Family Skate Night

The goal was ‘a good old family night out’ and around 150 skaters and non-skaters alike agreed that this was successfully achieved, all having great fun at our PTA’s first annual ‘Family Skate Night’.

“It was wonderful to see all ages (ranging in age from 3 to 50+) from Provo Primary and the local community, joining together to party the night away,” commented Haley, one of the organisers.

Many of the older generation found themselves being taken back to the roller-disco times of their youth – although in those days, the skates looked a little different!  A few were even seen holding hands as they circled the rink together!

Well done to an excellent team of parents for putting on this much enjoyed event.  After such success, perhaps we now just need to change the annual bit, to termly – or perhaps add in a parent roller-disco revival night!

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Pyjama Day Storytelling, 2012

As an early celebration of World Book Day, Dress Down Friday became “Pyjama Day” this month as we all donned our finest night attire to raise money for Provo Children’s Home.  As a special treat, we ended the day with story time courtesy of Mr. David Bowen and his drum.  We settled down with our pillows and cuddly toys to hear the story of two boys who found a barrel of delicious coconut water on their way to the well.  They certainly learned their lesson when one of the boys drank too much and made himself very sick indeed!  The moral of the tale? “Be smart and be good!”  The boys in the story definitely had a thing or two to learn on that score!
Mr. David then told us that 1 billion people on the earth don’t have access to clean drinking water.  That’s a seventh of the earth’s population!  Lots of people also have to walk a long way to collect water from a well, just like Mr. David did when he was a child. It’s very hard work as we found out from the song he taught us – “Got a Bucket on my Head – Yes Sir, Yes.”  March is World Water Month, so we’re going to do our bit to be smart and good with the water we use.  Many thanks Mr. David.
“Pig in a pen – my story end…”

Congratulations – 500 today!

Congratulations to all our teachers over the years – this is our 500th blog entry!

We are very proud of our blog and how we have kept adding to it over the past five and half years.  It offers an insight to our school in action, following our children as they progress through the school and highlighting our varied and inspiring activities.  We hope you enjoy seeing all the photos and videos and that you find it helpful in giving you access to all the latest school information.

Growing and Changing in Kindergarten

This week, Kindergarten has investigated how fruits, vegetables and flowers grow.  We have read lots of different storybooks and non-fiction books about growing and changing. We visited the garden of one of the children in the class for an outdoor play and a picnic.  We also got to plant 3 different kinds of seeds and starter plants—bok choy, black beans and pumpkin.  We also got to smell and taste mint and basil.  Thank you to the family for letting us visit their lovely garden!

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PTA’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”

Please join us for Provo Primary’s 1st Annual “Great Family Skate”
Next week – Friday 24th February
5:30-7:00pm @ the Graceway Sports Centre
$10 admission for Sk8’ers / $5 admission for Non-Sk8’ers / Children under 3 free
Raffle Ticket included with purchase!

Kindergarten Journey’s into the Land of the Dinosaurs!

This half term, Kindergarten has enjoyed learning all about dinosaurs. We’ve learnt about how dinosaurs grew from eggs, facts about lots of different dinosaurs (Did you know that dinosaurs that walk on four legs are plant eaters?).  We painted a Harry and his Bucketful of Dinosaurs mural.   In our role play area we created a dinosaur museum and acted as tour guides for the visiting Year 2 class.  As our culminating task, we made junk model dinosaurs!  It was so interesting to see how creative all the children were in picking out their materials for the different body parts, cutting, gluing and taping independently, and then finally, painting their dinosaurs! Please check out the pictures to see how much fun we had learning about dinosaurs and making our 3D dinosaurs. [Read more…]

Una Semana Muy Ocupada – A Very Busy Week

It seems Flamingo Class are very busy people! They’ve been learning how to tell us all about their packed schedules in Spanish classes and have created this wonderful video to show everyone what a multi-talented bunch they are! This half term they have been learning how to use different verbs to talk about their pastimes.  They have linked this together with the days of the week to give us a run down of all the activities in which they are involved. In our classes, the pupils have also learnt how to change verbs to talk about other people and the things they do in their spare time, as well as using verbs in the infinitive to give their opinions about different activities.  In doing this, they have also managed to acquire a few new adjectives to justify their opinions. Pretty amazing stuff! Take a look at the video to see just how much these excellent Spanish speakers manage to fit into their week! “¡Buen trabajo, Flamingo Class!” (Good work, Flamingo Class!)

Preschool Enjoy their Indoor and Outdoor Activities

In the Preschool class, we have thoroughly enjoyed playing in our hospital role-play area, pretending to be doctors, nurses and receptionists and looking after our ‘patients’ and baby dolls with great care.  Our hospital then went on to include a hair salon!

