School Council Crazy Hair Day Success

sc-crazy-hair-jan-2016-(22)A BIG thank you to all you creative parents and carers out there for participating so enthusiastically in our ‘Crazy Hair Day”; we can see now where the children get their ‘creativity’ from.

Take a look at all the photos of our Year 1 – 6s!




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Toddlers experience with Humpty Dumpty

toddlers-humpty-jan-2016 (12)The Toddlers have been learning popular nursery rhymes so far this term. A favourite has been Humpty Dumpty and they have been exploring the rhyme in a variety of ways.

Perhaps the highlight for the children (teachers) was the experiment in using a real egg when telling the rhyme and watching it fall and breaking. The children were most concerned in seeing the broken Humpty Dumpty. However, attention quickly shifted when they were given a boiled egg to crack, peel and eat! YUM!

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Preschool Shape Explorers

ps-shape-explorers-jan-2016-(24)The Preschool’s Topic, ‘It’s All About the Shapes’, has involved far more than learning just about the basic shapes, but rather exploring the world of ‘shape’.

First we went on a shape hunt around school as an introduction to the topic. Then we have investigated size, patterns, holes and tubes. The children have thoroughly enjoyed going outdoors to explore these concepts in further detail.

Take a journey of shape exploration through the eyes of our Preschool class…


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Invites Galore for Year 3

yr-3-jan-2016 (2)We have been back at school only a few weeks now, and already Year 3 have been invited along to other classes to share and discover some of the exciting activities that have been going on in their classrooms. Year 4 invited us to come and encounter their “Explorers and their Discoveries” projects they had researched into. Year 1 invited us to come and experience some of their ‘MindUp’ learning. We ourselves have been quite busy too. Read on to find out more…

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Yummy Valentine’s Bake Sale approaching

Bake Sale 2016Start flicking through your cookery books and start planning, everyone…  the Great Provo Primary School Valentine’s Bake Sale is approaching.

Monday 15th February 2016 – at 12 pm and 3 pm.

Straight after mid-term break.

Baked donations welcome from all families.  Volunteers are needed to help on the day.

Please contact Kate at







Newsletters and Topic Maps – Spring 2016

topics-jan-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class. Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Over the next week, look out for your child’s class newsletter and topic map in your email inbox or online here.

Our topics this term will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, exploring our senses, back in time to the world of the dinosaurs, the Ancient Egyptians, the Tudor age of exploration, conflict during World War 2 and out to space and into the future.  What an adventure well all be having!

Perhaps you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?  We love to hear from you if you do.

School Lunch – Term 2, 2016


Remember to order your child’s school lunch for this term on Islehelp.

Lunch Menu:  

Monday Chicken fried rice
Tuesday Cheese or pepperoni pizza ($3.00 for 1 slice/$6.00 for 2 slices)
Wednesday Pasta and meatballs with garlic bread
Thursday Fish fingers with mashed potatoes and coleslaw
Friday BBQ chicken, macaroni cheese and corn on the cob

All meals are up to $6.00 each.

Read more to find out how to order using our Point of Sale (POS) or online payment options using IsleHelp

Please note that the cut off for ordering weekly lunches will be Monday at 9am for the week ahead.  At this time, the week menu will be closed and sent off to our lunch suppliers for the week. Please therefore ensure that if you haven’t ordered lunch by this time, you supply your child with their own lunch. Asking us to process same day orders is both challenging for us and our supplier.

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After-School Clubs, Spring 2016

school-club-imageStarting Monday 11th January, we have new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy, alongside some returning popular ones. With the cooler weather of this term we have a number of sporting clubs on offer.  For our younger clubbers we are introducing a ‘Basketball, T-ball and Soccer’ club.  For our older children we are re-offering ‘Athletics’, alongside the ever-popular ‘TAG Rugby’ and ‘Soccer’ clubs.  Find out more about our new ‘Music and MindUp’ club and how music can stimulate and develop the brain.  French and Homework clubs will continue – new members welcome.


Click on the image above to see the club schedule.

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Happy New Year and Welcome to Our Spring Term

2016-imageHappy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world). We hope you have all enjoyed the festive season and that you are all ready for the new term ahead.

New school news will be posted on our blog and Facebook pages and class newsletters and topic maps will be sent home this week to let you know about your child’s class and curriculum information for this term.

In addition to these, please click on to see key pieces of admin information and general reminders that are important for everyone to read and take on board:

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