Successful Super Splash Swimming

Living in an island environment, we feel that confidence in water – and ultimately the ability to swim – is an essential life skill.  This term we have offered a seven week swimming programme to all our Years 1 and 2 children and to four Year 3-6 children who were non-swimmers.

The teachers have been so impressed with the amazing advancements that have been made.   Every single child has moved forward and made great progress in this short time. Water confidence skills have developed, strokes have been improved, dives have been learned and breathing techniques have been mastered. Mermaids, mermen and future Olympic events BEWARE!  See more photos…

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Year 2 Colour Poems

In poetry with Miss Bonnie, our Year 2 children discussed colours and thought about how a colour looked, sounded, felt, smelled and tasted.   Here are a few of the original poems they went on to create…

Pink by Mae

Pink is the colour of my brain that makes me think,

It reminds me of glowing love and peace,

Pink sounds like oinking pigs rolling in mud,

It feels like crawling starfish on my feet,

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Kindergarten Graduation 2011

Kindergarten rules! As an end of the year celebration, the Kindergarten children took part in a special graduation ceremony in front of their family and friends. The children were all dressed up in their best uniform with a special graduation cap, which had their dream job on it. The kids sang You’ve Got a Friend in Me, What a Wonderful World and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, which brought tears and cheers from their families. To end a wonderful and successful year together, the children were presented with a Kindergarten diploma, which they were super excited to get.

Miss Tracy and Mrs. Myrna have had an absolutely fantastic year with all the children and feel previledged to have been their teachers!

What’s all the Racket about at Provo Primary?

The children in KS1 and KS2 have been playing tennis this term at the Graceway Sports Centre Tennis Courts. They have been practising their strokes and developing a range of footwork skills. The children have practised feeding and receiving balls in pairs, rallying with the teacher and other children over our mini nets thus developing their ball control. They have really enjoyed keeping score of how many balls they could hit in one rally! Thank you to the Sports Centre for letting us use their tennis court facilities.  Tennis, along with basketball and volleyball, have been a part of our KS1 ‘Games Activities’ and KS2 ‘Net and Wall Games’ units this term.

“What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind me of?”

The Year 3 children used jeweler’s loupes to look closely at rocks, shells and flowers.  Miss Bonnie asked two questions “What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind you of?” Here are the descriptive poems that Alex, Emilio, Ali and Jamie went on to create…

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“I am” Poetry

Miss Bonnie introduced an ‘I am’ writing frame to our year 4 – 6 children.  Here are some reflective poems written by Rahim, Millie, Amanda and Grace.

I Am Rahim

I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream,

I wonder if the world is ours, free for us to take,
I hear the sounds of achievement ringing in my ears,
I see characters popping out of fantasies and books,
I want to be able to dream away for hours and hours on end,
I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream…

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Year 3’s Mystery Tour of Provo

Ship Ahoy! All aboard for Year 3’s Magical Mystery Pirate Tour of Provo.  Setting sail in search of local treasures, it certainly was an adventure as they discovered hidden caves, historic ruins, delicious local food and modern-day treats.  Captain Mani was pleased to report that none of our Year 3 Pirates were made to ‘Walk the Plank!’  However, there was talk of mutiny amongst some of the motley crew, threatening that if she made them wear their pirate hats and pose for yet another photograph one more time, Captain Mani herself would most definitely have to ‘walk the plank!’  Click on to read Captain Mani’s recount of the mystery tour and to see lots of photos of the pirate’s adventure – and those pirate hats of course!

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Our First Gold Award in ‘Mathletics’

This year at Provo Primary, all children in K-6 have been actively using the online mathematics program, Mathletics.

As the children complete tasks each week at home and at school they earn points, which add up to bronze, silver and gold awards.

Today we had our first Gold Award achiever in the school.  He has certainly been dedicated to improving his Year 4 maths skills, using Mathletics regularly and completing tasks with speed and accuracy.  Congratulations!  Keep up the great work until you gain all the Gold awards and complete the Year 4 curriculum.

With a long summer holiday coming up, we encourage all our children to keep accessing Mathletics at home,  practising your skills and achieving awards.

Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

The teachers would like to pass on a big thank to all the children and parents for supporting Teacher Appreciation Week.

