After-School Clubs, Autumn 2016

Provo Primary After-school clubs commence on Monday 3rd October.  We are pleased to be introducing a wide range of new and exciting experiences…

Just reading the list inspires and excites: 

Provo Primary Sings, Super Sewing, Let’s visit Europe, Storybook Club, Hockey, Steel Drums and Rugby (with coach Adrian from the TCIRFU).

Such amazing choices – which ones will you choose?

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start – especially if they are continuing on to affiliated Provo Performing Art Clubs.

All payments need to be made  through IsleHelp and should be made in advance, by 9am on Monday 3rd October.

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Year 6 take ‘Footsteps4Good’ to help other children

yr-6-footsteps4good-2016“Great success and a huge shout out to Provo Primary!”

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and all of the supporters who took part in Jill Beckingham’s ‘Footsteps4Good’ charity walk today.

Our Year 6 can all be very proud of the ‘footsteps’ they’ve taken today to make a difference to  children’s lives.

Loose change donations that they collected will go to the local ‘Food for Thought’ charity that aims to ensure all Turks & Caicos Islands school children are nourished and therefore able to reach their full potential. The main focus of the charity at this stage is to provide breakfast to all government school students.

Thank you to everyone for your support.


Cooperation gets Flamingo Class off to a flying start!

yr-4-collaborative-art-sept-2016-5It has already been a busy few weeks in Flamingo Class this year. From starting new topics and making new friends, greeting classmates after a long summer apart or just trying to remember not to walk into the wrong classroom…Year Four have had their brains full from the start.

The class were set some early cooperation challenges to get the whole class working together on some shared projects. The first was to make a mural for our big display board – an entire world map for our Age of Discovery class topic. This task required everyone to work together to make a realistic world map our of torn paper and glue. The continents were made on the tables, but the ocean had to be glued directly into the wall! As you can see from the pictures, we ended up with pretty ‘gluey’ fingers and lots of paper to pick up.

It all required a great deal of patience, tenacity and teamwork. Perfect! These are all essential skills for finding success in Year 4!

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Provo Primary’s School Council Elections 2016

school-council-sept-2016-1It has been yet another successful and amazing turn out of students who are willing to donate their time, skills and ideas to becoming a School Councilor. Teacher feedback within the school, with regards to how the children presented themselves forward as candidates, was very, very positive. Therefore, a huge WELL DONE to every single one of you who participated in the elections this year.  It really is great to see so much enthusiasm and interest in trying to make things better, not only for us in the school, and on our island, but also for the world around us.

During our first meeting this year we talked about how much the School Council has achieved in the past – take a look at the photos below and scan through our School Council blog posts. We also discussed some ideas of what we could achieve this year.  Details of future plans are to follow once we get the ball rolling.  So keep a look out on this blog and see what wonders we will achieve this year.

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Look what our amazing Toddlers can do!

i-can-buildWe may be the youngest, and among the newest students at Provo Primary School, but in the last two weeks we have discovered we are already able to do so many things in Toddler Class!

As part of our “Magical Me” topic, we have been exploring all the things we can do. Have a look at our photos to see what a capable and independent bunch we are!

We love looking at the pictures of our achievements on our topic wall, and we are looking forward to adding lots of new skills to our repertoire this year.

Just watch us grow!




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