Toy Drive – Bringing smiles to those in need.

toy-drive-2014Thank you everyone for your kind donations of toys.

Our School Council Reps presented them to Captain Miller, from the Salvation Army, who will help to distribute them to children in the community this Christmas.

How wonderful to pass on smiles and happiness.  The spirit of giving is such a lovely feeling, especially when we imagine the smiles on the children’s faces as they open their gifts on Christmas Day.

What a Gift to be Bilingual!

yr-1-spanish-immersion-dec-2014 (6)What a gift to be bilingual!  With the incredibly diverse student body we have at Provo Primary, a fair number of students do speak other languages fluently (French, Creole, Spanish, Hebrew, Croatian, etc.) and academic studies back up what we know to be true…foreign languages are most easily learned at a young age.  Over the past several years, Provo Primary has enriched and expanded it’s foreign language curriculum, moving beyond Spanish classes in Key Stages 1 and 2, to offer true Spanish Immersion to the school’s younger students.

Miss Tracy’s Year 1 classroom is a lively place any morning of the week…

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Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!

yr-2-sharks-dec-2014 (9)Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!  This is what Year 2 learnt when Jackie, from Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre, came into Osprey class last week. We were lucky enough to look at some photographs of sharks that live in and travel through the Turks and Caicos Islands, as well as hear a story about Shark Stanley and his friends, Waqi the Whitetip, Manta Reigna, and Pierre the Porbeagle who battle to save the Coral Reef.

Jackie at Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre is working alongside DEMA and other individuals to raise awareness of how important sharks are, not only to the ocean worldwide but our waters in the TCI.  She says “We are trying to get the word out in TCI about why we should care about our sharks, why they’re important, and trying to find out what people think about sharks. Conservation is key, and we want to eventually educate the community about how we can do that.”

Osprey class were left with a lot to think about – our opinions of sharks, and the impact they have on the oceans around us, have really changed for the better.

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Jingle Jam Christmas Fun for the Young Ones

Christmas-Tots-Party-dec-2014Wednesday 3rd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary.

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available Monday morning in the school entrance and open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Join us for a festive early evening.






Let’s Celebrate!

t-let's-celebrate-nov-2014 (7)There was truly much to celebrate when the toddler class concluded their topic, ‘All About Me’, with a celebration of their learning.

Parents were invited to spend the morning with their child. They were greeted with a ‘handy’ feathery hat, songs and movement. Then they participated in making a house craft, rolling scented play dough and feeling pasta at the sensory table. In addition, some toured the quails/chickens coop, hydroponic garden and had some fun on the green field.

There were lots of enthusiastic parents and children who celebrated a special morning together.  Thank you for coming everyone!


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