JK explore a cold winter in Provo!

jk-winter-jan-2014-18The Junior Kindergartens are a group of happy jolly souls who enjoy exploring in a make-believe world.  This term they were delighted to explore a cold winter on our beautiful, hot Caribbean island.

The children have listened to many wonderful winter-related stories, songs and activities and have explored many hands-on science experiments.  The story of ‘The Mitten’ has been our main focus and has led to many wonderful activities such as making snow and learning about winter animals and how they migrate and hibernate during the winter months. Many of the children have been able to share their winter experiences with each other and everyone has learned about more how the seasons change. Even with temperatures in the 80s, the children have really enjoyed  dressing up in winter clothes as they play in their home-made snow!

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School Lunch – up to 14th February

school-lunch-picPlease find attached our lunch menu for the next two weeks which you will notice has been changed up again.  

Since the beginning of term, we have been working with the school council to update the lunch programme and this revised menu is the result of the children’s input following opinion polls and tasting sessions!

We are also considering offering sandwiches and wraps again which would be delivered by “The S Shack” in Grace Bay.  Please do let us know if you would be interested in this option.

After mid term, we plan to have our favourite menu finalised which,  hopefully, will remain consistent until the end of term.

As always, your thoughts and feedback on the options available are much appreciated.

It’s all about ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ in Preschool!

Drawing a zebra

Drawing a zebra

Our topic ‘fur, feathers, skin and scales’ has started with great enthusiasm…We discovered Giraffes are quite amazing and we had great fun painting them, using our fingers to make the spots!  Next, we have learned all about Zebras and their stripes.  

To help refine our hand-eye coordination Preschool have loved doing puzzles and pouring sand and water in the garden.  In the garden we love to care for one another – the girls and boys adore catching one-another at the bottom of the slide. The iPad is a fantastic resource – as you can see the children are happy taking turns, sharing and using it very gently – Well Done!

See you on the blog soon! Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette

P.S We LOVE, love, LOVE dressing up! 




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School Council’s Ideas for the New Year.

school-council-garden-planning-jan-2014A Happy New Year from the School Council. We will be busy the next two terms working on our School Outdoor Area.  Our intention is to work in a way whereby all children will be able to participate in discussing, researching, planning and making parts of our play area and the garden a little bit different!  Our first steps are to gather as many ‘workable’ ideas as possible from the children, parents and friends of the School.



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Cooperation is the name of the game:

yr4-collaborative-towers-jan-2014-9Our PSHE curriculum got off to a fun, yet challenging, start this term as Flamingo Class explored the idea of cooperation.What does it really mean to cooperate? How good are we at cooperating? What other skills do we need to cooperate effectively? All of these questions, and more, became the topic of discussion during some quite amazing challenges.




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Reading is a hit in Year 1!

yr-1-reading-jan-2014-1The New Year has brought a burst of eagerness to read and write in Year 1. It’s been amazing to see how enthusiastic the children in Year 1 are. I love it!

Right after lunch, the children get their reading books and go to a quiet space and read once to themselves then quietly find a partner and read to each other. As a special treat, a child is chosen to read in front of the whole class. The children have really picked up on the need to read in a loud voice, show the pictures in the book slowly to the audience and they are even staring to read with expression!

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Welcome to the Provo Primary Kindergarten Animal Hospital!

k-animal-hospital-jan-2014Our waiting area includes clipboards for signing in our favourite stuffed animal pets who unfortunately have issues that need our attention.  We have created and labeled their cages and are learning to care for them properly.  As we learn more about our animal patients, we also actively learn skills in problem solving, collaboration,  literacy, and numeracy. We are planning a trip to the Vets soon to further investigate how to care for our furry and feathered friends.

Scholarship Programme Update

scholarship-spring-newsletter-2014As you may have been aware, the school Scholarship Programme hosted a very successful event at Provo Golf Club during the Christmas Holidays. The event formed part of our fundraising efforts for the next, 2014-2015, academic year. It was also our aim to raise awareness of our programme and to attract sponsors and donations from outside our school community.

In recent months we have had a number of requests for more information about the Scholarship Programme. We hope that you find our first Scholarship Newsletter informative (click on the link or the image to download). The aim of the Newsletter is to give updates on our fundraising progress while providing the opportunity to thank our generous supporters.

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Yr 6 Share their Stories with Yr 1

yr-6-Christmas-Stories-dec-2013-8Just before the Christmas holidays Year 6 joined up with Year 1 to share with them some of the stories that they had created based upon the holiday season. Year 6 authors were presented with the task of drafting a full Christmas story that would be suitable for a young audience. They were required to word process the final draft, add in relevant illustrations, design a front cover and include a blurb. The final result was undoubtedly professional!

More fun was to be had when we entered the Year 1 classroom and shared the finished pieces with the younger children. Year 1 were extremely impressed with the Year 6 storytellers as they listened with concentration, asked questions about the stories and most importantly enjoyed the content on offer. [Read more…]

Class Newsletters – Spring Term 2014

class-newsletters-spring-2014Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our first class newsletters for the new school year.




After-School Clubs, Spring 2014

web-imageWe have  new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term, alongside many returning popular ones.  Feeling sporty?  Then how about our ‘Athletics’ or ‘Soccer’ clubs.  Or if you fancy a variety of activities, then perhaps our ‘Bit of Everything’ club is for you.

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms for the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish.

Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.

You may like to ensure that your child has a small extra snack and extra water on club days.

School Lunches (January 2014)

school-lunch-picHere is our school lunch menu form for January (Monday13th January – Friday 31st January).

New lunch choices are available.

Lunches are available for full-time children.  If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.


Preschool memories of the end of 2013

ps-christmas-dec-2013-1Thank you parents and carers for an amazing end to 2013 – enclosed are just a couple of photographs to remind you and your children of the fun we had! Our party was a yummy success! The little ‘elves’ were our superstars and Santa was super exciting! We have started 2014 with smiles and love. Happy New Year from Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette.



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