Summer Camp

Summer-Camp-Picnic-3Summer Camp is in full swing at Provo Primary and the children are having a great time!

Our Early Years Camp activities have included baking, biking, water play and a variety of Arts and Crafts.

One of the children’s favourite activities this week was a picnic in our little garden area.






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MindUP and Math Summer Camp

Mind-up-2013-1“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

For our MindUP and Math Sessions this year, the children were given an open ended task of designing a Theme Park.

We had a price list of materials and the children set off designing and building their structures and calculating the cost.

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Summer Camp Boat Trip


The first two weeks of Provo Primary Summer Camp ended with an amazing boat trip with Caicos Dream Tours. Our group of 12 children plus adult helpers, gathered together at The Alexandra Hotel on Grace Bay Beach ready to board the boat.




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Hockey Camp 2013

hockey-camp-2013 During our hockey camp this year, the children worked with Josh Williams, from Philadelphia Revolution Junior A team in the Eastern Hockey League. Josh, now 18 years old, is an ex Provo Primary student himself and the son of Director, Alison Williams. He has been living, attending school and playing ice hockey in The U.S since 2007.  Josh was happy to come back to Provo to work with our children this summer. ” We worked on improving our skating, getting better at stick handling, we worked on our shot and played a lot of fun games”.

Josh said, “The children were all enthusiastic, worked hard and improved greatly over the week”. The children said “We all had fun working with Josh!”

Click on the link below to watch Josh’s interview with WIV Channel 4 TV

Congratulations to our Graduates of 2013

graduates-2013Our End of Year Assembly and Graduation Ceremony is a time when we focus on our children’s accomplishments throughout the year and we truly have an amazing group of children, teachers, not to mention parents, here at Provo Primary.

Although all our graduating students of 2013 have been commended on their outstanding test scores, they are far more than this. Helping children to recognize and value their innate talents and strengths plays a huge part in how we educate our children at Provo Primary.

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