After-School Clubs, Summer 2014

web-imageAfter-school clubs resume  on Monday 5th May.  Along with our usual favourites,  we are pleased to be introducing tap dancing this term and bringing back cheerleading!

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms carefully to see the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.

Please remember that all children will need extra water on club days.  You may like to also include a small extra snack to be eaten at 3pm before the clubs start.

Go Flamingos!

pps-soccer-tournament-2014The TCIFA School Soccer Tournament starts this week. We are entering teams in the Year 3/4 Boys’, Year  5/6 Boys’ and Year 5/6 Girls’ competitions.

We anticipate the tournament to be a very positive experience for each of our amazing teams!

Please see the updated TCIFA School Competition Schedule to see the game times each week and come and support our school teams.

Many thanks again to Casablanca Casino and our Provo Primary PTA for sponsoring our soccer uniforms.

Looking Forward to our PTA Cocktails and Curry Night

cocktails-curry-poster-2014Mark your calendars for Friday, May 16th at Bay Bistro. 

Tickets will be $55 and include a gorgeous curry buffet with desert, silent and live auctions.
Only a total of 135 tickets available.
A post-party will follow at the Sandbar.
I’m looking for as much parent participation as possible on the auction committee. Please contact me if you can solicit some items and also with any questions regarding the event.
Many thanks in advance for your help in making this another successful event!
Haley Weldon (PTA Chair 2013-2014)


Welcome to the Summer Term, 2014

summer-term-2014The Summer Term starts here at Provo Primary on Monday 28th April.  We hope that you are all enjoying your Easter break holiday and are looking forward to returning back to school.  We have some new children and families joining our school community this term and we extend a warm welcome to you all.


As expected, we have a productive and eventful final term ahead with our class topics and activities, our Year 6 residential trip to Salt Cay and Grand Turk,  SATs assessments in Years 2 – 6, end of year reports,  parent consultation meetings, our final end of year assembly and Year 6 graduation.  

We also have a few PTA events coming up – remember to save the date for our  PTA Spring Fundraiser – Cocktails and Curry Redux on Friday 16th May.

As always look out for information here on the blog, in your email inbox and on our school notice boards throughout the term.


We have a variety of new and favourite After-School Clubs for you to choose from this term.  Clubs will start on Monday 5th May. Look out for the club details and the registration forms this week.   We will be entering 3 teams into the TCIFA Schools Soccer Tournament this year and we wish all our teams and players an enjoyable series of games.

School Lunches

A reminder that school lunches will resume on Monday 5th May.  Forms will go out mid week for you to complete.


Class newsletters will go out this week, packed full of information related to class topics and events.

A Beautiful Spring Bonnet Parade

spring-bonnets-april-2014 (2)A spectacularly colourful display of spring bonnets paraded through the school today, donned by our younger students.  The bonnets were thoroughly enjoyed by onlooking students, teachers and parents, who clapped and cheered to show their praise for the wonderfully creative designs. Well done to all the families for working on these together and do enjoy looking at the photos.  It was so lovely to see such individuality and such a range of ideas on how to depict the theme of spring and Easter egg time.

The parade was followed by our annual PTA Easter Egg Hunt – an egg-citing event that by no egg-aaggeration is a much look forward to by all the students throughout the school.  Thank you to Haley and all of the PTA volunteers for making this happen.

Happy Easter break holiday everyone and we look forward to seeing you all back at Provo Primary on Monday 28th April.

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Young Athletes Spring into Action in their Sports Day

pps-sports-day-april-2014Today was Sports Day for all the children from 2 through to 7 years old.  Many families came along to support the children and the event was a healthy success with beating hearts, puffed cheeks and smiles all round!

Watching all of the events was amazing opportunity to see first hand the growth and development of children’s motor skills during these short years.  Gross motor skills are physical abilities or capacities such as running, jumping, hopping, turning, skipping, throwing, balancing and dancing that  involve the use of large bodily movements.

The event allowed the children to demonstrate developmentally appropriate skills that they have been learning and practising during their PE (Physical Education) activities.  Teachers and children explained to the audience the techniques involved in the various activities before the children showcased their skills in team and individual activities.

I hope you enjoy looking back at the photos – the concentration, determination and enjoyment on the children’s faces and through their body action is a delight to see!

