Parent guides to help you to support your child’s Maths learning.

calculation-policy-imageThese parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They also include key vocabulary to support each method.
Each guide is designed to assist you with supporting your child at home with their Numeracy learning.  It is often the case that many methods and strategies taught today appear different from those previously used. All children will progress towards using the methods that many adults recognise from their own school days. We do, however, encourage all parents to support their child’s progress through the stages outlined in these parent guides, so that they gain a richer understanding of how complex calculations work. When at home, it is helpful if your child can practice the methods taught in school to ensure the strategies are reinforced effectively.

How do we solve Maths calculations? Our strategies are BIG news!

Last year, when our current Year 5s were in Year 4, the class created a series of Maths videos to demonstrate the strategies and methods we use at school to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations.

These were shared at our recent Maths Calculation Parents’ Workshop and will now be online and forever available as a reference for both parents and children.  If you ever need a reminder, just check out our entertaining newscasts!

Above is our addition video. Click on “Read more” to see videos for subtraction, multiplication and division.

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The JK’s are digging deeply into the rich soil of hands-on learning!

jk-growing-may-2015The children in the JK class have been exploring and investigating the concept “Things that Grow” and one of our discoveries is that seeds can grow in soil.  We made a list and charted “Things that grow” and “Things that don’t grow”.  One child described his  knowledge by saying…”An apple in the ground won’t grow.  You’re suppose to take the seed out not the whole apple.” This is a great example of how children build upon what they know and adapt new information in their minds.


Preschool learning through outside play

ps-outdoor-play-april-2015-(16)We love to play outside! The green field is amazing! The children adore their daily trip to the green field and more recently have delighted in using more play equipment – learning to kick, throw, crawl under, jump over, run in a zigzag, race and use hula hoops!

Sports day was lots of fun – the children loved showing all their skills to their mums and dads.

One of our highlights this year has been playing with the parachute with Year 6 – you can tell by the children’s faces just how much fun they had.


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Year 6 Flowers

yr-6-flowers-may-2015-(8)Year six students have been studying the work of Van Gogh. We paid particular attention to his famous still life: Sunflowers. Using this as stimulus, the students got busy creating their own flower still life using a variety of flowers. Look closely at our photos and you will discover some very exotic ones!

Focusing on line, space, tone and shade the students sketched carefully to achieve the same style as Van Gogh, but with different flower creations. Coloured pastels were then introduced to enable different shades and tones to be created within the colouring stage. The vase was decorated and some individuals decided to use colours to enhance the background of their work.

This was quite a lengthy process and the students worked meticulously in order to produce their final version.

We hope you like them and that they inspire you to create your own Van Gogh-like masterpiece.

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Year 2 know all about computer programming!

yr-2-programming-may-2015-(14)This term Year 2 have been looking at computer programming. So far we are in the early stages and have been using beebots and the beebot computer app on the iPads to write our computer programmes.

In our math lessons, we have been learning all about clockwise and counterclockwise (anti-clockwise) and we have used these to help us programme our beebot.

First, we looked at the path we needed to make our beebot follow, then in pairs we wrote instructions and then programmed our beebot! Sometimes we made mistakes and our beebots ‘hit’ a wall so we would have to start again! Luckily we have had lots of practice now and will soon be programming and making snowflakes for Anna and Elsa in a Frozen computer programming challenge.

Have a look at our programming instructions and see if you can work out what they mean!

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There is a world to explore in the garden…

toddler-garden-exploration-may-2015 (11)The Toddler class have been doing lots of exploring over the last few weeks related to gardens! Take a look at all the photos of us in action.

All toddlers have had an opportunity to test their ‘green thumbs’ when we planted sunflower seeds, corn, avocado or beans. Most have survived the added sand and early pickings!

We also went on a ‘bug hunt’ around school and found several creatures, which we brought back to class in our specimen jars. Several children have brought in real creatures and toy ones, which are being enjoyed in our classroom garden. Our favourite seems to be the moth! It has been wonderful to see the children being risk takers and having the confidence to gentle touch many of the bugs.

Within this topic, as the children closely examine everything with all their senses, they are being introduced to, and are using, a variety of vocabulary such as petals, leaves, wings and antennae.

We encourage you to explore your garden at home – what will you find?

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Coming soon…PTA – Magic Under the Stars













There’s still time to enter the photo competition

Photo Competition












Talk4Writing: Yr3 Native American culture inspires Year 3 Storytellers!

