The Year 3 Dolphin Mall Class Shop has been officially opened!

yr-3-shop-nov-2013 (9)“We have the best prices starting at $1!

“We make your bills smaller with our prices…”

“Remember our prices cannot be beaten!”

 “We have it all! Groceries, toys, DVD’s, clothes, sports equipment and more!”

“You want it…We have it!”

Have we persuaded you to come in and buy from the Year 3 class shop? We had a lot of fun designing persuasive posters and adverts to entice customers to come and shop with us. We have bargains galore!

Year 3 Dolphins have not only been co-operatively building a class shop, they have also been busy:  Estimating the cost of their shopping; finding the totals and, just as importantly, checking their change!

It’s been great fun to work together, learning from each other and of course, having the chance to shop during ‘school time’! Super work Year 3!  Take a look at the photos of our amazing shop and super-duper Maths calculations.

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After School Spotlight: Art Club

art-club-nov-2013 (20)When Miss Charlotte and her husband enrolled their two children at Provo Primary last year, little did anyone know the school was soon to have an “art attack”!  An accomplished professional artist with a graduate degree in higher education art and design from Cambridge University, Charlotte’s initial after-school art club proved so popular, that there are now  “junior” and “senior” sections on separate days with projects targeted to the different age ranges.






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A Night of Music and Art

night-of-music-jazz-art-nov-2013A Night of Music and Art with live jazz by Perry Delancy, Shara Bowen and Brentford Handfield

Friday, November 29, 2013

7pm onwards at Provo Primary School

(ticket includes one raffle ticket entry)

View resident artist, Charlotte Chapman’s beautiful paintings, together with a selection of children’s artwork.

A portion of Art sales and all other proceeds from the evening, will benefit our Scholarship Fund.

Drinks and nibbles available.

Raffle and auction prizes include: Dinner for 4 at Amanyara, Spa package for 2 at Amanyara, Dinner for 2 at The Palms, Paradise Scooters voucher, Discovery Tours Boat Trip, Islandcom phone and other items.

Email (432 6327) for further information

Previous community Scholarship Fund supporters include:  Mark Pankhurst (Stargazer Villa) and…


School Council Toy Drive

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The School Council invite you to donate gently-used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.  

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…  Wednesday 4th December.

The gifts will be distributed by the Rotary Club to other children on the island.


Do you trust your friends?

yr-trust-fall-nov-2013 (6)In Osprey class this half term, as part of our PSHCE lessons, we are looking at how to be a good friend.  In our circle times we have talked about what makes a good friend then wrote our ideas on ‘colourful bricks’ to create a Friendship Wall.  Some of our thoughts included:

A friend is someone who…

  • makes us laugh
  • cares for us
  • helps us
  • we can trust
  • we can talk to

To show what good friends we are in Osprey and how much we trust each other, everyone got the chance to try a Trust Fall.  This is an exercise where a person allows themselves to fall from a height and trusts their friends to catch them and stop them from hitting the ground.  Everyone was really brave and had a go and you’ll be pleased to know we are all trustworthy friends and caught each other.

If you want to know how to be a good friend, drop in to Osprey class and look at our Friendship Wall.  Soon there will also be a compliment tree which you will be more than welcome to add a compliment to!

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Year 3 get Hot… HOT… HOTTER… then cold… COLD… COLDER

yr-3-hot-cold-nov-2013 (10)What wonderful colour mixing and brush control from the Year 3 Dolphins! They have brought a ‘blast’ of beautiful colour into our classroom.  The bright and bold colour creations was inspired by our Numeracy work on  shape and our Social Studies work – looking at different climates around the world.  Can you feel which colours may make you feel ‘cold’ and which colours may make you feel ‘hot’?

The art work of Kandinsky was the original source of inspiration for these designs, yet the line and form were taken from the US artist, Alma Lee.  The end products, lively colour and happy designs are the creations of the one and only talented Year 3  –  well done Dolphins!

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Year 1 Take Flight

yr-1-take-flight-oct-2013-(5)As part of our Journeys topic this half term, Year 1 has been learning all about different ways of travelling. During our “taking flight” week, we learned all about different animals that fly, both at night and during the day. We also brainstormed all different sorts of objects that travel in the sky. One of those objects was an airplane!

