Year 6 are off on their residential trip to the D.R.

yr-6-trip-may-2016Here are the Year 6 at the airport, ready to embark on their week long eco-adventure, residential trip to Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa in the Dominican Republic.

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.

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Talented alumni returns to dance at Provo Primary

dancescapes-2016 (5)Last week we were transported back in time as Ryesha Higgs and Dancescapes, came to Provo Primary to dance for us. Ryesha graduated from Provo Primary in 2008 and as she performed her dance, we remembered vividly, the talented little girl, who so enjoyed singing, music and dance and  performing on stage while she was with us. It was truly wonderful to witness the now graceful young woman on the same stage, following her passion for the arts.

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Year 3 meet Oscar the Grouch!

yr3-oscar-grouch-may-2016 (3)On Tuesday morning Year 3 got a real surprise when they were taken to a ‘TOP SECRET’ destination. Unbeknown to them all, they were being taken to the “Beaches Resort’ to meet Oscar the Grouch.

This special treat was awarded to one of our Year 3 students, who for the past 4 consecutive years (since she was 5) has always (yes always) managed to get up really early to attend and participate in the TCI Shines Clean Up event that is organised by the TCHTA and DEMA each year.

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Latest Provo Primary Success

yr-6-may-2016We would like to congratulate all 9 of our Year 6 students on their successful post-primary entrance exam results.   All of the children have passed every exam taken and have been accepted into the schools of their choice – either the British West Indies Collegiate, the TCI Middle School or at other international schools.

Six of our Year 6 students took local school Year 7 entrance exams:

In total, 37 children from the Turks and Caicos sat the Year 7 British West Indies Collegiate exams for 9 available places.  We are extremely pleased that all 5 of our students who sat the exam were offered a place.

All 6 students were offered a place at TCI Middle School out of only 12 available places.

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JK Drawing and Storytelling

jk-may-2016 (1)Have a look at our JK videos and photographs showing how the children are at different stages of drawing, learning and story telling.

The children are given the freedom to explore magnetic letters and drawing the white board. They do so very creatively at their own levels – take a look and be amazed.

Story telling is a big part of J.K life and the children are able to draw intricate pictures to express a narrative. More recently, we built a puppet set and characters with a story that lasts around 10mins. The children are all able to act and tell the beautiful story of the fox, the princess and the monster that lived on the frozen lake. A tale of tragedy and happiness – come in and listen sometime! [Read more…]

“We have great moms and we love them!”

ey-mothers-day-2016 (1)This theme was evident in all the Early Years classes last week as they prepared class festivities to celebrate the loving moms we have in our lives.

The Toddler class was everything purple from the decorations to the flowers, outfits and handmade cards. Moms were treated to songs by the children and yummy snacks. The Preschool focussed on the Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? They did activities all week related to the book and shared some of them with their moms, such as, making a bird puppet, play dough nests and retelling the story with props.

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A Quick Video Tour of our Turtle Week

As a final celebration of our ‘Turtle Week’, here is a short video selection of the fantastic activities and experiences that the children across the school engaged in during the week, with a special thanks everyone who helped.  We feel very fortunate that our children’s learning was enhanced by so many community supporters. Please enjoy all the wonderful photos.

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Year 5/6 Turtle Puppet Making Design and Technology

yr-5-6-turtle-puppets (8)Years 5 and 6 were very fortunate to work alongside Lempen Puppet Theatre Company last week when they visited Provo Primary.  To support our environmental focus on ‘Turtles’, Lempen Theatre Puppet experts Daniel and Liz ensured that our students Design and Technology skills would be put to the test. Listening to the story of ‘Fisherman Joe and the Three Brothers’ set the scene for our very own moving turtle puppets!


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