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“Celebrating Holidays in Early Years”

Early-Years-March-&-April-2014-134We recently had the joy of celebrating St.Patricks day with our very own Irishman, Mr. Jason, our Year 6 teacher.
We went wild with rainbow crafts and green 4 leaf clovers.
We hopped right into April with bouncy bunnies, fragrant flowers and egg-cellent Easter eggs.
Come join us on Friday April 11th for our Easter Bonnet parade and PTA egg hunt.
Bonita & Shara

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Mr. Mishka, the Teaching Dog!

mishka-april-2014Mishka is Ms Alison’s dog and he is much loved in our Provo Primary community. When he comes into school he loves lots of attention – especially tummy rubs.

Mishka likes to check that the children are working hard and doing well! Here he is reading through some Year 4 Literacy work.  He is particularly pleased when he see lots of creative ideas, but he is a bit of a stickler for punctuation use!  “Woof, Woof!” he barks, which translates as “Well done, boys, but I can see some commas that need to be added!”

Sophia the Parrot Fish

k-sophie-parrot-fish-april-2014-2Literacy came alive in the Kindergarten room as the students explored fish by creating ‘Sophia the Parrot fish’ and told her story.  Please enjoy! How many sight words can you find?

Sophia the Parrot Fish
“This is Sophia.  She lives in a coral reef.  She likes to go in the deep water and she likes to have friends over.  Sophia likes to swim around the coral reef and it is her favourite thing to do.  Sophia lives with her family.  Sophia has a brother and two sisters.  Her brother’s name is James.  Her sister’s names are Emily and Amber.  Her dad is called Bob and her mum is called Kali.  Sophia loves to play with her family.  Sophia likes her mum and her dad and she gives them hugs everyday.  She loves visiting the coral reef because that’s where her friends live.  She goes to school.  She loves her friends there.  At school she learns her A,B,Cs and how to do tricks…karate tricks.  She also learns how to do ballet.”

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Yr 1 visit Sunshine Nursery and Garden Centre

yr1-nursery-visit-march-2014 (4)For the last two weeks in Year 1, we have been learning all about growing plants. Our class was lucky enough to visit Sunshine Nursery & Garden Centre for our field trip. I would like to pass along a massive “Thank you” to Nadine for showing us such a wonderful time! Not only did we have fun but we also learned lots!

During our trip, we took a tour and learned what a nursery is, about how some plants grow from seeds and how with some plants, you can snip off a bit of the plant and re-plant it to grow another new plant. We also learned where Turks Head Cactus keep their seeds and how important it is to show lots of patience because they take a long time to grow! After, our tour, we got a chance to plant a cutting of a bougainvillea and also two seeds straight from Africa—the Baobab seed and the Ceiba Pentendra seed.

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“X Marks the Spot!”

yr-six-anti-bullying-march-2014Year Six recently joined forces with Justin Spencer, founder of Recycled Percussion and Legacy X in taking a stance against bullying by helping him build the worlds largest RED ‘X’, symbolizing our mission to stop bullying!

Year six students contributed powerful anti-bullying messages to Justin and the Legacy X team, which are now included in this anti-bullying sign in the Nevada Desert. Each leg of the RED ‘X’ is as big as a football field and consists of a compilation of almost  250, 000 personal anti-bullying messages, taken from people around the world.

Year Six were proud to be a part of this mammoth project, which will hopefully make a global impact upon the lives of those who suffer or have suffered from the devastating impact that bullying can bring.

Stand up against negativity! Spread the word.

Yr 5 Baking and Smoothie Bonanza!

yr-5-baking-march-2014 (1)Last Wednesday afternoon Year 5 were cooking up a storm!  As part of our Design and Technology lessons we have been investigating how we can alter recipes to make them more healthy in a variety of ways without compromising the taste too much!

We looked at our favourite junk foods and the children have been designing and re- designing their own take on these junk foods . The children independently altered the recipes and in teams organised themselves to bring in the right ingredients and recipe to make it work!

Last Wednesday they got to try out these modified recipes and I am extremely proud of how successful they were; not only in making their designs but also in working together! We had three teams – one making whole wheat doughnuts with fruit topping, one making reduced fat and sugar cupcakes and one team making delicious dairy free and fruity milkshakes. All three recipes got the thumbs up, well done year 5!

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World Osprey Week – A Fantastic Week of Learning!

wow-march-2014-10Thank you to everyone at the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust for organising this wonderful WOW celebration and encouraging us to learn more about the ospreys that live here in our islands. The week has been a great success and the interest of the children and the support community has been amazing. A true example of learning at its best!

Click on the image left to see some photos of the week’s events and fantastic art work and continue reading all about our different osprey activities below…

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