“Dancing Under the Stars, A night of Jazz, Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll”


Our “Dancing Under the Stars, A night of Jazz, Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll”, is taking place THIS UPCOMING FRIDAY 31st MAY. This is a casual event which will include lots of great music, an International buffet, and “Blue Martini Bar” (also selling wine, beer, and soft drinks).

For those of you who enjoy the fun and bustle of Live Auctions, we have three amazing auction items on offer:

  •  A Relaxing Getaway at Amanyara. One night stay in an Ocean pavilion, including FULL BOARD for TWO GUESTS!!
  • Cocktail hour music, provided by Perry Delancy (includes a half case of champagne)
  • Evening of live rock ‘n’ roll party music, provided by Pat Riel (includes a case of beer)


Raffle draw tickets are also available.

Preschool Explore Under the Sea

ps-oceans-may-2013 (1)Hello everyone! As the first half of the Summer Term is coming to a close we wanted to show you some of our beautiful work.  Please have a browse of our photographs and see how we used our collage skills to make many different under the sea pictures for our topic. We also learned a lot from books read in class and the children wanted to share the books they have loved.

During next half of the term we are going to be reading Mr Men and Little Miss books….stay tuned to see some fun Mr Men art! Miss Claire Marie.

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Year 5/6’s North and Middle Caicos Overnight Adventure!

yr-5-6-trip-2013 (4)Last Wednesday and Thursday (15th and 16th May)Year 5/6 set off on a fabulous adventure. We started our day travelling across the beautiful ocean on the ‘Caribbean Cruisin’ ferry to North Caicos.  On arrival we headed straight for Wades Green Cotton Plantation where we were lucky enough to have a guided tour around the ruins by an amazing local lady Alveira Duncan.

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Teeth Galore in Year 3!

yr-3-teeth-may-2013 (10)Did you know that the majority of the Year Three Dolphins are still waiting for all of their milk teeth to come out? The tooth fairy is rubbing her fairy wings together in anticipation for all those ‘milk teeth’ to be collected.

During this lesson the Dolphins were asked to look at their teeth closely.  How many incisors, canine or even molar shaped teeth did they have? What shape were they and why? How do we look after our teeth? What are cavities and how do we avoid getting them? Lots of facts were acquired during this activity. Plus lots of laughter… just look at all those funny faces that were pulled during our observational drawing! Miss Mani has such a ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ Year Three!


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Developing our Fine Motor Skills in Preschool

ps-fine-motor-skills-may-2013 (5)   Hello again! Look at what Preschool can do independently!

We love Maths and can make a circle holding hands and sort colours into baskets! We have fun refining our hand eye co-ordination using threading, glue and cotton bud painting. We adore sensory activities like creative mark making and messy play! We have also been learning sounds – “c for clever cat” said one of the class!

See you again soon… Miss Claire Marie.





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Join us to see Year 4’s perfomance of My Dad’s a Birdman

yr4-birdman-poster-2013Roll up! Roll up! It’s time for the Great Human Bird Competition!

As part of our Literacy project on Plays, Flamingo Class are excited to present their very own performance of My Dad’s A Birdman on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.

The Year 4 classroom has been a hive of activity for the past 13 days, as we developed our theatre project using skills learned across our curriculum. Every lesson has had a distinctly feathery theme! We invite you all to join us for a memorable performance…we’re ready for take off!

In our reading, we have been thinking about how we can infer how characters feel by the things that they say. We have used this difficult skill to help us create a fantastic play, using all our drama skills to bring the story to life!

But it hasn’t stopped with reading skills! We have been learning about persuasive writing so that we can create advertisements for our performance. In our dance lessons, we have choreographed original dances to represent moods and feelings as well as create images of birds in our audience’s mind. In order to create our set and props, we have used our art and design lessons. We even experimented with air resistance in science to see if we really could fly!

We can’t wait to show you our fantastic show. So Roll up! Roll up!


An Introduction to Beach Soccer

beach-soccer-2013Both our boys and girls’ teams have thoroughly enjoyed participating in a friendly inter-school Beach Soccer Tournament this past couple of weeks.

Playing on the new TCIFA beach soccer pitch for the first time was exciting.  It certainly was a challenge, with the ball not rolling as much as it usually does on grass.  It’s hard on your muscles to run in sand, too!

Both teams played really well, with the girls almost reaching the final.

I was impressed by the teamwork, support, skills and sheer determination to keep going, in spite of tiredness and injuries. There was some fantastic defending and some terrific goals.  “It felt good to score a goal!” said one of the girls who had scored an amazing goal by chipping the ball over the defenders and over the goalie’s head into the back of the net.

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JK Mother’s Day Sunflowers

jk-mothers-day-2013 (9)Mother’s Day was celebrated with a sunflower theme this year in JK.  Mums, aunts and grandmas were invited in for a special tea party.  The party began with some Mother’s Day songs that the children had created themselves to express their thanks to their mums.  Then everyone shared a delicious picnic on the carpet together.  The children made banana muffins, which the guests got to decorate with icing and a flower.  There were also home-grown tomato and cucumber sandwiches and, of course, teapots galore with refreshing hot tea.