Building and construction have played a big part of classroom life and the children have been busy finding new ways of using our construction toys.  We have also explored the topic ‘On The Farm’, and the children have adored painting and sticking to create farm animals and machinery.  All their art work is making our classroom extremely bright and colourful.

As well as all of these indoor activities, the children have been very busy outside.  Playing with balls on our school soccer field is definitely a firm favourite!

Please read on to see a selection of photos of our Preschool’s enjoying their activities.

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School Lunch Menu

Our school lunch menu form for Monday 20th February – Thursday 29th March, 2012 is now available.
If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image.  Download, complete and return the form, together with payment by Monday 20th February.  Forms are also available in the office.
Please note that we are unable to provide lunches unless payment is made in ADVANCE.

What on Earth is a Talking Text?

This term, in the Flamingo Class, we have been thinking about how we can explain our ideas to someone else. Writing an explanation, it appears, is harder than you’d think!

To help us remember the structure of an explanation text, we have been learning a Talking Text! At first, we thought Mr Toby had gone mad! The talking text didn’t look anything like a book we’d seen before.

This means we all learned to speak our text aloud, before writing anything down! This helped us a lot, as we were able to make sure we included titles, subheadings, full stops, commas and subordinating clauses. All of that without even writing a single word!

This week we have been busy using our talking text to help us write our own explanations, based on our science learning. It was amazing how we were all able to remember our full stops better!

Feel free to drop by Flamingo Class to check out our fantastic writing!

Year 3 Shop till they Drop!

The Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful IGA shopping experience they will never forget. Not only did they get to practise their ‘estimating weight’ skills – “Does this coffee jar really weigh that!” exclaimed Will, they also got the opportunity to do their own shopping. Their generous and trusting parents gave each child a shopping list from which the children had to –
* find the product in the store
* round up the price to the nearest dollar
* estimate the total cost of their shop
* pay for the goods
* and of course check the change!
Some parents wrote some really tricky shopping lists!

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Year 4 Investigate if all 3d Cube Nets make a Cube

In our Year 4 Maths group we discovered that you can make many different net arrangements with six 2d squares, but are they all nets that all fold into a 3d cube?  We decided to investigate this further.  We used square tiles and masking tape to create each net and then tried to fold them up.  We started to find that we were getting better at visualizing the net being folded up and could make pretty accurate predictions about which nets would or wouldn’t make a cube before we tested them.  If you would like to have a go, try our worksheet and test the nets yourself.  We also investigated dice nets.  You can have a go at arranging the numbers on the dice net that we found most challenging here.

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Happy Chinese New Year, January 2012

Monday 23rd January marked the start of the Chinese New Year and the Pelican Class had fun learning about Chinese traditions and that this year is ‘The Year of the Dragon’. We made Chinese moon cakes, a moving dragon picture and had a good go at eating noodles with chop sticks! Read on to see our pictures.
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Year One Green Fingers

The Pelican Class are exploring the Science topic ‘Growing Plants’. We have observed the different types of plants in and around our school environment.  We have looked at the different parts of a plant and can label the roots, the stem, the leaves and the flowers. We have learned that some plants are vegetables and were shocked to find out that when we eat carrots we are actually eating the root of the carrot plant! In order to see this first hand, the children are growing carrot tops and, so far, three out if the four carrot tops have grown strong stems and leaves. We have also monitored and recorded the growth of bean seeds over the past two weeks. Initially, we ‘planted’ the beans in Ziploc bags but had to put them into glass jars after a couple of days because flies and ants seemed to like them a lot! Read on to see our wonderful work on this topic.
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Year 6’s Whoopie-Pie and Other Baked Goodies

Well done to the girls who took the turn to host the Year 6 baked goodie table at our yard sale this morning. There were homemade brownies, Biscotti, cakes and irresistible whoopie pie treats together with fresh coffee and homemade lemonade  to tempt the hungry bargain hunting crowd.  The Year 6 are raising funds for an end of year residential trip and certainly will have made some well earned money this morning, I’m sure.

Thank you to all the children and parents that helped with baking and supporting this venture.  Yum, Yum!

Bargains at the PTA Yard Sale

As the clock struck 9am, a large crowd of eager buyers surged into the school grounds, where an expectant 20 vendors posed ready for the buying rush ahead.  There certainly were bargains galore at today’s PTA Yard Sale, with both sellers and buyers happy with their earned cash and new items to take home.  With household goods and food, to toys and clothes on sale, our Provo Primary School yard sale is always a big hit with our local community.  Look out for our next one later in the year.  Thank you to our PTA volunteers for their work in organising this event.  The money raised will help go towards our PTA Egg Hunt later this term which the children look forward to each year.