PTA Family Beach Day, March 2014

family-beach-day-march-2014This Sunday, March 9,  is Provo Primary’s Family Beach Day!

This term, the event will be held at the Children’s Park/Lower Bight from 3-6pm and will feature the Provo Sailing Club, whom will have their boats rigged and ready to give those interested a chance to take a sail.

Please bring your cooler, beach chairs, shovels and spades and join us for what promises to be a fun afternoon.


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Year 5 Maths Mania!

yr-5-maths-mania-march-2014 (5)Year 5 , along with all the other classes in the school, have been preparing for our Maths Calculation  Showcase on Friday while having great fun exploring different areas of maths. We have got so into our ‘Maths Week’ children have been coming in with ‘psychic maths problems’ where they can guess the number you have in your head! Pretty impressive!

What was really nice to see was how we could all work together to create some giant graphs for us to plot information on for a line graph on Friday. It took some careful measuring and some good teamwork! We have also been having a great time, creating our own range of word problems based all around our topic ‘Lifesmart.’ We have thought carefully about the different operations involved and how to make an easy question turn into a more challenging one with more than one step or calculation. Why not come along on Friday and see if you can solve them!

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Number Fun in Year 1!

yr-maths-fun-feb-2014 (10)We sure do love numbers in Year 1! One of our super fun number games is to use a deck of cards and play higher or lower. Here’s how we play :

1)      First, with your partner, split the deck in two.

2)      Then, make sure all your cards are facing the right way.

3)      Next, at the count of three, put one card down.

4)      The person with the higher or lower (depending on our target) card gets to keep the pair and then you keep on going until you run out of cards.

It’s such a fun game that really lets the children have fun AND focus in on the numbers.


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Talented Provo Primary Wildlife Photographers

wildlife-day-photo-contest-03-03-14Best of luck to our Provo Primary Photographers who have entered the ‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’ today hosted by the TCI  Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA) and the Department of Agriculture.

What AMAZING wildlife you have captured – It’s clear to see that we have some talented photographers with a good eye for composition! It’s certainly going to be hard for the judges to choose winners.   Thank you for taking part.  I hope you enjoyed your close encounters with our beautiful wildlife and your amazing photographic adventures. Thank you also to mums, dads, granddads and anyone else who encouraged each child to participate.

Winners will be announced this week at the Education Week Fortis Science Fair.
Here are some of the entries that I have seen… though I know there are more that were sent in…

Year 3 Roller Coaster Rap

Last week, one of our guided reading groups decided to create a ‘rap’ to retell part of a story they had been reading. The rest of the class were so impressed that they wanted to join in too…so they did. The story was called ‘Up and Down’ and was based on two characters. One character loved fairground rides, while the other did not. Enjoy!

World Book Day Bedtime Story Night


World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March.  Throughout the day, classes will share their favourite stories and join in with cross-curricular activities about books and reading.

We will be having a‘Bedtime Storytelling’ evening between 5:30 and 6:30pm.  Children are invited to return to school dressed in their pajamas and hugging their favourite bedtime cuddly, to hear a collection of bedtime stories, drink a glass of milk and munch on a cookie.

Maths Calculation – Education Week, 2014

mw-feb-2014‘Maths Calculations’ is the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week.  Throughout the week we aim to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school.  Come along to our Showcases on Wednesday and Friday and see our students in action.

Below is a brief outline of some of the school activities we have planned.  Individual teachers will pass on further details about what is going on in their own classes.




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TCI National Education Week

Next week is National Education Week here in the TCI. The national theme is ‘Promoting Education through Teachers’ Appreciation’.  Here is the Theme Song composed by Mr. Garfield Gurley and Mr. Jamaine Reid, Music Teachers at the Clement Howell High School and sung by their students.  Read the lyrics below.  Well done, everyone – It sounds great!

During Education Week we are having our own ‘Maths Calculation’ theme week alongside the National theme.  It will be a busy week, with World Wildlife Day and World Book Day during this time as well.  Aware of this, our teachers and PTA will celebrate teacher appreciation to its fullest next term. I am sure that with all the preparation and activities this week, however, a little bit of Provo Primary appreciation won’t go a miss!

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Don’t panic! Year 4 Doctors are on the scene!

yr-4-hospital-trip-feb-2014 (1)Tuesday was an exciting morning in Flamingo Class as we all set out to visit the Cheshire Hall Medical Center to find out about how bones can be fixed by the orthopedic doctors and nurses at the hospital!

It was another morning packed full of information and learning related to our topic on Moving and Growing.

Our expert guides, Nurses Sharon and Gemma, passed on their knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems. They explained how these worked together together to help us move and demonstrated how, if damaged, both can be fixed by doctors.




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