Spring Bonnet Parade & PTA Egg Hunt, 2012

It was a beautiful morning at Provo Primary with sunshine, blue Skies, flowers and smiles…what more could we ask for on our last day of the Spring Term?

The Early Years classes proudly paraded around the school wearing their creative Spring-time inspired hats.  This was was followed by our traditional egg hunts!

In the Yr 1 – 6 hunt, the elusive giant egg kept many children searching for a long time, but no one was able to find it this year!  “It was the best egg hunt ever!..  I kept looking to find the big egg… I can’t believe I didn’t find the big egg, it was right there!”

All the teachers and children would like to pass on a huge thank you to all the mums and dads for helping to create such beautiful bonnets and to the PTA for making our egg hunt lots of fun!  Happy holidays to everyone from all at Provo Primary.

Key Stage 2 PE Showcase

This week, children in Key Stage 2 were excited to present their PE learning in our end of term showcase event. Older children participated in a Gymnastics Show while children in Years 3 and 4 participated in a 4-on-4 Basketball Tournament. This was the second of two such showcase events this term and we were very pleased that is was again well supported and praised by parents.  We’d like to say a big thank you to Adina and all the staff at Graceway Sports Centre for the use of their amazing facilities, which have enabled the children to learn and improve so much this term!

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Calling all Community Helpers

This month, the Junior Kindergarten class have been learning about community helpers.  They started by shared what they already knew about  people who help us and the words ‘community helpers’ were introduced.  The children enjoyed dressing up were given an opportunity to dressed as the person they would like to be when they grow up.  Click on ‘read more…’ to see the photos.  The medical and construction fields were the most popular so for the last three weeks we have focused on these following the children’s lead.

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Aikido Demonstration

Children were treated to a demonstration of Aikido this half term, courtesy of two of our own students!  The audience was amazed at the speed and power that our pupils possessed. Using the skills they had learned in an after-school Aikido club, they were able to show defensive moves with great skill and confidence.

When volunteers were taken from the audience, everyone was surprised how it was possible (with the help of some clever moves) to defend against an attack from the coach, Clay Seymore.

The demonstration concluded with a presentation of attack and defensive skills using long staffs. What a fascinating way to end this excellent demonstration!

If any parents would like to know more about Clay Seymore’s Aikido classes, please ask for details from Mr Toby or visit the Graceway Sports Centre website. [Read more…]

Dr Seuss’ The Lorax

The Year 3 and 4 enjoyed their visit to the movies the other day to see the animated version of Dr Seuss’ fabulous book ‘The Lorax’. In recognition of this wonderful author, (and to assist us with our fraction work – what fraction of the hat is red?) we all made hats using the famous Dr Seuss stripy hat logo to get into the swing of things.

We all thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and watching the film.  In the next school term, we will be using the story as a foundation for lots of other activities  – from exploring the Local Environment, Pollution Issues and Conservation to writing a persuasive text.


50 is a Special Number – But what are we Celebrating?

Watch this video to find out!

How does your Garden Grow?

Following a recent donation of seeds, soil, trowels, gloves and a new watering can by a generous parent, the school garden has experienced a new frenzy of gardening activity during lunchtimes and playtimes.  A group of children have been busy planting squash, tomato, basil , Swiss chard, peas and wild flower seeds and they hope to share a salad together when everything is fully grown.  I asked the children what they liked about the garden and here are some of their thoughts…”It’s fun to look after the plants and actually see them growing tall…I like caring for our garden and enjoy sharing it with all the animals that live there…It’s fun to clean it up with the sweeping brushes we made with palm leaves…it’s peaceful and nice to be with all the nature…everyone can participate and come and join us in the garden.”

All Aboard Me Hearties!

This week Year Two have been learning about material testing in their science lessons. We have been studying a wide range of materials and selecting them for different purposes. This week they were set the challenge of selecting and using the appropriate materials to build a pirate ship that can float and actually sail.

We discussed what materials can float and what materials are used on real pirate ships. We then planned our initial designs on paper templates and the next day, transformed these designs into real life pirate ship models that we look forward to testing to see if they float and sail! We had so much fun pretending to be pirate ship designers! [Read more…]

Spring Fever in Preschool

Spring fever arrived in Preschool!  We have had a fantastic term playing outdoors in the gorgeous Spring time weather and have adored jumping in giant puddles and looking at our wet footprints. Indoor play is full of fun too, especially with our hide and seek game….Miss Claire Marie is preparing us for our ‘Egg Hunt’ this Friday.  Sports Day was a big success – we have been practicing running at school and were very proud to show off how speedy we are to our parents on Sports Day!  Our biggest highlight so far this term was our Preschool Open Morning where our parents came in to class to decorate eggs and play together with us.  It was lots of fun!  We love school! [Read more…]

