School Lunch, December 2012

The school lunch menu form for December 2012 is now available.

Our annual traditional Christmas lunch will be on Thursday 15th December with roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables and a cookie for dessert. The Christmas lunch is available for all full day children.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image and download and complete the form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

What makes a Superhero Super?

In our Year 1 Osprey Class, we have been designing our very own superheroes.  We created a checklist of the qualities we expect to see in a superhero as well as a villain. We talked about what makes a superhero and a villain different.  We filled in our superhero’s details, including special powers and known associates. Then we drew a photo of our superhero thinking very carefully about what he or she looks like. We imagined our superheroes in different scenarios and thought about how they would react and what they do. We have created our very own superhero story, thinking very carefully about the beginning, middle and end. We are now beginning to sketch our scenes as a storyboard and then we will add our speech bubbles for our different characters at the end. We are looking forward to sharing our finished comic strips with you!

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Kindergarten visit a Rainforest!

This term, Kindergarten has been exploring different animal habitats around the world. After learning all about the weather, the plants and the animals in the rainforest we were excited to visit a garden rainforest right here in Provo!

Mark and Barbara Pankhurst kindly let us explore their rainforest grotto; we got to see a waterfall, a turtle pond and lots of vegetation that looked like they might belong in a real rainforest. When we saw some fruit trees, we could imagine monkey’s jumping tree to tree to nab the precious fruit!

Read on to see more amazing photos of our trip.



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Year 4 Beautiful by Nature Campaigners Head to the Beach!

As part of the National Trust’s Beautiful by Nature campaign, Flamingo Class headed to Long Bay beach to prove a point! The issue of pollution on beaches around Providenciales is something that we all felt strongly about, so we set about creating some protest photography to raise awareness on the subject.  Please take a few minutes to look at the photos of our trip and check out our amazing posters.   We think you’ll agree that there is a powerful message to our work!

Children participated in a beach clean-up and within minutes it was clear that we had more garbage than we needed for our project! After learning how to take clear and interesting photographs of our subject, children spread out to capture powerful images of the damage caused by beach pollution.

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Beautiful By Nature – For Generations to Come

Provo Primary School are thinking about what ‘Beautiful by Nature, protected by us’ means to them. The National Trust and Turks and Caicos Conservation Society have asked schools – how can we conserve our island for generations to come?

What does the slogan mean to you?  Read on to find out how each class in our school have expressed their ideas through art and writing.





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¡JK Habla Español! (JK speaks Spanish)

We’ve had such a lot of fun learning Spanish in JK this half term. I am lucky enough to spend two mornings a week with the wonderful children of JK and their fabulous teacher Ms Myrna, speaking and playing in Spanish.  We use Spanish for lots of our everyday routines including circle time, playtime and craft activities. We count how many children are in the class in Spanish (as you can see from the video when you click on ‘read more’ below), we talk about colours and shapes when we’re playing our games and getting into our groups. We even know how to tidy up, have a water break and put on our shoes in Spanish!

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Year 4’s Home Learning Projects are in!

After more than three weeks of careful thought, endless research and lots of hard work, pupils in Year 4 finally had the chance to present their home learning projects! As part of the Year 4 topic on ‘The Birth of America’ children were challenged to plan and produce a large project showing their independent learning that focused on one area of the subject.



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Preschool’s Colour Wall

To celebrate learning colours, Preschool had great fun this week making a giant outdoor painting. The children enjoyed choosing colour after colour to paint the ‘colour wall’ while having the freedom to get messy. One of the children said “look a rainbow” while she was looking at the beautiful art. Please have a look at our photo gallery and see our creative Preschool kids at work.







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Kindergarten and Year 5/6 Play and Learn Together!

Year 5/6 had the great pleasure of spending some time with Kindergarten one Thursday afternoon and what an afternoon! Each Year 5/6 pupil ‘buddied’ up with a Kindergarten child and they then moved around a round-robin of activities. The children went from solving jigsaws to reading together to creating beautiful butterflies! It was a great learning experience for both age-groups.  Year 5/6 are always eager to spend some time with the younger children, they are a caring and thoughtful group and they don’t often see the Kindergarten with break and lunch timetables differing. This was a fantastic opportunity for the Year 5/6 children to not only practise patience and listening skills, but also to hone their teaching skills and perhaps most importantly make new friends! It was so interesting to see the interaction between each partnership and how positively the younger children responded to their older peers. It also took the Year5/6 back to their days in Kindergarten and lots of fond memories for all. We went away with big smiles and a keen interest from all the Year5/6 to return… and soon!

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School Council Bonfire Night Party a Roaring Success!

On 5th November, children and parents of Provo Primary School celebrated Bonfire Night…Provo-style! This year’s School Council had decided that they would love to organise a bonfire party on the beach – and what better occasion was there for it than Bonfire Night?! The event was attended by many families from across the school. As people arrived, everyone was interested to look at the two Guy Fawkes models placed carefully on top of the unlit bonfire! Just like Bonfire Night celebrations held across the United Kingdom on the 5th November, our own Provo Bonfire Night began with the burning of the Guys. The crowd gathered to watch as the fires were lit and many children were excited to see their carefully-made Guys catch fire! We would like to say a huge thank you to Clive and all the staff at Bay Bistro for putting on such a fantastic evening. It really was a terrific night for our whole school community – for parents, children and teachers. We, of course, would also love to thank the School Council for their fine idea!

What a Guy!

What a Guy!

In preparation for the School Council’s Bonfire Night party at Bay Bistro, children in Years 2, 3 and 4 all had a busy day making a Guy Fawkes to put on the fire. After hearing the story of the Gunpowder Plot and learning about how Bonfire Night is celebrated in the United Kingdom, it seemed only right that our own Provo Bonfire should have real Guys!

Children in Year 2 worked together to make a huge, life-size guy by stuffing clothes with newspaper. In Year 4 children were challenged to develop their sewing skills and make a Guy typical Stewart clothing. Children from Year 3 joined the Year 4s and really did prove that “many hands make light work”! Some super cooperation and communication ensured that this difficult task was completed on time and in style. After a very busy day, both Guys looked fantastic!

Children from both classes were proud to parade their Guys at home time. Everyone was excited to see them sat on the Bonfire at the party!

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Preschool are as Busy as Bees!

Hi! This month in Preschool we are enjoying music and dance in preparation for our end of term show and our daily craft activities are helping our hand eye coordination skills. Last week we had a ‘big kid’ helper who loved being chased on the green field and he also helped us to learn how to skip.  During free play in class, we are very busy in construction – we have discovered how to build towers, funny faces, castles and ladders.  Have a look at our busy bee pictures and enjoy the fun!



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Thank You for our Improving our Playground

We adore our colourful new playground, all gleaming and sparklingly clean! We love all the new red bikes and the amazing road.  Your efforts with the shades and new equipment has increased the fun at playtime!  So thank you again to all the PTA helpers from all the early years children and teachers for the beautiful new colourful playground. Many smiles, hugs and appreciation!