International World Migratory Bird Day, 2014

International-Migratory-Bird-Day-2014From quails and chicks to Migratory birds!

On 11th October, join in with a guided bird walk or enter a bird photography contest… just two ways to celebrate International World Migratory Bird Day.  Both of these activities are organised by Amy Avenant at the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA). Click on the image to find out  more.

This year’s theme is ‘Why Birds Matter?’ Not everyone is aware of the diversity of birds around the world, the amazing migrations some take, and the phenomenal range of behaviours, plumages, and songs they exhibit. International Migratory Bird Day 2014 shares the many ways in which birds matter to the earth, to ecosystems, and of course, to us.

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Enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children workshop

life-skills-workshope-oct-2014On Tuesday 7th October @ 6:15pm Ms EvieAnn, a certified Child Life Specialist, will be offering a workshop for parents/teachers and Community members on enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children.

Come and find out how you can help empower your child during times of change, with separation anxiety, friendship issues, exam taking and illness.

All parents/teachers/friends welcome.


Thousands of books & dozens of children = a very busy library!

library-oct-2014-4On most mornings, the busiest room at Provo Primary is the school’s ever expanding library, a comfortable, well-lit space filled wall to wall with books (over 4,000 at last count!) just waiting to be discovered by a student, for the first or fortieth time.

A love of literacy is integral to the curriculum at Provo Primary and clearly on display as students, ranging in age from Year 1s to Year 6s, exchange books under the watchful eye of volunteer parent librarians, who often assist with selections as well as the logistics of checking titles in and out.

This past summer, over $7,500.00 was spent on compelling new literacy resources for the library and individual classrooms, a testament to the school’s dedication to fostering a love of reading in all students.

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‘Empowering children during times of stress’ Workshop

wotycFIIn recognition of our National Week of the Child, Ms EvieAnn, a certified Child Life Specialist (awarded by The Child Life Council), will be offering a

workshop on Tuesday at 7th October @ 6:15pm


Enhancing life skills, reducing anxiety and stress in children.

Come and find out how you can help empower your child during times of change, with separation anxiety, friendship issues, exam taking and illness.  Be prepared!

All parents/teachers/friends welcome

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Our quail have hatched!

quails--02-10-14-1quails--02-10-14There’s a lot of excitement at Provo Primary School this morning as our quail are finally hatching. 13 have hatched, two are hatching and there are a few more yet to pop out. We have to move them from their birth home (an incubator) to a temporary home where they’ll stay until they’re big enough to join our other quail in their coop.

Our chicken eggs are due to hatch in about 3-4 days. Let’s see if chickens are better time keepers than quail!

Are our children getting enough sleep?

children-sleep-01-10-14“With the start of the new school year, routines are taking shape. Youngsters are assembling the complex puzzle in which homework, activities, sports, social life and family time compete for a limited number of hours in the day. Frequently it seems there’s not enough time to do it all, that something’s got to give. What often gives? Our children’s sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following amounts of sleep for children and teens:ii

1-3 years old = 12-14 hours of sleep

3-5 years old = 11-13 hours of sleep

5-12 years old = 10-11 hours of sleep

12-18 years old = 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep… [Read more…]

Learning All About Our Bodies in Kindergarten!

k-Book-Writing-3-sept-2014In Kindergarten class, we have been exploring our bodies this month to find out how and why we’re so different to each other! From measuring our height and collecting information about hair and eye colours in school, we’ve been busy thinking about how different our bodies look.

Read more to see more photographs of us learning…



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