Year 3 Explore Control Technology and Simple Machines with Lego and iPads

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (3)Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of what appeared to look like playing with Lego and iPads… but what were they learning?



Using the iPad apps ‘Daisy the Dinosaur’ and ‘ Kodables’, the children were introduced to the basics of computer programming and algorithms.

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (4)


Building with the Lego sets the children carefully followed step by step instructions and explored how simple machines work.


Read on to find out more…


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Exploring Early Maths and Science Concepts in Preschool

ps-Bubble-Experiments-may-2013In Preschool we explore the concept of Maths and Science using many different materials, activities and ideas. Maths and Science can be messy! Maths and Science can be captivating! Maths and Science can be quiet and focused! Maths and Science can be easy! Maths and Science can be tricky! Maths and Science can be indoor or outdoor! The main thing we know is that Maths and Science is captivating and fun!

Please take a look at our photographs and imagine how they lead your child into later maths and science experiments.


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Tyres and messy, messy paints!

yr-3-tyres-tipi-may-2013 (5)It’s that time of year again when Year 3 get their creative hats on and explore ways of improving the look of our outdoor environment.

We  found out that the tyres in the garden were super fun to jump in and out of. Therefore we decided to paint some of the extra tyres and, together with some of the older tyres, relocated them to a new spot in the sand area where all of us could have fun jumping around in them!

Some of the tyres were also re-potted with new soil and again relocated into another area of the playground. We then planted some new seeds in the hope of seeing some beautiful flowers emerge in the future…. Lets see if our magic green fingers work this year!

Huge thanks to all the parents who have helped us have so much fun in the garden and playground. We really could not have accomplished all the messy paint scenarios and laughter without you all…THANK YOU!

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School Lunch – June 2014

school-lunch-picHere is the final school lunch form for this school year

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch,  download and complete the forms:



Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

JKs enjoy pretending to be pigs playing in the mud!


The Junior K’s are learning about traditional nursery rhymes and fairy tales.  They have enjoyed listening to the story of the three little pigs and have made each of the houses out of waffle blocks in their role play centre.  To help recall simple parts of the story the children they have used puppets and acted out the tale using different voices and facial expressions.  They thoroughly enjoyed taking the story outside during outdoor play, wearing their pig masks and pretending to be pigs playing in the mud.

Please enjoy the photos of the children developing their learning through play and feel free to come into the JK classroom to join in the fun!

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Will KS1 be hitting for 6 or will they be run out?!

yr2-cricket-may-2014What an exciting start to our summer term’s PE sessions!  After a term in autumn with Coach Niall from Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union Y1 & 2 are now lucky enough to have the Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket Association coming in to teach us some early cricket skills!  After just one session, it is already clear that we might have some cricket stars in the making!  Watch out, Alastair Cook, you’ve got some TCI competition!




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Year 1 Self-Potraits

yr-1-portraits-may-2014-16We’ve had such a great time with our latest topic, Growing and Changes. We’ve investigated the weather and seasons, growing plants, life cycles and we’ve just finished spending  two weeks learning about ourselves.

For our art project on ourselves, we did some investigative drawing with a mirror. We carefully sketched out our eyes, mouth, nose and hair. Then, we did our first self- portrait using mirrors, crayons and pencil crayons.

The next day, we used pastels and mirrors to do another self -portrait. Our focus was on smudging or blending colours to try to get real life colours. We also really worked on adding details, like freckles and the black circle in the middle of our eyes.

Finally, we learned about Pablo Picasso and used his abstract portraits as our inspiration. The children chose a partner and drew two portraits of their partner. Then, we cut them up into pieces to make a jigsaw or abstract portrait.

Please read on to take a look at their lovely work!

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Year 4 Ancient Roman Architecture Treasure Hunt

Flamingo Class set out this week to see if it was possible to find evidence of the Ancient Roman’s influence on Provo. It’s amazing to think that the Romans can still have an affect our daily lives, 2000 years later and half-way across the globe! Our discoveries were quite surprising…you’d be forgiven for thinking we’d actually gone to Rome!

Afterwards, students were treated to a Roman Banquet at Pizza Pizza, consisting of pizza (possibly a Roman invention – Romans certainly ate panis focaccia, a bread with toppings added) Caesar salad (named after Rome’s most famous ruler) and red/white grape juice (even though Romans would have insisted on wine). After seeing our fantastic photo gallery, you’ll understand how we worked up such an appetite!

Class Newsletters – Summer 2014

class-newletters-summer-2014Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download your child’s class newsletter and their topic map.






Mrs. Bonnie is coming to visit – yeah!

pps-bonnie-2013We are very pleased to announce that Mrs. Bonne is coming down for three weeks at the end of May. Many of you will know Mrs. Bonnie and her husband Joel, who have been coming down and volunteering at Provo Primary School for over 11 years.   Mrs. Bonnie is a much loved and amazing teacher and lives on the beautiful island of Victoria in Western Canada where she currently teaches university student teachers.

Whilst at Provo Primary, Mrs. Bonnie will help out in as many classes as we can schedule her in, with her main focus being on poetry and science teaching.  Many children will remember her squid dissection lessons and the picture on the left demonstrates one of her amazingly fun science lessons that the Year 3s will remember from last year.  Don’t forget to pack Scaredy Squirrel, Mrs Bonnie, a much loved puppet character!

We all love having Mrs. Bonnie and Mr Joel here with us and the children look forward to their visit each year. We really appreciate her giving up her time to be here with us again this year.  We are sad that Mr. Joel wont be here to help out with our swimming programme  and hope that he doesn’t miss Mrs. Bonnie too much!  Don’t worry though, we’ll look after her and we’ll certainly keep her busy!

School Lunches (May 2014)

school-lunch-picOnce again new menu choices are available to delight our children’s taste buds this term.   Back by popular demand is our all time school favourite… Spaghetti and meatballs!   All lunches will be provided by Pizza Pizza. 

As an addition to our hot lunch programme, The S Shack have just confirmed that they are able to continue offering subs and salad on Monday and Thursdays.


Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch,  download and complete the forms:

School-Hot Lunch Order Form – May 2014

Sandwich Order – May 2014

Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.