Toddlers enjoy Exploring their new Environment

Our Spring Term in Tots Class has been lots of fun! The children love their classroom,  especially playing hide and seek in soft play! We love to dress up in amazing costumes and play in the home corner, making food, caring for babies.  We also like reading books together. The farm is a fantastic role play area where we make lots of animal sounds and match the baby animal to their mummy animal. One of the most popular areas of the classroom is the train set where the children adore playing with the trains and cars. During Spring Term, the tots have also enjoyed some messy play with paint and shaving foam and, with Summer Term just round the corner, we are looking forward to some fun water play. Click on ‘read more’ to see more photos of us exploring our classroom together. [Read more…]

‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ in Spanish

In year 1 we have been reading and retelling the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ in Spanish. Our Hungry Caterpillar speaks only Spanish, so we needed to learn how to talk about all the different foods he eats on his journey. We also had to learn how to listen carefully for the cues that told us when to deliver our lines in the story, and how to make sure our Spanish pronunciation is the best it can be. Cries of “¡aún tengo hambre!” were ringing out from Pelican Class while we prepared our story. Watch our video to see if you can work out what it means!

‘The Funky Four’ perform their new Hip Hop Dance

Four girls from Year 3 have been busy during their recess time creating a hip hop dance, which they have named ‘JKKS – The Dance’.  It was so creative, I just had to video it and share it with you all!  The girls say that they were inspired by their PE gymnastics lessons, their weekend ‘hip hop’ dance lessons and by watching some of the older children creating dance routines.  The complex dance has been choreographed and performed with no music, so don’t panic if you hear no sound coming from your computer! As they danced, the children counted out beats of 8 in their head to keep time and to move in unison. Well done ‘Funky Four’ – it’s fabulous – you should be very proud of your group effort!  We look forward to further new dances from ‘The Funky Four’ and hope to share other children’s dance videos in the near future.

Theme Week Activities 2012

Theme Week 2012 was a great success.  The theme was ‘A Day in the Life of…’ and each class choose a different topic to explore throughout the week. It all culminated with a dress up-parade, with the children showing off their impressive costumes to each other.   This was followed by an ‘Open House’ afternoon in which parents were invited in to walk around all the classrooms and see the children’s work. Well done and thank you to all the children, teachers and the many parent and community helpers who helped make this such a fun, hand-on learning week.

Keeping Healthy Week – March 2012

This week is ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ and our focus has been on ‘Being Active as a Family’, promoting and celebrating family involvement in physical activity. 

Between school, home and the community, we work as a team.  At school, we strive to play our part by promoting and providing opportunities for active playtime and lunchtime activities every day, together with two P.E. lessons each week.  This week we also included two ‘Walk to School’ events and a ‘Wake-up, Shake-up’ fitness session which families were encouraged to participate in. Thanks Jo for leading this – the children loved it!.  We also had our Early Years Sports Day.

We recognise that many of our Provo Primary families lead active lifestyles.  We hope that all families have chosen to use this week at home to celebrate their achievements, explore new ideas and see how they can further encourage healthy life choices for all their family to add to the physical activities encouraged during a child’s school day.  Click on ‘read more’ to see photos highlighting our school events. [Read more…]

JK Hunt for Gold on St Patrick’s Day

The Junior Kindergarten were surprised to find mysterious golden footprints all around the school on St Patrick’s Day.  They had been left by a Leprechaun who had hidden golden nuggets, coins and shamrock leaves for them to find.  Following the trail, they each searched for four golden nuggets, five coins and shamrocks with the letters of their names on them.  After the treasure hunt, the children sorted out their treasures making sure that they had the right amount of gold, coins and shamrocks. They were encouraged to create their names using the shamrocks leaves to see if the leprechaun had left them good luck wishes. [Read more…]

Year 1 Rugby Fun

The Year One and Two classes have been very fortunate to have a series of rugby lessons with Mr. Jamie from the TCIRFU.  The children have learned how to run fast with two hands on the ball, how to throw softly to a partner and how to catch with wide open hands. They have also practised dodging with the ball and have played a number of mini tag rugby games.  Thank you very much Mr Jamie!  The children have thoroughly enjoyed this rugby introduction.

Mr. Jamie has also worked with all our KS2 classes and has done a wonderful job to promote the game of rugby and the TCIFCU’s youth programmes.  Find out more at the TCIFCU website.  We hope that many of our enthusiastic children take the opportunity to become involved. Click on ‘read more…’ to see photos of the Year Ones in action.
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Our New Tetherball is a Smash Hit!

Our new tetherball has been an instant hit with our Key Stage 2 children.  Click ‘read on’ below to see a movie and some photos of us in action.  Here are some comments the children had to say about the new tetherball…

“It really keeps you active and was really fun”…  “A whole body workout!”…”It was hard to get the ball to the other side” .. “I like the thought of girls versus boys”… “It’s a game of healthy competition and very active”… “Its an anybody’s game.  Anyone can win!”
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Ambulance Visits Provo Primary!

