Cyber-Safety Tips for the Summer
Happy Summer Holidays!
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped to make this year such a great success.
As our Daring Detectives camp activities for 6-12 year olds draw to a close we would like to wish happy summer holidays from all of us at Provo Primary School (for families still on islands, camp for 12 month to 5 year olds continues throughout July and most of August – see camp info for more details).
There is a Japanese proverb that says, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” We certainly are blessed with a school full of great teachers. Our teachers devote their lives to giving our children the tools to succeed and inspire them to do it. We would like to thank them for their countless hours, their energy and creativity, and their commitment to all the children of Provo Primary. Enjoy your well deserved break.
We are also blessed here at Provo Primary to have very supportive parents and community friends. Thank you to everyone who has helped with transportation when we have field trips, to all of our yearbook, library and classroom volunteers – your help is much appreciated. A special thank you to our PTA Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and PTA team for all your hard work organising events and fundraisers, and to everyone who supported these. Also, a big thank you to all of our community friends and businesses who have been a part of our school year, especially those who have donated expertise, time and generous fundraising gifts and scholarships.
Happy holidays to all of our wonderful children – you amaze us each and every day – thank you for making Provo Primary such an vibrant, happy, productive and friendly school to be a part of.
Finally, good luck to everyone who leaves us this year – we wish each of you all the best as you move on to new adventures. Remember to keep in touch with your Provo Primary family and know that you are always welcome to come back and see us again.
Taking Flight with Flamingo Wisdom
As our fully-fledged graduating class of 2015 and leaving students take flight from our Flamingo Lake location, we would like to share with them some ‘Flamingo Wisdom’ which encourages them to make good choices as they continue to soar.
At Provo Primary, our PSHCE and MindUp programmes promote children’s personal, social and emotional development, as well as their health and well-being. [Read more…]