It’s Time for Punch and Judy in Year Two

Year 2 combined their Drama, Literacy and Design Technology lessons to put together a spectacular show of Punch and Judy. Punch and Judy is a traditional British, popular puppet show featuring the characters of Mr. Punch and his wife, Judy. The performance consists of a sequence of short scenes, each depicting an interaction between two characters, most typically the anarchic Punch and one other character. It is often associated with traditional English seaside culture

The Children loved watching a Punch and Judy Show, then re-creating the puppets using their own designs. They thought carefully about the characters and the plot, making their own scripts and then acting them out to their friends.  Read on to see some photo of the children at work.

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Education Theme Week, 2012

This week is National Education Week here in the Turks and Caicos.

We are having a Theme Week with each class exploring the topic – ‘A Day in the Life of…’

Click on the image to the left to see details of what each class will be doing.

Children will be dressing up as a character related to their topic on Friday. Classes will share their costumes with each other on the stage at 8:45AM during a “Dress-up Parade’.

On Friday afternoon we will be having an ‘Open House’.  Come and tour the school and visit each class to discover new facts and to participate in a variety of interesting activities.

Be sure to mark your diaries and come visit us for the ‘Dress-up Parade’ at 8:45AM and the ‘Open House’ between 2:30 and 3:00PM.

Year 6 Debating Dilemma!

Once again the Year 6’s showed off their skills as budding lawyers-to be in a team against team debate. The issue was ‘ Is television a good or bad influence on children?’ Both sides presented their arguments with clear and convincing reasons backed up with data where they could. Dressed to the nines in their smartest attire and with myself as official judge and peacekeeper, it really felt as if we were in a courtroom! Two outstanding debaters were: CD, whose strength and conviction in his own argument was impressive, and MG who had clearly researched and prepared for her part in the debate exceptionally well!

Pelican Class Gymnasts

The Year Ones have really enjoyed their gymnastics lessons at the Sports Centre. Over the course of the six lessons, they have worked on a variety of skills such as balancing (on 2, 3, and 4 points) and jumping and traveling in different ways. They have also learnt how to start and finish a routine with gymnastic poise. Week by week, as the children have been developing and improving their skills, they have each worked on creating their own routine. During the last session they performed these to the class. [Read more…]

School Council Recycling Trip

Today, the School Council visited the TCI Waste Disposal Plant, on a fact finding mission to discover how we can play our part in recycling on the island.  They learnt about the importance of recycling and the processes that our rubbish goes through at the plant.  The children asked lots of questions and came away with lots of information and ideas.  The school has 2 new recycling bins and the School Council will now be organising a whole school campaign to use them as much as we can.  We would like to pass on a big thank you to Ramez Hakoura from TCI Waste Disposal for allowing us to visit.  We look forward to learning more from him when he comes to our school to help the School Council lead an assembly on recycling .  Click here to watch a local TV report about their trip.

Taking Ownership of the Library!

Inspired by lots of newly bought fiction books and our computer system needing updating, a chance to make a change and take ownership of the how the library is organised was seized by KS2 children this week.  Discussion, debate, research and lots of sorting occurred as the children worked together to re-organise all the fiction books from the library shelves into their respective genres, during World Book Day Celebrations last week.

“It felt good to work together to organise the library”…”I like how the different genre stickers will help me find the sort of books I’m interested in”…”I think our new library looks bright and colourful”.

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