Fantastic Scholastic – January 2012

There was great excitement at the end of school today.  Our latest PTA Scholastic book order (totaling 303 books) had arrived and there was a reading buzz in the air as families collected their new books.  Some children were so excited they just couldn’t wait to get started and, finding a place to perch in the playground, they delved into their new books right there and then.

The Scholastic International School Book Club has been a fantastic opportunity to promote and celebrate children’s reading at the school. Every 3 months children can choose and order from a fantastic range of  books from around the world.  As an extra bonus, our school earns 20% of the total order value back in FREE books!  It’s a win, win all around!

Many thanks goes to our PTA volunteers who run this fantastic reading club. Click on to see more photos.

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Year 5 and 6 World War 2 Wonder

The Years 5 and 6 are studying World War Two this term and were lucky enough to have a very special visitor this week, Sven Kirkegaad, a granddad of one of the children, who was just a little boy in Denmark when World War Two was going on.  He told both classes about his experiences of living under German occupation: the rationing of food; the blacking out of lights as British bombers flew overhead and the nice and not so nice soldiers.  Some of the children’s comments were…  “He told us some very interesting stories. ” … “ My favourite story was when he was telling us about the German soldier who came to his door, asking for his father and his mother had to race away on a bicycle to find him.” Listening to a firsthand perspective of war really helped the children understand how different and difficult life could be, as well as informing them about a different country’s experience of war.  Next week, Year 6 are looking forward to making models of ships which were involved in the battle at Dunkirk and possibly even a few famous Spitfires!

Year 5 – Explore Liquids, Solids and Gases

Can you think and act like a scientist? Year Five have proven they are real scientists by discovering some of the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases. Through various experiments, they have started to learn how matter can change physically and chemically.

One of our experiments involved finding the boiling point of liquids. Although most students knew the boiling point of water was 100 oC, they did not realize that other liquids have different boiling points. They were surprised to learn that alcohol‘s boiling point was 78 oC, 22  oC less than water. Both substances reached their boiling point within 2 minutes and once they started to boil their temperatures did not increase, no matter how long we boiled them.
Our second experiment involved a chemical change using vinegar and baking soda. We discovered that when matter changes form in a chemical reaction, it looks, smells and feels different. However, it will still have the same mass.

We will be scientists all term long, look for our next blog on how to create secret writing.

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The Forecast is Fantástico for the Dolphin Class

The Dolphin Class turned into real life weather reporters in Spanish lessons recently.  In connection with their learning on the topic of weather with Miss Mani, they watched real Spanish and Central/Latin American weather reports. Then, they learned how to report the weather in different parts of the world for themselves. 

First, the children chose the continent on which they wanted to focus their report – Europe, North America or Latin America.  Next, they decided which cities they wanted to report on, and learned where they were, in order to make their weather reports slick and professional, just like the real thing.  I think you’ll agree that they did just that when you watch their superb video. Excelente!

Spelling Bee 2012 – Head to Head

This week, two children from Year 5 and 6 went head to head in a mini Spelling Bee to decide who will represent Provo Primary at the upcoming Turks and Caicos National Primary School Spelling Bee in February.  Inviting in Mrs. Robinson, our Government Education Officer, to lead the competition, she followed the protocol of a real Spelling Bee,  giving the two boys some increasingly difficult words to spell.   It was a very close match between the boys, but after 5 rounds a winner was decided, by a few points. Congratulations to both boys who have worked extra hard, learning some very tricky words and a big thank you to their parents for all their support.  The boys should be very proud of their efforts.   We wish our representative (pictured left in the photo) the best of luck in the upcoming Spelling Bee .

Scientific Excavation in Flamingo Class!

We were all surprised to hear that a scientific dig was going to take place in the Flamingo Classroom this week. We were even more surprised to hear that we were going to be the scientists!

In order to understand what happens in a real scientific dig, we were set the task of finding and excavating a collection of objects that were completely buried in sand. We learned how to observe, classify and identify the objects that we uncovered. It took a lot of time, care and patience in order to discover and clean the items. All of them had to be inspected and drawn before we were allowed to move them. It didn’t take long to see that we were dealing with a large collection of bones!

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School Newsletter January, 2012

Click on the image to see the latest School Newsletter. It includes all the dates and information for upcoming events, PTA news and details of our PE Curriculum this term.

Click here to see all of our January Class Newsletters.

Our New Basketball Hoop

We would like to pass on a ‘HUGE’ thank you to parents Ted and Dale for putting up our new school basketball hoop.

The hoop has the ability to go up and down, so all ages can enjoy playing with it positioned at an appropriate height.

It’s a big hit with the children.  So much so, in fact, that the School Council decided to create a timetable to allow all the classes to have their own time on the court. It seems to be working out really well and everyone agrees this is fair.

With basketball included in our PE lessons this term, it’s a great opportunity to put in some extra practice time.  Please remember that our Years 3-6 will be showcasing their basketball skills in a mini tournament at 9 AM on Thursday 29th March at the Sports Centre.  We hope to see you there.
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Year 4 Pop-up Adventure stories

After many weeks of patience and hard work, we have finally completed our pop-up books in Year 4! During the Autumn term, children wrote adventure stories based on our Tudor Explorers topic. We wanted to bring these adventures to life, and so set about creating our very own pop-up books! This design project took longer than we thought, as we worked carefully to make sure each page worked correctly.

We tried to make each page of the book interactive, so that the reader could move something in the story. We learned about how real pop-up books are made, and what kind of tricks they use to make things move.

We also had to learn about how to lay out or page in ICT, so that our writing and front cover looked as professional as the rest of the book. We were pleased to finally combine all elements into a completed book!

We were really happy with our completed books – we hope you enjoy seeing them! Take a look at the video and photos of what we created! [Read more…]

Gymnastics in Kindergarten!

This term, Kindergarten is lucky to be able to use the soccer field, the Sports Centre arena floor, and the upstairs gymnastics equipment room in the Sports Centre for our P.E. lessons.

This week, we had our first gymnastics lesson together with myself and Miss Shara and it was a lot of fun! Gymnastics helps to build physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and balance. The children explored different ways of travelling (such as bunny hops and crab crawls).

New After-School Clubs (16th January to 19th March 2012)

New After-school Clubs are filling fast so download your registration forms and join in the fun!

Choose from ‘Steel Drums’, ‘Soccer’, ‘Computers’, ‘Glee’ and our ‘Bit of Everything’ clubs. We also offer ‘Homework’ clubs for children in Years 3-6.  Find out more about all our clubs by clicking the image on the left.

Children from the community are also most welcome to participate in our club programme so do send a link to any friends that you think might be interested.

Also, let us know if you have a talent or hobby and would like to be a part of our after-school club at the school.

Class Newsletters – January 2012

Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest newsletters.

Happy New Year and Welcome Back

Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world).

‘We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called “Opportunity” and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.’ Edith Lovejoy Pierce.