“It’s a Liquid and now it’s a Solid? The Science of making Slime!

yr-2-matter-jan-2013-3Year two students have been learning about solids, liquids and gases in science. As a culminating activity to this physics topic, the students experimented with a mystery substance to determine if it was a liquid or a solid.  They discovered that the mystery substance started out as a liquid but ended up as a solid.  Much to their delight, they had made “slime”!

Come and check out the Year 2’s amazing solids, liquids and gases posters up on the wall in their classroom – who would have thought that cheerios could be so great for teaching us about states of matter!

Did you know that there is also a fourth state of matter – plasma – I wonder what the Year 2’s think of this?


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Book Your PTA Yard Sale Table Today!

yard-sale-feb-2013We are having a MULTI-TABLE YARD SALE here at Provo Primary school on SATURDAY, FEB. 16TH at 9:00AM-11:00AM




Year 4 Tell us How to Carry out an Investigation

NASA – Here we Come!

yr-56-satellites-jan-2013-4We are learning all about Space in Year 5/6 and we decided to take on a bit of a challenge! The children were set the task of designing a lunar satellite model to understand how NASA actually collect data on exploratory missions, using these satellites.

The models had to be designed to very specific requirements to ensure they would be able to launch and also withstand crashes. They had to weigh no more than 100 grams in total with 10 grams of sensors, probes and cameras included. The children worked superbly well in their teams ‘Shooting Stars’, ‘Starstruck’ and ‘Star Wars Is Jealous!’

They spent time considering the best choices of material in terms of strength and weight and debated for a long time on how to best secure their satellite so that in a one metre drop test it would survive!  They also exchanged information amongst teams to confirm everyone was following the same rules, keeping the investigation a fair test.  We created some fabulous models!


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Year 1 Growing Investigations

yr-1-growing-jan-2013This term in Osprey Class we are learning about ‘growing’ which means that we get to plant our very own sunflower seeds!  We have been learning that before they can grow, seeds need to germinate. This mean that a seed will produce its first shoot and root using its stored food. Most plants need moisture and warmth to germinate and water, warmth and light to grow.  This means that in order for a plant to stay healthy and grow it needs to be watered and have access to sunlight. We have been wondering what would happen to a plant if it was left without water or sunlight. We have decided to carry out an investigation to find out. We will let you know what we find out…




Say Cheese… School Photo’s are Next Week

school-photos-jan-2013Practise your smiles and iron your best uniform… school photo day is  Wednesday 23rd January!

Brilliant by Tropical Imaging will be taking individual and class photos that will be available to be purchased.

Not sure what to expect…then take a look at our 2010  and 2011 school photo shoots and see a fantastic video of our photo session in 2011.  Wow… haven’t you all grown up!


Exercising our Bodies and Minds in Preschool!

ps-jan-2013.-1WOW… what an amazing start to the Term, the Preschool children here at Provo Primary were so excited to return to school – just look at all the happy smiles and busy bodies. We have been back to school just two weeks and our skills are already increasing.  Take a look at our photo gallery below and see everyone engaged in all areas of the curriculum. All of the children are absorbed in language and communication – for every photograph the children vocalised what they were doing… “touching toes”, “painting”, “cutting”, “a big tower”, “car”, “reading-owls”, ”chalk”, “jumping”, “drawing caterpillar”, “puzzle”, “flying”, “looking”, “sailing”, “digging”, “bus”, “signing time”, “animals sick”, “teachers helper”, “get gas”, “dancing is fun”.  Look out next time for our little scientist blog.

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Excavation at Provo Primary!

yr-3-arch-jan-2013Year 3 Dolphins put their archaeologist hats on!

Discoveries from the past were found in the grounds of Provo Primary School (Secretly planted by Miss Mani).  Using gloves, spades, tweezers and magnifying glasses the children carefully extracted each artefact from its place.  How long had these artefacts been here?  Where did they come from?  Who did they belong to?  What can these artefacts tell us about life, characters or objects from the past?  Year 3 will be busy using this evidence to try to answer all of these questions.  What conclusions will the Dolphins make I wonder?




School Newsletter – Spring Term, 2013

school-newsletter-jan-2013Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming school and PTA activities and events.

Click here to see all of our Spring Term Class Newsletters.





Year 4 Students become Bone-afied Scientists!

yr-4-bones-jan-2013It’s already been a busy start to the new term in Flamingo Class! After welcoming each other back and catching up after our holidays, we were all eager to start thinking about our new topic. And what a lot of thinking we’ve done!

Our science themed topic focusses on the skeletal and muscular systems, and how these work together to help us to move and grow. We have already learned many of the names of the bones in our bodies and have started to discuss what job these bones do.

We also conducted a large science experiement to develop some very important scientific skills needed to make discoveries. Check out the pictures of our excavation project to see how carefully we observed, classified and identified a selection of bones.


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After School Clubs, Spring Term 2013

web-imageWe have a wide variety of new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term.

Click on the image, left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration forms for the dates of each club.

Enrolment is on a first-come first-served basis and some clubs may be very popular, so be sure to make your choices ASAP. All payments need to be made in advance. Please note that students are not considered enrolled in clubs until the registration form and payment has been received.

You may like to ensure that your child has a small extra snack and drink in their lunch box.

Help Provo Primary Support ACCU’s Move-A-Thon 2013


You may have seen this poster on our noticeboard at school.  The event is this weekend, so let us remind you of what it’s all about.

Tamika Handfield, a parent at the school, is excited to hold her 2nd annual ACCU Nutrition Move-a-thon on January 12th, 2013 beginning at 5:30am.  Her first move-a-thon, last year was a huge success with well over 200 persons in attendance, with quite a few Provo Primary families participating.  Tamika’s goal for this year’s event is that it will be bigger and better.

Provo Primary is happy to promote this event and hopes that your family is able to participate.  It’s an early start, but we hope you’ll think it’s worth the effort!  So feel welcome to join in, wearing our school’s colours and taking our school spirit.  Read on to find out more details and download your registration-form here or pick one up at school.

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Class Newsletters – Spring Term 2013

class-newsletters-jan-2013Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest class newsletters.




School Lunch Menu (Jan-Feb 2013)

school-lunch-jan-feb-2013-1Our school lunch menu form for Monday 14th January – Friday 8th February 2013 is now available.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the form.  Forms are also available in the office.

Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.