish-jan-2017 (1)As part of our new ‘Helping Hands’ topic in Toddler Class, we spent the week looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We learnt from the Rainbow Fish’s experiences that it can be fun to share with our friends. In our games, we enjoyed taking it in turns to catch fish of all the colours of the rainbow. In our creative activities, we really liked passing our friends the silvery scales they needed to finish their Rainbow Fish creations, and working together to craft a big Rainbow Fish with beautiful textures and colours. We are looking forward to a half term of caring, sharing, collaborating and appreciating all the people who help us. What a great way to swim into a fantastic new year of learning!

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After School Clubs, Spring Term 2017

after-school-clubs-imageAt the heart of our ambition for Provo Primary School is our commitment to providing the very best for all children to enjoy and achieve. This includes having the widest possible range of opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum.  After-school clubs are a fantastic way of achieving this and we are excited to offer a wide range of clubs, run by teachers, community members and affliated programmes – all with a view to increasing the range of experiences that children have. Activities are designed to be fun and cater for a wide variety of interests and ages.  They are open to both Provo Primary students and community children alike.

The information below outlines all of the school clubs we have available this term, from Journalism, Science and French, to Soccer and Basketball, Art and Design, along with our affliated Provo Performing Arts School’s Dance and Theatre Arts sessions.  We hope you will take time to explore what is on offer and encourage your child to try something new or continue taking part in a firm favourite.

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Provo Primary ‘Spring Clean Out’ Yard Sale

yard-sale-jan-2017Host a table at our highly successful multi table yard sale

$25 per table

@ Provo Primary School

Saturday 28th January

Usually 20 ++ tables and lots of buyers!

To reserve a table please contact




A Happy New Year Start at Provo Primary

happy-new-year-2017 Happy New Year and welcome back to our Provo Primary Spring Term.  Spending time in all of the classes over these first few days, it has been lovely to feel that sense of ‘happy to be back’, and to see all of the children ‘springing’ into action and quickly settling back to school life and being eager to start new learning topics

It’s a joy to see friends sharing news of the festive holidays, hearing about the gifts given and received and news of holiday travels and family gatherings.

We welcome all of the new families to the school and look forward to getting to know them, along with greeting some returning families who have been away and are now here with us again.

We wish everyone a year of wonderful moments, enriching opportunities, treasured memories and all of the blessings that a heart can know.