One super fun activity the children did was learn how to make a paper airplane and then they got to take their planes outside and watch them take flight! It was great to see how interested the children were in learning to fold their airplane (remember lots of straight edges!) and also really enjoyed decorating them. Please read on to see the amazing paper airplanes flying by Year 1!

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Year 5 – We have a Dream!

yr-5-i-have-a-dream-nov-2013 (1)Recently in our Literacy classes, the Year 5s have been learning about persuasive techniques.  People use these skills to persuade others in different situations, for example, from children persuading their parents in their home life, to candidates in a presidential campaign! We have had fun making persuasive posters, selling different products.  We also created conversations to exchange items in shops.

We are now focusing on a very famous man and his very famous speech – Martin Luther King Junior. We spent a long time listening to his speech and looking for the persuasive techniques he used.  We discussed and wrote down how we felt listening to this speech and the issues it brought up.  We then thought about what we ‘have a dream’ about in terms of the world.  We had some really great discussions about this! We have now began to write our own powerful  ‘I have a dream..’ speeches,  thinking about what is really important to us and what we might like to change about the world.

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“What did you do in Preschool today?”

ps-favourites--oct-2013 (13)Hello! This is the blog where we try to answer your No.1 Question…“What did you do at school today?” A question often answered with the response “nothing”.  So please have a little browse and see what we have been up to recently.  Our highlights have been mask making for Halloween and playing on the green field!  Our days are also packed with story time and songs.  Watch this space, where we hope to bring you another visual display of some of our favourite’s next month.

Miss Claire Marie and Miss Jeannette.

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Kindergarten retell ‘The Three Little Pigs’

k-3-pigs-nov-2013-(2)-1The Kindergarteners thoroughly enjoyed acting out ‘The Three Little Pigs’, retelling the tale with puppets and by performing it  in front of their peer audience.

They then retold the story in their journals adding detailed drawings and a few words of their choice.

What a wonderful example of emergent literacy!


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T.C.I. Smile visit Provo Primary Year 5 and 6

tooth-nov-2013Last Friday witnessed T.C.I. Smile visit Provo Primary Year 5 and 6 students.  They presented a terrific presentation regarding the physical features of teeth, the importance of dental hygiene and the purpose of the orthodontist.  T.C.I. Smile were impressed with the knowledge that our pupils already held regarding teeth and good oral hygiene, due to the responses given from our students to the questions asked from the team at T.C.I. Smile.

The session was extremely beneficial in demonstrating how an orthodontist can repair unaligned teeth, reshape gums and other problems that can occur with the structure of our teeth and gums.  The students were left in awe at the computer technology that the orthodontist used in order to repair these issues and enjoyed watching the clips that showed before and after shots.

A great outside visit that was both valuable and complementary to what we promote to our children about healthy lifestyles.

JK’s Operation Pumpkin

jk-pumpkin-surgery-oct-2013-`Back in the week of Halloween, the JK children were all excited about what they were going to be wearing to our PTA Halloween party.  During circle time, they described their costumes and shared what they know about Halloween.

One of the children explained how his grandmother was going to make a Jack–o-Lantern with him. He was asked if he would like to share his experience with his peers here at school…he quickly liked the idea and said, “Yes”.

With the children dressed up as neurosurgeons, with their gloves and mask ready to operate on the pumpkins, this was truly a day’s lesson covering every area of learning.

We have some wonderful photos of the children operating on the pumpkins, so do click on…


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School Council Term 1 Update

school-council-nov-2013Officially appointed at the beginning of term, the proud new School Council have been busy with School Council duties this past couple of months.

This year their plans to improve the school will focus on the ‘Outdoor Area’ and discussions of ideas of how we can develop our garden and play areas have already begun.

One idea is to celebrate and label all of the special native vegetation that we have growing in our school.  To help us to identify what we have, Kathleen Woods, from The Department for Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA), kindly came in to offer some expert advice.  She and Ms Myrna also shared some of the traditional natural remedies that can be made using some of plants. Our next job will be to produce signs for each plant and tree identified.  Mrs Lottie, our  Art teacher and professional Artist will be assisting us in making these signs.  Click on to find out about other things we are doing.