With homemade cards, tasty treats, gifts, flowers, morning coffees, parent meeting snacks, kind messages and supportive emails, we have all felt thoroughly appreciated.

We feel honored to teach such lovely children and we do our very best to provide opportunities which enrich their lives and enhance their learning potential.

Did you know a Squid had a Beak?

Following an introductory lesson on cephalopods with a focus on squid, the Year 4/5 and 6 classes participated in a hands-on squid dissection lesson.

As the dissection progressed, the children were able to identify major external and internal features and organs of a squid and to explain their functions. The children were particularly excited to extract the squid’s beak, its eye lenses and its remnant shell (called a pen).  They then used the pen and some squid ink to write a message!

The children absolutely loved the experience and would like to thank Mrs. Bonnie and Mr Joel for teaching them about cephalopods and for leading the squid dissection.

Click on ‘read more…’ to see some more photos.

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Shiver me Timbers, It’s Father’s Day

To celebrate Fathers’ Day, PreSchool and Junior Kindergarten held a “Pirate Papas” event. Children and dads alike entered into the spirit of the occasion and dressed up in their best pirate outfits. The scene was set for our motley crew as they listened to a story about a pirate boy and his pirate papa.  Next, with a song, the search for booty began as they set off on a hunt around a desert island in search of a hoard of golden nuggets which was rumoured to have been hidden by another band of pirates! Once they were sure every piece of hidden treasure had been found our pirates returned to their ship for a hearty snack. What a great adventure!  Click on to see more photos of the Pirate adventure!

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Provo Primary Steel Band ‘Wipe Out’ at the Fools Regatta

Year 6 White Water Rafting!

Wow – the Year 6 look like they were making a splash while white water rafting on the Chattooga River in North Carolina. Take a look at their faces in the Photos as they paddle the raging torrents and enjoy the breath-taking scenery. It sure looks like it was an exciting ride!

The 2010-11 Yearbook has Arrived

The much awaited new 2010-2011 yearbook has arrived and here are some of the parents eagerly flicking through the pages, at 5 minutes to 3, just before the children come out of class wanting to take their peek.

They say “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so this yearbook must be worth millions! Each photo encapsulates life at Provo Primary School and showcases the many and varied educational opportunities that our children have experienced over the year. Whether it is a snapshot of a child’s learning, a significant school event or simply friends sharing happy times together, each photo captures that one moment in time and tells a story all by itself.

This is our  7th edition of the school yearbook, which is created by the hard work and dedication of Krys Mann who collects and takes photos throughout the year.  With these, she produces this special book that allows us to look back and reminiscence about all of our wonderful memories.  Thank you so much, Krys!

Year 6 Climbing to New Heights in NE Georgia

Year 6 class are in the mountains of NE Georgia, USA this week for their end of year field trip.

It is a real outdoor adventure, full of activities, include white water rafting, a trip to Cherokee to learn about the Native American Indians, Gold mining and a range of climbing and hiking activities.

What a great way to celebrate the culmination of their primary education here at Provo Primary.

We look forward to hearing all about their adventures, next week on their return, but in the meantime you can see what they are up to by visiting this Photo Gallery.

It’s Banana Time!

Excitement filled the air today as we cut off our banana stem.  With some bananas already starting to turn yellow, it was time to bring them inside for their final ripening.

The biggest surprise, however, wasn’t the great weight of the banana stem or the number of bananas in total – it was the frog that jumped out and scared us all when we took it inside.  It was a Cuban Tree Frog whose pale green skin matched perfectly to camouflage him among the bananas!  Sorry froggie, you’ll have to find a new home now.

As the bananas ripen we will share them out with all of the classes. To celebrate our first harvest, each class has been given the challenge to create a special banana dish.   I do hope I get to try all the delicious recipes on the Provo Primary Banana Menu!

Showcasing Creative Talent in the Arts

This past week has been jam packed with wonderful performances in the arts.  Children throughout the school, from 5 to 12, have showcased their creativity and talent in Dancescapes 2011, the TCI Chorale music concert and the Celestial Music Studio Spring Piano Recital.

Well done and congratulations everyone,  What an array of talent – you were all fantastic!  I’m sure that other children in the school will be inspired by your achievements and will perhaps follow in your footsteps.