From Tadpole to Frog

In Year 1, we have been learning about how a tadpole develops into a frog.  Frogs are amphibians.  They can live in water and on land.  We have researched the different stages that occur during a frog’s life cycle.

Miss Tracy’s Kindergarten class has tadpoles in their classroom and very kindly invited us to take a look.  We used magnifying glasses to study the tadpoles more closely.

We discovered that on the first day, female frogs lay thousands of eggs in the water   At first, they need to stay in the water to survive.  As amphibians grow, they change.  After a while, they are able to breathe air and go on land.

But do all frogs lay their eggs in water?  Click on read more below to find out!

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A Mural of the Great Plains!

As part of our new topic on The Birth of America, we set about creating a huge mural together.  This is our second big cooperative art project this term.

We wanted to create a landscape of the Great Plains to help us imagine this massive area of land.  Using lots of torn paper and glue, we had to organise ourselves into groups so that we could create this enormous collage.  Talking and sharing, agreeing and challenging, compromising and explaining – we did it all in order to complete the project in just over an hour!  We can’t wait to put our literacy writing and topic work all over it now!

Click read on to see more photos and keep an eye on Flamingo Class for more exciting projects throughout the term!

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Preschool begin a Lifelong Journey of discovery!

Provo Primary Preschool Education Programme is off to a fun, action-packed start.  Indoor time is busy.  We all love playing dress up, cooking and completing puzzles and table top activities.   We all enjoy lots of arts and crafts.  Our favourite thing so far is…painting!  In the playground, the children love swinging on the new swing, playing in the new playhouse, climbing our fort and mixing up pretend food during water play.  We are also feeling very sporty this year and have already started practising our kicking and throwing skills on the giant green field!  Please browse our pictures to see what fun we have been having so far in September 2012 as we embark on a lifelong journey of discovery!

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We have a HUNCH that this is going to be a bright BUNCH…..

In Junior Kindergarten we have spent most of the first three weeks of term getting acquainted with our peers and exploring our classroom.  We love all the centres, in particularly the block and home corners.   We have been encouraged to play in large groups to continue building our social skills, sharing skills, and using appropriate manners etc. where necessary.  We have been working hard on quickly learning and remembering the class rules and routines in such a short time.  Click on read more below and take a look at some of the hands-on activities we have enjoyed, making our learning more fun.





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Wonder and Discovery in our Toddler Programme

It is a brave new world full of wonder and discovery in our Toddler Programme!  Our littlest students have been exploring what it means to be in school.  They love soft play and building with the soft blocks is a favourite morning game! In the outside playground, water and sand play are an essential part of the Toddler day.  Colour is a big theme in our classroom and we are learning lots about red, yellow and blue!  It has also been very fun to make new friends!  Have a look at the photos and see for yourself!






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How do Foods affect our Teeth?

Our first science topic this term is Healthy Lifestyles and Year 5/6 have been investigating just how we find out what different  foods and drinks do to our teeth.  We didn’t want to do the experiments with our actual teeth, so we used eggs as their shells are similar to the the materials found in the enamel of our teeth.   We decided to look at the effects of acids on our teeth.  Acids are made by plaque bacteria, which cause tooth decay and cavities.  Some foods are acidic too, like vinegar and soda.  We immersed an egg  in vinegar and… after leaving it for just a little bit, we could already see some results!  Our ‘vinegar’ egg was on the point of turning transparent and it felt more than a little soft!  Scary results indeed!

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PTA News

Welcome back to school!  Thank you to everyone who attended our first PTA meeting, held September 26th.  Attendees got to see some of the fabulous new science equipment purchased with PTA funds over the summer, got an update on the other expenditures (including 2 new whiteboards and shading for the early years playground).  Exciting upcoming events were also discussed, along with PTA goals for the year ahead.  A big thank you to the parents who have stepped in to help in the school library was also passed on; your time and efforts are very much appreciated.   Click here to see our Class Reps for 2012/13, to find out more news about our PTA and how you can help support our upcoming events.