The history and heritage of Native American storytelling is famous across the world. It’s no wonder, then, that one of these stories inspired our Year 3 class to share their learning by performing their Talking Text.

As part of their Talk4Writing literacy project on Myths, Legends and Adventure Stories, students explored the shared text through a range of drama and performance techniques. Characters and settings were explored in collaboration with peers to encourage discussion and develop the understanding of all students.

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“How does my child learn maths?” Evening Workshop

maths-parent-workshop-april-2015Thursday 14th May: 5:30 – 7:00pm

Due to the high interest shown in our recent “How does my child learn maths?” workshops, we are pleased to be able to offer an evening session for those parents who were unable to attend during the school day.

We will offer one session that will look at the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years to Year 6.

We hope that you will be able to attend this session. To allow us to arrange resources and refreshments, please inform us if you plan to attend. Simply let us know by e-mailing or by signing up in the office.

We look forward to seeing you there!


PTA Yard Sale this Saturday



SATURDAY, 16th May


$25 per Table



Learning through play… indoors in Preschool

ps-indoor-learning-may-2015 (15)Hi everyone! The Preschool class have been working hard to refine their fine motor skills in class. Please have a look at out photos and see what the children have been up to.

Our cutting skills have greatly improved over the year – everyday we cut card, magazines, paper and are now in the beginning stages of learning to create our own collages!

Working together and playing with friends is a big part of our day – the children have bonded beautifully over the year and our new friends have settled in wonderfully making us laugh and showing us all their skills. Happy Term 3!



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Shark week works, we LOVE sharks!

shark-week-april-2015 (1)Inspired by the recent visit of Rob Stewart (shark photographer and conservationist) to the TCI, our own ‘Shark Week’ was a fantastic mix of a whole range of activities, including visits from local dive photographers and the TCI Shark Action Team.

Early Years were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr. David Gallardo who wowed the children with his stunning underwater photography of sharks and his description of his one to one encounters. Year 3 also had the wonderful opportunity of a visit from Mr. Sean Brady who delivered a presentation on sharks and showed his amazing photography too!

The whole of Key Stage 1 and 2 then had a visit from TCI Shark Action Team on Thursday…

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Preschoolers “Keep on Walking” with Pete the Cat!

As part of their Fairy Tales topic, the whole class became confident participating in and leading a range of stories. The Talk4Writing, shown here, links actions with words to encourage active and expressive storytelling, even in some of our younger students. It also allows children to extend their speech by rehearsing a shared story.

Children interacted with stories in a variety of forms, from book-readings and drama performances to watching different versions of their favourite nursery rhymes and fairy tales. Throughout the topic preschool students were encouraged to re-create and adapt stories through play, puppetry and role-play.

Enjoy the class’ re-telling of Pete the Cat:I Love my White Shoes!

Year One meet Sally and Jerry!

yr1-conch-farm-may-2015-11Year One has been delving into learning all about our latest topic, My Country: TCI. On Monday, we took a trip to the Conch Farm. Richard, our tour guide, was very patient and gave us a real hands-on experience. We were able to see the different stages of growth conch go through and we were able to hold conch of different ages.

I was very impressed by the good questions the children asked when we met Sally and Jerry. We learned how to tell boy and girl conch apart, as well as how to tell how old a conch is. We got to stroke, not poke, Sally and Jerry. As a special treat, the children were given a conch shell gift. Thank you, Richard. What a lovely educational trip we had.


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During our Shark Week, Year 3 went Shark and Teeth Crazy!

yr3-teeth-april-2015-6In Science we have been looking at Teeth and in Numeracy we have been looking at Fractions. To combine our shark learning we decided to make some pop-up sharks with different coloured teeth. Look out for these beautiful sharks when you are out snorkeling next time!

Our challenge was to find the fraction of different coloured teeth for our individual sharks. We are now the fraction teeth experts but can you recognise who is behind each shark mouth in the photos?



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PTA Movie Night this Friday

movienightPTA Movie Night

Friday 8th May 5:00-7PM

See posters at school for details or call 441 5638




Kindergarten set out to measure dinosaurs!

k-dinosaurs-measuring-april-2015-6Have you ever wondered how tall a tyrannosaurus rex was? Or how long a long a brachiosaurus was from nose to tail? Well, you’re in luck – Kindergarten set out to find this out!

To visualise how big these incredible creatures were, the class set about measuring string that would show the height and length of each type of dinosaur. Then we attached helium balloons to the string so that we could imagine how long the dinosaurs’ necks were. The results were incredible!



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