Youth Performing Arts Summer Camp Programme


From Monday 14th – Friday 17th July Ms Shara will be offering a week’s youth performing arts programme.

Performing Arts Summer Camp Registration Form

The camp will include:

Theatre Arts Skills
Acting, Staging, Props, Production, Scripting, Costumes, Choreography, Vocal Coaching, Tech & Performance
Mini Musicals – Annie, Oliver, Cats, The Sound of Music, Grease

Ages 7-16 welcome, varied ages needed!
$30/day or $125 for the week
Call 441-5638 for details

Summer Camp Continues through July and August

summer-camp-2013Summer Camp continues for 16 months – 7 year olds through July and August.

Click on the links below to find out more and to register your child:

16 months-7 yrs Summer Fun Camp Registration Form






Year 4 Loope Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-4-shell-loope-poetry-june-2014Together with Mrs. Bonnie,  our Year 4 students have enjoyed exploring oranges, shells and flowers with the loupes and wrote these amazing poems.





My Spectacular Shell

My spectacular shell reminds me of a spiral staircase going on forever,

It’s like sweet caramel ice cream on the crunchiest cone,

It’s as soft as a silk web made by a spider,

The top of my shell is a tall pyramid,

My shell is as white as new snow with a little caramel sauce on top of it,

I’d like to go inside my shell right to the bottom of it

And I would enjoy every second in there,

My shell is the light of my life!


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Year 5’s night stay in North!

yr-5-north-middle-caicos-trip-june-2014 (9)Year 5 spent a fabulous two days in North and Middle Caicos and experienced an overnight stay as a class for the first time ever!

We had a busy and educational visit. We kayaked at Major Hill, looked at the devastation of a hurricane and the repair of the Middle Caicos Causeway. We visited Conch Bar caves and learnt about how they were used in the past and swam at Mudjin Harbour. We had a delicious dinner and breakfast at Pelican beach, thanks to Miss Susie and a good night’s rest after hide and seek.

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Year 5 Loupe Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-5-loupe-june-2014Mrs. Bonnie introduced the Year Five students to ‘private eye’ poetry.  Using  jeweler’s loupes they looked closely at a flower. They asked themselves: What else does it look like? What does it remind me of?  and created some amazing poetry.




My Bright Mysterious Flower

My bright, mysterious flower,

Your mini-petals surround your center acting like guardians to protect your secrets,

My bright, mysterious flower,

What secrets do you hide?

Your bold colours are like a brilliant, beautiful sunset capturing everyone’s attention,

The stripes in your center are like a tiger prowling in the jungle all the way across the ocean,

Your unique smell is like a Starburst melting in my mouth.

My bright, mysterious flower

You are just beautiful!

By M.Z.

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