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Preparing for Bonfire Night in Flamingo Class

yr-4-guy-fawkes-nov-2013 (6) Wow! The 5th November was a busy day in Year 4!

Any passers by would have heard discussions and debates spilling from the classroom walls. As part of our new class topic, Let’s Celebrate, we were preparing to take part in the School Council’s Bonfire Night party in real style.

In our Design and Technology project children were challenged to work collaboratively to create a Guy for the bonfire. To make the challenge especially difficult, our Guy had to sewed together and had to be wearing traditional Stewart costume! Having planned how they would build their Guy, the class were given some final pieces of advice from Year 5 students who completed the challenge last year. This advice proved vital, as it allowed groups to get off to a flying start with their construction. It took all morning to build each section of our rather fine Guy Fawkes!



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Kindergarten Measure Up

k-measuring-nov-2013 (4)As part of our “Building a classroom community”, the Kindergarteners explored a “Measuring Friends” project where they measured their friends using paper dolls.

Afterwards, they transferred their information onto a chart to compare and contrast each other’s heights. The project involved cooperating, negotiating and utilizing critical thinking skills all in the name of fun!






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Provo Primary’s Music and Art Celebration (A Scholarship Fundraising Event)

night-of-music-jazz-art-nov-2013Keep the date free – Friday, November 29, 2013 – 9 pm – 11pm

Browse/purchase our resident artist, Charlotte Chapmans’, beautiful paintings, while enjoying smooth jazz music with Perry Delancy live on stage at Provo Primary School.

Nibbles and Drinks available for purchase.


Door Tickets $15. (A portion of all Art sales will go to our Scholarship Fund).

Following on from the success of our previous ‘Dancing Under The Stars’ event, you won’t want to miss out.

Email to find out more about the event.

Visit the admissions page on our website for further information on our scholarship programme and learn more about how you can become a community supporter and help a child to attend Provo Primary School.

Previous community Scholarship Fund supporters include:  Mark Pankhurst (Stargazer Villa) and…






School Council Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night Celebrations Tonight


Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;

English Folk Verse (c.1870)

Provo Primary School Council cordially invites all Provo Primary Families to their celebration Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night.

On the beach at Bay Bistro, tonight, Tuesday 5th November, from 6:00-8:00pm.

Admission is FREE!  Food and Drink available for purchase.

Important: The bonfire will be lit at 6:30pm and effigies of Guy Fawkes placed on the bonfire will be set alight at this time. So don’t be late!

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A whole new experience, Halloween underwater!

turksandcaicos_3093-450x300Last Thursday Brilliant by Tropical Imaging took Halloween photos for charity, as they do every year, here at our Provo Primary School PTA Halloween Party.  After the event, they asked some of the children if they wanted to celebrate Halloween one more time but this time underwater…

Click on the image to see more of this special photo shoot!


Another Spooky & Spectacular Halloween Party!

pta-halloween-night-oct-2013Making the front page of the TCI Weekly News for the 2nd year running, the Provo Primary PTA’s annual Halloween party was a smash hit once again as tribes of ninja’s, groups of Goths and all manner of vampires, witches and zombies invaded the school campus for 2 hours of post-trick or treating fun.

While the spider-web and light encased dance floor proved popular with the younger set, the TCI Middle Schoolers kept other attendees busy with a variety of games including “pin the nose on the pumpkin”, bobbing for apples, pumpkin bowling and spooky darts.  Parents got in on the action as well with costumes that rivalled their children’s’ get-ups…a trio of colourful crayons was seen on premises, and Cleopatra and King Tut also made the scene.

A huge, huge thank you to…

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Author visit inspires Flamingo Class to write!


In our literacy project this half term, pupils in Flamingo Class are becoming authors of their own! We are planning, researching, writing, editing, formatting and publishing our own stories! Phew – it’s going to be a busy few weeks!

Thanks to Mrs B, our young authors now understand how important it is to spend time planning and inventing characters, thinking about the setting and plot and to always look for ways to improve our writing. Most importantly, however, she reminded us that we should enjoy and love to write!

Keep your eyes peeled for the newest adventure stories coming out of Flamingo Class!

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