The Junior Kindergarten are learning about community helpers, but when the Turks and Caicos Emergency Medical Service crew came to show them their emergency response vehicles, the sirens alerted the whole school of their presence and every class came out to have a look.

A big thank you to the crew for showing the children the inside of an ambulance and telling them about how some of the equipment is used, and for talking about the responsibilities of being a paramedic.

Click on ‘read more’ to see more photos but do not panic!  Mr. Toby wasn’t really injured.  He was simply volunteering to demonstrate how people are secured to the stretcher.  Two of the children in his class then gave careful instructions on how to raise the stretcher and move him into the ambulance. [Read more…]

Roman Settlement discovered in Provo!

Children in Flamingo Class have been learning about how real historians find out about life in the past. We wondered how is it possible to know how Romans cleaned themselves. Or whether it is actually possible to know what a Roman kitchen looked like? Does anyone really understand how and why people celebrated Roman gods?

As part of our Theme Week activities, parents were invited to join us in undertaking a real archaeological dig, so that we might discover how all this is possible. One morning, we all set about finding evidence of a previously undiscovered Roman settlement right here in Provo!
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When the Farmers met the Paleontologists!

To celebrate theme week, Preschool and Kindergarten got together to share their learning. Preschool  got to explore Kindergarten’s  dinosaur museum, the dinosaur dig fossil sorting centre and play in our dinosaur small world. It was a lot of fun for Kindergarten and Preschool to pair off and for the Kindergarten children to lead the little ones around ‘Dino Land’.  The next day the Preschool children invited the Kindergarten to their room.
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Key Stage 2 Rugby

The children in Years 3-6 have been excited to try their hand at another fantastic sport this half term! We were delighted to offer a course of Rugby ‘taster’ sessions when we received the offer of coaching from the Turks and Caicos Islands Rugby Football Union!

These sessions have focused on the key skills of passing, movement and game-play. Some children, who already participate in the TCIRFU’s clubs, were keen to show off their skills in the sport, while others were excited by the challenge of something new!

We will watch this space and look forward to seeing our students developing a good understanding of another exciting team sport.

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Why were the Dolphins put in the Stocks….?

Friday afternoon in the ‘stocks’ at Ports of Call was very busy.  The Year 3 Dolphins had committed many a crime in their Tudor Life. Cutting purses full of money from the rich.. stealing bread from the bakers in the market place..stealing vegetables and herbs from the farmers fields…pick-pocketing a golden watch from the land owner up the lane…stealing a chicken from their neighbour… What a ghastly lot!

“But we were hungry and poor and could not get work” they howled. All their suffering however was rewarded by a delicious ice-cream treat from the nearby parlour – yummy!

A big thank you to all those parents who participated in the ‘stock experience’.  With the Turks and Caicos thought to be discovered by the Europeans during Tudor times, it was a great way to link our topic to our local environment.

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Year 5’s Secret Writing

Have you ever fancied yourself as a spy? In order to be a proper spy you will need to know how to read and write secret messages.  In this experiment, Year 5 learned how to create them.

In the process they learned that iodine can check for the presence of starch and Vitamin C. In a bowl we mixed one tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of water.  Using this mixture, we took a toothpick and wrote a secret message on a piece of paper.   We waited for our message to dry to see the results.   It was barely visible on the paper.   Then we dipped our paper into an iodine mixture to reveal the secret message.  “Happy Birthday” appeared in dark purple.  It was no longer a secret and a nice surprise for the birthday boy in our class. This proved our theory that iodine reacts with the starch creating a dark purple message.  The white paper also turned a lighter purple, due to the small amount of starch it already contains.

In order to make the message disappear again, we would just add lemon juice.  When lemon juice is painted over top of the writing, the Vitamin C in the juice reacts with the iodine to make a new colourless compound and the writing disappears.

Year 5 have completed their first course in how to become a Spy.   Who says Science has to be boring?

JK’s Fairy Tale Classroom

The Junior Kindergarten have been busy transforming their classroom into a fairy tale / nursery rhymes wonderland.  Creating a variety of role-play areas together, the children have enjoyed visiting these, dressing up in costumes and wearing masks to re-enacted different fairy tales and nursery rhymes with their friends.  The children used old cardboard boxes to create the houses belonging to the three little pigs, decorating them with cut out paper bricks and straw and sticks from the environment.  The house play area has become the house of the three bears and a tent area has been set up for the kittens with mittens.  Everyone also worked together to make a giant castle with the waffle blocks.  Read on to see lots of photos of the children learning as they play during this wonderful cross-curricular topic.

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Football Crazy!

There was great excitement last week as our U11 boys and girls soccer teams participated in the annual TCIFA Schools’ Soccer Tournament with the boys team ultimately winning the championship.

Click here to see us featured on our local TV, WIV Channel 4 and read on to see more photos and details of the games.

We are very proud of all the players.  They demonstrated amazing talent, played well in their teams and displayed an excellent level of positive sportsmanship throughout the competition.  Well done! [Read more…]