Happy Mother’s Day – we hope everyone enjoyed being pampered and appreciated.

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And it all began with bread tasting…

yr-3-sandwiches-may-2013 (14)The Year Three Dolphins have been enjoying a Design and Technology project about designing sandwich snacks.

After lots of tasting, researching, designing and re-designing they came up with some of their own fabulous nutritionally balanced sandwich designs; plus their own set of written instructions to follow while making their creations.

They created lots of different varieties:

‘Flutter Fly Summer Time’, Blooming Blossom, Ginger Bread Man, Mr Sheep’s Head, Tuna Delight, Boat Couch, Clown, Mickey Mouse, Pack Man, Angry Bird Sandwich, Happy Star Tree and the Butter Fly Sandwich’. See if you can identify them from the photos below.


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Finding out about Healthy Teeth in Year 1

4Last week, the Year Ones were very excited to go on a field trip to the dentist. We learnt all about why it is important to keep our teeth healthy and clean. One of the highlights of our visit was when we were able to dress up as the different people who work at a dental clinic.

Do you know why our teeth are important? They help us to bite and chew our food so that we can swallow it easily. They also help us to talk clearly and they are important for our appearance. We would look very strange without teeth!

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Maximising air resistance in Y4

yr-4-air-resistance-2013-9-jpgAs part of our on-going science learning about Friction, Flamingo Class have been busy designing and building a contraption that can maximise the effects of air resistance.

Linking with our literacy work on My Dad’s a Birdman, we held a Great Human Parachute Competition! We wanted to see who could maximise air resistance by creating a parachute/hang-glider for a toy doll. The design process was very difficult: light and large materials were a popular choice, but making them strong enough to survive the fall was really tricky!

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Oh What A Night!

cocktails-curry-pta-may-201May the 3rd turned out to be a night to remember as the PTA’s “Cocktails & Curry” fundraiser drew a sold out crowd to Bay Bistro and raised thousands of dollars for learning resources and playground improvements.

There was a high-energy vibe throughout the night, set to a soundtrack compiled for the evening by Jo Gray and spurred on by enthusiastic bidding over Charlotte Chapman’s classroom created art projects.  Of course Clive Whent’s curry was unparalleled and guests raved about the meal for days following the event.

A fabulous evening that went on into the wee hours, a huge thank you to the many parents and staff involved in putting such a successful fundraiser together and for all who attended in support of the school.

Adventures on Planet Toddler

This video introduces a few of the play opportunities and activities that we provide our Toddlers, to enhance their physical development.

We have a large indoor soft play area and outdoor play areas, with a range of toys and equipment that encourage crawling, tumbling, rolling and climbing.We provide plenty of opportunities for children to tackle a range of levels and surfaces, including climbing frames, sand, grass, concrete and carpet.Children also enjoy a range of indoor and outdoor wheeled toys such as trundle trikes, buggies for dolls, push carts etc. to keep them moving throughout the day. Stay tuned for upcoming videos demonstrating other areas of our Early Years Curriculum.Click here to learn more about our Toddler programme  and see more posts in the Toddler section of our blog.


Our Creative Curriculum Leads to Great Academic Success

stars-of-week-may-2013Three children from Miss Cara’s class decided to take the Year 7 TCI Middle School entrance test last weekend.  We are pleased to report Theo Weldon (Year 5), Jamie Gray (Year 5) and Melinda Walkin (Year 6) were awarded the top three places.  Theo also took the British West Indies Collegiate Year 7 Entrance Test and gained the top place there as well.

This is not the first time we have seen such wonderful test results from our students and we believe this is proof that our creative, hands on approach to learning, not only makes learning more meaningful, but also helps develop higher academic attainment.  This is the second year in a row that we have gained 1st, 2nd and 3rd position in the Year 7 TCI Middle School Entrance Tests and the third year in a row gaining the 1st position and 3rd position. We have also gained the top position in the Year 7 British West Indies Collegiate School Entrance Test for the past 3 years in a row (2011,2012 and 2013) and also in 2009.

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Today was our first Parent and Babies/Tots Session for 2013

tots-02-05-13 (3)It was lovely to see new smiling faces enjoying our soft play area and playing alongside each other. The children each made a Flamingo Hand Print picture (our school logo) to take home with them. They seemed to really enjoy the feeling of the paint brushes tickling their little fingers and even had fun washing the paint off their hands. Enjoy these pictures of the children busy playing and creating their art work.

For more information about our Parents and Babies/Tots sessions, please email director@provolearning.com

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La Moda

Year 5/6 have been learning about how we describe clothes in Spanish, with not only colour and size adjectives but also using qualitative adjectives too. The children have become so confident describing people and their clothes that we decided to have a mini-fashion show. During the show, the children described the clothes the models were wearing, adding some of their own opinions about them.

What is truly impressive is that the children all created and wrote their own part of the fashion show in Spanish, independently beforehand.  Moreover most of them were comfortable reading these parts out in front of a camera. What superb Spanish accents everyone!