Two Weeks of Toddler/Preschool Tasters Sessions

pps-tod-pre-2016Provo Primary School invites prospective Toddler/Preschool families to come and experience for yourself the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family

July 18th – 29th – 8.30AM -10.30AM

For ages 12 months to 2 years


Flexible days (one to five mornings each week)

Special Themes: Baby signing and fine/gross motor skills development 

$20 per day (Additional hours $10 per hour)



Flamingos and Chicks is back for the summer

flamingo-chicks-2016Are you interested in learning why Provo Primary is a leader in Early Childhood Education in The Turks and Caicos Islands? Come along to our FREE Flamingos (parents) and Chicks (1-2 yr olds) sessions, commencing this Friday July 8th from 9am to 10am. We hope to see you there. (Spaces are limited, so please let us know if you’re coming by messaging us ahead of time or emailing Thank you!