As part of this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, nutritionist Tamika Handfield came in to teach Nutrition classes to all the children from Year 2 – 6. Some classes made egg and vegetable burritos, while others made fruit kebabs. The children learned about how whole-grain foods and fruits and vegetables are healthy, the importance of looking at the labels on food packaging, washing hands before cooking, safety in the kitchen and that washing up is part of the cooking process! PTV came along to video for their news programme. Click on to see photos and to learn more about our nutrition classes.
Year 1 ‘Summer’ Acrostic Poetry
In Year 1 we have been learning to describe an event in detail through poetry writing, in the form of an acrostic poem.
“What is an acrostic poem?” we hear you say.
Well, an acrostic poem is a poem which begins with your title, which you write down the side of your page, or in a margin. Each line of your poem begins with a letter of the title.We use these letters to create words about the subject.
Our task was to create an acrostic poem about Summer, using our best descriptions and vocabulary to ‘set the scene’. “What does ‘set the scene’ mean?” This means describing an event and/or place in great detail, so that the reader can picture the scene clearly in their mind, as if they were there themselves. We hope you enjoy reading some of our fantastic acrostic poems about Summer.
Year 2 Create Edible Coral
The year two children have been learning about the coral reefs. As part of this study, they made edible coral polyps in class. They also each wrote descriptive poems about the coral reef. Lines from everyone’s poems were chosen to create a class poem. The Amazing Coral Reef Yr-2 poem. Wow – such it really conveys the busy life of the coral reef habitat – Well done, Year 2!
Each coral polyp consisted of a hard outer skeleton (paper cupcake liner), a soft body (marshmallow), a central mouth (candy corn) feeding tentacles (licorice strings) and algae to provide food for the coral (green sprinkles).
Year 3’s Cheshire Hall Surprise!
What fun was had on Friday morning when the Year Three Dolphins made a visit to the Cheshire Hall National Trust historical site. We were greeted by the curator Jonathan, who shared his knowledge and stories with us. Cheshire Hall was set up over 200 years ago by Thomas Stubbs , who had been encouraged by his brother, Wade, to leave his home in England and develop a cotton plantation.
Year 4 Set Out to Find the Balance between Conservation & Tourism!
How can we build resorts that attract tourists without destroying our island’s natural environments? Can we protect our stunning National Parks from damage while encouraging people to visit and enjoy them? Finally, is it even possible to enjoy watching wildlife without making them feel threatened in their natural habitats?
Flamingo Class took the trip to Northwest Point last week to learn about the difficult balance between conservation and tourism. And what a trip it was!
The Great Year 2 Scientific Debate…is it a Centipede or a Millipede?
It all started with a lively discussion at the Year 2 snack table… were the critters that we were finding all over the playground centipedes or millipedes?
“They’re centipede because millipedes are bigger!”
“I think they’re millipede because they have so many legs!”
“Centipedes are brown and this is grey with yellow strips. It must be a millipede!”
“Yeah, but this one is reddish brown so is this one a centipede. It looks the same as your stripey one?”
With no foreseeable definitive decision being reached, it was time for me to intervene. This then led on to a whole big project of discovery that dominated the next few days of playtime and lunchtime activities!
Beware, the squeamish amongst you may not wish to look at our close-up photos of the critters!