Our Brand New Swings are a Hit!

yr1-swings-nov-2015 (1)The school is buzzing over the new swings that were installed over our mid-term break.  The children in Year 1 and Kindergarten had a blast swinging high on their new swings this morning.  With 6 swings in all, lots of children were able to take turns during playtime and have lots of time to swing!

When I asked what they liked about the new swings, some children said: “It feels like I am flying!” and “I can’t believe how many swings there are!” The children are pretty impressed! It was also really sweet to see the Year 1 children decide, on their own, to push the Kindergarten children. They were also teaching the Kindergarten children how to push themselves on the swings for next time.

Thank you for the new swings. We love them! Our verdict is a BIG THUMBS UP!

“A joint-funded project by PTA and School, we would very much like to thank our friends at Projectech for helping with the installation of the swings.  Also everyone who has supported our PTA fundraising events and our school.  It’s wonderful to see the children enjoying the new swings together.” Miss Sian

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Have you really looked at your face recently?

yr-2-self-potraits-oct-2015-11As part of our first Year 2 topic of 2015, Osprey class has been learning all about ourselves. We have researched where we were born, where we live, what food we should each and how much exercise we should do. It has been really fun learning about us and, as part of our Art lessons with Miss Rachel, we have spent a lot of time and effort creating our own self-portraits.

It sounds easy but it actually takes a lot of skill to make sure all the parts of your face are in the right place. We started by touching our faces and feeling what parts were where…which was actually quite strange! We then used mirrors to keep checking what our faces ‘really’ looked like and not just what we ‘thought’ they looked like.


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Book your table for the Provo Primary PTA Yard Sale – 21st Nov

yard-sale-nov-2015This term’s PTA yard sale will take place on Saturday 21st November between 9 and 11am.  If you would like to reserve a table for $30, please contact Niki at nikiflowers@gmail.com

Volunteers Needed: This first Yard Sale will be hosted by PTA Class Reps and parents from the Toddlers, Preschool and JK Classes.  Please let us know if you can help to organise and run this event – look out for details in your inbox.





“Come on, let’s care for our coasts,” says Year 5

yr-5-coasts-oct-2015 Last half term, the Year 5 took a closer look at our beautiful coastline here in the Turks and Caicos Islands!

With a combination of class-based and out-in-the-field learning, the children have gained new knowledge about the geographical features of our coastline, the huge varieties of species that live and depend on our coastal habitats, the impact of nature and the importance of ecotourism.  They also have a greater awareness of what they can tangibly do in their own lives, and what they can tell others to do, to help protect the beautiful coast that we have.

A big thank you to all of our community teachers and to everyone who helped out with our field trip transportation.

This topic has provided many opportunities for nurturing wonder and respect toward our local environment and the planet through observation, hands-on learning and the sharing of expertise.  Phew, it’s been busy half term, but so worthwhile! Just ask one of our Year 5s!

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Island Songs – celebrating National Heritage Month

As National Heritage Month comes to an end here in the Turks and Caicos and as we introduce Caribbean Tourism Month, my third and final video choice to share is this wonderful version of ‘Beautiful by Nature’ by Everyman, which has been re-recorded featuring students from the Clement Howell High School Choir.  This additional video explains the story behind the song and its recent video production by Island Eye TV.  What a beautiful song to celebrate our islands.

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